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Second Coalescence?

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Either option would be great. PvP is already non-stop nails on the chalk board for over 4 hours when we only have to get one Gift of Battle per legendary, but being stuck in there for literally months to get all the currencies is worse than waterboarding. And they apparently think that that's a good idea to force everyone to do it in a game that is supposed to be fun. It's about time they stopped torturing paying customers for absolutely no reason.

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3 hours ago, firedragon.8953 said:

I'd rather they add an open-world achievement PvE ring that "completes" the animation of the other PvE leggies and changes it from a cosmos chandelier to an updated aura and weapon draw effect or something. Maybe the next expansion?

This would be great, but it also requires more work than just adding an already existing item to a vendor. I would be absolutely fine with either solution.

Edited by Neiara.9362
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I don't understand the logic of saying an update or new content shouldn't be done without changing something else, they're not mutually exclusive. Why would Conflux need changing because players can get a second Coalescence? If it requires a separate update because something doesn't work well then sure but I don't see the relevance to stopping updates to other parts of the game for that.

A second way to get a ring that isn't WvW only would be great, making Coalescence non-unique and with another precurosr source to bring it in line with Conflux is a good quickfix. The addition of other sources like Open World, Strikes, Fractals would be nice but understandable that it requires a lot more work while they still work on Legendary Relic.

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It would make more sense to add it as open world leggy ring.

10 hours ago, Sindust.7059 said:

... but being stuck in there for literally months to get all the currencies is worse than waterboarding. And they apparently think that that's a good idea to force everyone to do it in a game that is supposed to be fun. It's about time they stopped torturing paying customers for absolutely no reason.

What do you mean by "literally months"? You do have cap for easy WvW skirmish claim tickets. For conflux you need 1850 skirmish tickets and each week you can get 90+365 skirmish tickets so to get enough tickets for 1 conflux is 4 or 5 weeks. For Coalescence you need 150 LI and you can get 32 LI per week as hard cap so 5 weeks.

Getting Coalescence actually take longer than getting Conflux.

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1 hour ago, TheNurgle.4825 said:

4 or 5 weeks

How long is a month? 🤡

Also, to cap it, you have to spend about 20h/week on it. Do you actually expect a PvE player to tolerate this amount of torture for a month? Realistically, this will take at least half a year if the game is supposed to still be fun and not a CIA black site simulator.

1 hour ago, TheNurgle.4825 said:

For Coalescence you need 150 LI and you can get 32 LI per week as hard cap so 5 weeks.

But in PvE people aren't actively trying to ruin your day. And when you manage to avoid the griefers and gankers, the gameplay is more interesting than AoEing 5 mobs every 10 minutes to keep the ticks going. You're comparing a month of fun group activities you'd be doing anyway with a month of waterboarding.

And no, even if you try to flip it because you are into S&M, this is not equivalent, because PvPers can get 2 rings engaging in the activities they like, and PvEers cannot.

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14 hours ago, firedragon.8953 said:

I'd rather they add an open-world achievement PvE ring that "completes" the animation of the other PvE leggies and changes it from a cosmos chandelier to an updated aura and weapon draw effect or something. Maybe the next expansion?

They could always just make the balls not touch. Dunno why 2 Conflux doesn't just upgrade them to left/right.

The trinket effects get old over time anyways though and I eventually toggled them all off. Wish I could toggle others' off too.

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1 hour ago, TheNurgle.4825 said:

Sorry but 4 or 5 weeks are not "literally months" as written above. If you do not know 1 month have around 4 weeks in it. Month is singular word and if you add "s" at the end it is plural so it is use when you describe 2 or more months.


17 hours ago, Sindust.7059 said:

Also, to cap it, you have to spend about 20h/week on it. Do you actually expect a PvE player to tolerate this amount of torture for a month? Realistically, this will take at least half a year

Maybe read the whole comment instead of cherry picking?

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