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Unranked needs the Ranked rewards


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11 minutes ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

How quickly do you think Ranked would collapse if it was just full of people queuedodging each other to get badges while everyone else who doesn't care just plays unrnaked.

I say 1 month

Then I feel like the reward system and method of ranking people needs to shift towards individual performance. The goal should be to incentivize people to join and continue playing the PvP mode. The population itself is already dwindling, so much so that you're meeting the same players game after game. New players are easily frustrated and are usually better off seeking rewards elsewhere.

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1 minute ago, Melumi.6432 said:

Then I feel like the reward system and method of ranking people needs to shift towards individual performance. The goal should be to incentivize people to join and continue playing the PvP mode. The population itself is already dwindling, so much so that you're meeting the same players game after game. New players are easily frustrated and are usually better off seeking rewards elsewhere.

I'm with ya, I'm with ya~

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1 hour ago, Endorphin.9147 said:

Surely that wont get abused by ftp bots. Surely...

Abuse is clearly not a problem is this game mode, maybe if you mess up with economy and that reaches pve hero, but just maybe

We had bots for almost 2 years playing 2k ish matches every season and nothing was done, i kept track of 40 bots at its peak

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