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i seek equality


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Equality is not an obtainable thing, not without sacrificing uniqueness. The same drive that you feel right now toward Spector, was the same exact drive that people felt toward to ele (and insert long list of build X class Y before that). And this drive to have “someone else nerfed” is a merry go round, that will eventually be your turn to pay the toll.

Everyone ends up paying, nothing changes and you swing on the merry go round again…again and again till all you have is a bunch of boring, non-functional builds. There’s basically no point in having this mindset so try and look at the bigger picture.

Edited by JusticeRetroHunter.7684
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20 hours ago, Khalisto.5780 said:

i hope thief scepter gets the same treatment as ele's have

So I guess you just want scepter thief got shaved, again ? Try again, it already has been nerfed, and severals times, with the entiere spec btw.

Believe me or not, in Spvp ranked, specter is by far the less playable spec of all thief (not in MAT tho it's still extremly good with a proper team).
Specter got his shrould nerfed to the oblivion, got his scepter beam 3 condition duration shaved as well, same for his condi cleanse, and his heal.
Specter condi in spvp is a pushing ball, it get annihilated by every competents players that know how to cleanse and know how to properly do damage.
Specter thief get rekted by all high mobility dps class, hard countered by support with good cleanses and every class playing antitoxin relic.

It's basicly a slow punshing ball.

Specter is a roamer btw, his role is to +1, 2v2 3v3, he's not a duelist and not a sidenoder. So Daredevil and sniper (in ranked, again, not MAT) have way way more impact and does the job better than a specter in my opinion. It's still strong don't get me wrong, but drd and sniper are simply better in that scenario.

Just wonder why you don't see any specter in ranked, or not that much ? Because every thiefs just prefer go to drd or sniper.

Sniper eats specter for breakfast any day any times. Drd as well.

But I guess you're playing elem right ? Yeah specter thief can bully pretty hard elem, but still, it doesn't deserve a nerf, not again. My dude please leave this spec alone, specter got ONLY nerfs and nerf since his release, and absolutly nothing to compensate.

And don't even talk to me about scepter on other thiefs spec, it's just completly useless.

You seek equality, lul, elem scepter nerf was DESERVED! Elem had the most brocken, absurdly over cheated build that I've ever seen in 10years because of scepter rework. Now it's fine, but don't even talk about equality bro, elem was sur cheated, S+++++++++++++++ over god tier spec with this weapon, his nerf was deserved.

Edited by whooot.5784
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8 hours ago, whooot.5784 said:

So I guess you just want scepter thief got shaved, again ? Try again, it already has been nerfed, and severals times, with the entiere spec btw.

Believe me or not, in Spvp ranked, specter is by far the less playable spec of all thief (not in MAT tho it's still extremly good with a proper team).
Specter got his shrould nerfed to the oblivion, got his scepter beam 3 condition duration shaved as well, same for his condi cleanse, and his heal.
Specter condi in spvp is a pushing ball, it get annihilated by every competents players that know how to cleanse and know how to properly do damage.
Specter thief get rekted by all high mobility dps class, hard countered by support with good cleanses and every class playing antitoxin relic.

It's basicly a slow punshing ball.

Specter is a roamer btw, his role is to +1, 2v2 3v3, he's not a duelist and not a sidenoder. So Daredevil and sniper (in ranked, again, not MAT) have way way more impact and does the job better than a specter in my opinion. It's still strong don't get me wrong, but drd and sniper are simply better in that scenario.

Just wonder why you don't see any specter in ranked, or not that much ? Because every thiefs just prefer go to drd or sniper.

Sniper eats specter for breakfast any day any times. Drd as well.

But I guess you're playing elem right ? Yeah specter thief can bully pretty hard elem, but still, it doesn't deserve a nerf, not again. My dude please leave this spec alone, specter got ONLY nerfs and nerf since his release, and absolutly nothing to compensate.

And don't even talk to me about scepter on other thiefs spec, it's just completly useless.

You seek equality, lul, elem scepter nerf was DESERVED! Elem had the most brocken, absurdly over cheated build that I've ever seen in 10years because of scepter rework. Now it's fine, but don't even talk about equality bro, elem was sur cheated, S+++++++++++++++ over god tier spec with this weapon, his nerf was deserved.

Well deserved will be also specter scepter nerf and I can't kittening wait for that!

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On 11/20/2023 at 7:33 AM, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

Equality is not an obtainable thing, not without sacrificing uniqueness. The same drive that you feel right now toward Spector, was the same exact drive that people felt toward to ele (and insert long list of build X class Y before that). And this drive to have “someone else nerfed” is a merry go round, that will eventually be your turn to pay the toll.

Everyone ends up paying, nothing changes and you swing on the merry go round again…again and again till all you have is a bunch of boring, non-functional builds. There’s basically no point in having this mindset so try and look at the bigger picture.

Bro this. And further - match ups are not all supposed to be equal. I say this a lot - but people want to comfortably engage every profession they come across on their main. Thats not how pvp works. Some classes should hard counter you, and some you will hard counter. This is a form of balance and how pvp games that are not chess or FPS games have always functioned. In the more recent past even FPS games have this kind of balance. Think Apex/Overwatch instead of counter strike. 

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On 11/22/2023 at 1:07 PM, jdawgie.1835 said:

Bro this. And further - match ups are not all supposed to be equal. I say this a lot - but people want to comfortably engage every profession they come across on their main. Thats not how pvp works. Some classes should hard counter you, and some you will hard counter. This is a form of balance and how pvp games that are not chess or FPS games have always functioned. In the more recent past even FPS games have this kind of balance. Think Apex/Overwatch instead of counter strike. 

It's not that people want to be comfy, it's the fact they think they are entitled to win every fight, without their egos getting hurt.

I took a hammer mech, into ranked, killed someone someone playing copy/pasta willbender and the rage whispers came flooding in.

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