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Necro staff marks unblockable too much of an advantage?


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On 11/18/2023 at 7:14 PM, arazoth.7290 said:

What also could be 🤷

Remove soul reaping unblockable trait on staff for marks. => staff skill 3 + 5 get unblockable baked in it by default which generates also some lifeforce.


•Staff skill 2 mark of blood: 

Each enemy target who triggers it gets currently 2 bleed stacks and regen boon to allies in radius.

Add ontop this, each enemy (max 5) who triggers the mark gets a 1 second pulsing 240 radius aoe around himself. This pulsing effect gives 1 stack of bleed to enemies in that radius and regen boon to allies.


•Staff skill 3 mark of chillblains: 

Each enemy target who triggers it gets currently 2 poison stacks and chilled condi.

Add ontop this, each enemy (max 5) who triggers the mark gets a 1 second pulsing 240 radius aoe around himself. This pulsing effect gives 1 stack of poison to enemies in that radius + another blast combo finisher it in the already existing poison field.

To point back on what I said earlier.

I think an easy solution like this, might fix the amount of conditions applied to enemies for condition builds in overall content. And not everything unblockable anymore, only the one needed for some survival.

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On 11/17/2023 at 5:21 PM, Swagg.9236 said:

Reason why necro marks are stupid in order of precedence:


  • The "mark" """skill type""" has no synergy with anything; skill types in general across the whole game have no real purpose beyond service as parasitic game elements that require one-dimensional, passive buffs in order to be "viable" (bad fundamental design; no changes to gameplay aside from "bigger number/freebie bonus," and this design directly impedes interactive engagement between players in combat)


  • Necro has a trait to make marks unblockable; nobody can tell if a necro has the trait equipped or not despite how an entire weapon set magically gaining the "unblockable" effect is completely game-changing
  • The mark skills all have single-strike effects with no lingering field presence, and then they also have comparatively super-long cooldowns.  I understand that GW2 is full of this "design," but that doesn't make it good; in fact, it leads to the absolute hot garbuglio section:


  • To counteract the fact that necro staff is 5 buttons with single-hit effects with comparatively (oppressively) long recharge times, their damage and effect numbers got buffed into the stratosphere instead of redesigned into something better because it's GW2 lmao
  • 1200 range + 240 radius AoE strikes = targets can take damage while the user is off-screen
  • Even if a player sees a necro casting marks, there is no way to tell which mark the necro is casting because EVERY SINGLE MARK has an identical cast-time and user animation
  • Even if a player sees a necro approaching with a staff out, there is more or less no way to mitigate the marks without burning dodges or cooldown resources because the necro has an effective 1440 range (which will outrange everyone easily aside from maybe teleport spamming ranged attackers or ranger longbow; therefore, things devolve into a build vs build issue rather than reliance on skill, positioning and gamesense).

Everyone is still going to get super fanny flustered about this comment because "necro isn't metaaaaa" or something.  It doesn't have to be "meta" to be designed like absolute trash; and bad designs can very easily receive buffs until they will somewhat consistently get cheap, easy kills against a suite of builds.

On the topic of not knowing if skills are unblockable... there's that ele trait that makes their burns not blockable... it'd be real nice to know that was the case.   Maybe it is and the indicate it somehow?

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13 hours ago, shion.2084 said:

On the topic of not knowing if skills are unblockable... there's that ele trait that makes their burns not blockable... it'd be real nice to know that was the case.   Maybe it is and the indicate it somehow?

None of this would be that big of an issue if the game just committed to the dodge mechanic as the singular means of mitigating damage instead of giving everyone a baseline of 2 dodges and covering the massive gaps in defensives by passively baking in more "dodges" into everyone's attacks.

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