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all power weapon suck, and power warrior has no place in pvp


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new eternal champion berserker is actually very fun play style, but unplayable in power, carried by condi weapons..

longbow is a versatile weapon, rifle is not, rifle is too one-dimensional..

greatsword is versatile but clunky and slow and unstable

all power off hand are bad, does not have a good supporting mh weapon to allow their gameplay

mh axe is also too one-dimensional.

there's no synergy between mh and oh weapons

so is hammer, all it does is cc, no sustain ability, one trick damage on 2, cc spam is also very toxic and unfun gameplay.

berserker mace does burst condi damage, can block, can cc, also has a little bit a mobility..core mace goes back to one-dimensional weapon again....

heightened focus has potential, but it's very unreliable, also it does not reset dragon trigger...

the game simply doesn't support one dimensional gameplay

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Are you tackling this from a fun or viability standpoint? Or both?

Personally speaking, I like hammer and find it has good use in pvp as team fight weapon.

It's all about big aoe cc, and that's what I enjoy about it; it's the hammer identity. The cc that it has acts as its sustain in the sense that you aren't being damaged by a cc'ed enemy. Can't tell if you don't like the one trick 2 damage because of its fun or viability, but in either case, I find one hit big damage bonk to be very satisfying as it brings most glass to one tap territory where just a couple auto swings will bring them down or more meaty builds to half-ish health enough to make them panic. cc spam is fun to play unfun to play against when you have 0 stab or good stun breaks which would easily counter it. 


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Strength/Defense/Arms Core Warrior with Valkyrie amulet is surprisingly effective. Not only you have an abundance of health, but you also have a very high crit chance thanks to traits in Arms that pretty much negates the lack of precision. If you need that extra "tankiness", you can also run Body Blow (which makes enemies hit you like a wet noodle) and Might Makes Right (which heals you and gives you more endurance to dodge things with). If you want to be really annoying, consider running traits in Defense that deals with conditions as well.

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23 hours ago, iiorr.3945 said:

Are you tackling this from a fun or viability standpoint? Or both?

Personally speaking, I like hammer and find it has good use in pvp as team fight weapon.

It's all about big aoe cc, and that's what I enjoy about it; it's the hammer identity. The cc that it has acts as its sustain in the sense that you aren't being damaged by a cc'ed enemy. Can't tell if you don't like the one trick 2 damage because of its fun or viability, but in either case, I find one hit big damage bonk to be very satisfying as it brings most glass to one tap territory where just a couple auto swings will bring them down or more meaty builds to half-ish health enough to make them panic. cc spam is fun to play unfun to play against when you have 0 stab or good stun breaks which would easily counter it. 


i'm plat, but can also speak from high gold.

just dance outside of 130 melee range, and hammer will only have one skill that does anything which is earth shaker, and nothing else will hit you(you can easily face tank 3), you just run opposite of hammer war, and he will never hit you outside of that one telegraphed skill and he basically becomes a free damage sponge and just save whatever defensive when he swap to whatever else weapon he has..

specially with huge cast times, basically every single time you cast a skill, it's a huge counter window for enemy to land a huge combo on you, some high burst spec can take like 60% of your hp in one hammer cast..or you can just place any aoe or cc inbetween you and the hammer warrior, it's 90% guarantee the first skill he uses when swap to hammer is earth shaker because like mentioned above, else he won't be able to do anything but become damage sponge, he might use 3, but you can tank that kitten np, as long as you dodge earth shaker..a single dodge will get you out of 130 melee range to nullify 4/6 of it's skills

hammer is so one dimensionaled to a point, you don't need interactive gameplay, as long as you know what it does, it's already 2x easier to fight, at least for greatsword, you still have to be reactive even in range, he can use 3/4/5, 3 is not counterable, 5 is counterable, 4 is poke, hammer every single cast is a counter window and the skill pattern is basically fixed, you can look at 4/5 to be literally the same skill

Edited by Lighter.5631
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On 12/3/2023 at 6:16 PM, iiorr.3945 said:

cc spam is.... unfun to play against when you have 0 stab or good stun breaks which would easily counter it. 

That's like a basic build check though. Stab and stunbreaking aren't a commodity you add to your build as a treat. You need those to deal with any competent player that won't fall over to whatever nuke build you're running immediately.


The cc that it has acts as its sustain in the sense that you aren't being damaged by a cc'ed enemy.

Until they stunbreak, or you miss. Then you are the one getting farmed, because your sustain relies on you stopping your opponent from doing anything, and 90% of the builds run today can do something worrying to your HP from outside of the range where they might get bonked by a hammer. (Also some classes can attack you while cced)

17 hours ago, Lighter.5631 said:

hammer is so one dimensionaled to a point, you don't need interactive gameplay, as long as you know what it does

This post is right. People like to glorify the effectiveness of a hammer warrior descending on them when they've already spent all their utilities and werent aware enough of the situation to leave the teamfight, but it's not anything special in any matchup where it isn't cleaning up a fight that has already started. You don't have to anticipate instant skills or count blocks on hammer. stay out of 130 range, if they leap, dodge or block. if you get cced, stunbreak before they press 2 and their burst is cancelled, because it only hits like a truck vs disabled enemies. If you aren't chickenhearted you can even stay cced until you see the animation for hammer 2 coming, because any other skill they hit you with on hammer will waste it, since you're already cced/cc does no damage/all their damage comes from landing hammer 2.


mh axe is also too one-dimensional.

This post is also right but at least it has the lingering aura of a developer's self respect that realized "if something gets hit by this skill the warrior should get to cast it again" on berserker. Core and SB though? kekw why does it do 4k glass at T3, I get sneezed on for 4k by things that come out three times as fast. The devs balanced this for people that couldn't dodge then forgot to buff it again when the other classes got big-boy damage.


On 12/3/2023 at 11:33 PM, NeverLoseGuy.3894 said:

Strength/Defense/Arms Core Warrior with Valkyrie amulet is surprisingly effective. 

Which weapon set are you running that you can hold for 10 seconds without immolating, cause I have found none that fit that. 

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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3 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

yeah but the guy said core strength, arms, defense, so he's-


wait. I can just do it with discipline.

Discipline doesn't work if you plan to use Valkyrie amulet, as you will need Arms to fill all that lack of precision, granted the idea itself isn't necessarily the most practical, and you may be better off using Marauder amulet with the aforementioned setup.

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On 12/6/2023 at 2:59 AM, NeverLoseGuy.3894 said:

Discipline doesn't work if you plan to use Valkyrie amulet, as you will need Arms to fill all that lack of precision, granted the idea itself isn't necessarily the most practical, and you may be better off using Marauder amulet with the aforementioned setup.

you will explode if you hold hammer any longer than 5 seconds because that's basically after you used up all the skills.

the closer you are to plat game, the faster you explode, at one point you will explode instantly

Edited by Lighter.5631
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Dual axe is the only combo I've found that makes any sense. Even though it's basically just for the derpy and easily interrupted spin 5, at least it feels synergistic as a composition and has some throughput.

If sword mh was actually power it might be okay. I think the fact that it does split damage makes it feel weirdly incomplete. I only like it because it has a leap and a tiny bit of cripple, since nothing else has cripple to allow you to stay on target. Out of all of the utility skills, none of them have cripple, which is nuts to me for a warrior who is entirely dependent on time on target to do damage. I cannot use mace for this reason. The mace burst skill whiffs every time.

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