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Remove rewards on losses unless the losing team is within 100pts of the winning team

Last Crab.6054

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Don't encourage AFKs, encourage trying until the end, because you never know what can happen in the game.

BUT, the free loot needs to be removed.

Reward effort, sure, but real effort, not just entering a match.

No rewards for the losing team UNLESS the losing team is within 100pts of the winning team.


EDIT: If the matchmaker puts together a close match, the score should be close...otherwise, wtf is the point of rating?


Edited by Last Crab.6054
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This is absolutely the right way of thinking, for those that've played thousands(or tens of) pvp matches you know very well you could be down 300 points and still win, sometimes by the most satisfying sliver of points, and yes there is way to many rewards for nothing at all, great post.

I'd also add another suggestion on the other side of this, if a game is terrible, which 7/10 games are, especially because of the terrible matchmaker, give the players the option to gg the game, just like the check is for readying up, leave this option open if the score is for example 200 - 0 or whatever the idea, it's just infuriating and a total waste of time waiting for a bad game to end.

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Would be a point worth considering if the population was big enough for the matchmaker to work properly. Otherwise anyone can be at the receiving end of this without any fault of their own. I've played my first placement match yesterday and we absolutely stomped the enemy team with like 501 : 73.
I know at least one of the opponents is a pretty good player tho, wouldn't really sit right to me punishing him for not being able to carry 4 people's kitten. The rewards are less than winning anyway and I'm not opposed to having participation rewards in an mmo. Honestly, I'd just make all rewards available to Unranked too (other than leaderboard titles for obvious reasons) so people who are only in for loot can stay out of ranked and not bother "more competitive minded players".

8 hours ago, Last Crab.6054 said:

otherwise, wtf is the point of rating?

Nothing. Rating has lost its meaning a long time ago.
Without personal performance taken into account and everyone getting matched together/against each other ranging from gold 1 to plat 3, there's virtually no competition at all. I think personal performance, while always nice, is likely not mandatory if enough players are present so both competing teams are always at a comparable skill rating. But in the current environment these systems don't work as intended anymore.

Unless Anet gives PvP some direly needed attention it will only get worse. Have been saying this for years now and so far I'm proven right continuously as sPvP has been on a rather steady decline since idk, at least 5 years now, likely longer (I'd actually say since HoT but there have been some pretty decent times occasionally in between).
We need more content/variety and systems in place to prevent afk players and flaming/ping spaming as it is not productive in any way and drives away new players like crazy. Until pvp can attract more players and the population grows again, sPvP is fubar.
Anet needs to change some pieces of the foundation and treat some of the core issues, not just some symptoms of now failing systems. Otherwise it will never regrow.

Edited by DoomNexus.5324
typo, phrasing
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10 hours ago, Endorphin.9147 said:

This would influence wintrading even more.  Queue sync alts to get in your games.. If any are on your team afk and you dont lose pts. If any are against you afks and you win pts. 

I dont think this is a good idea

Brother, win trading doesn't exist. Unfortunately they need to implement this. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 12/7/2023 at 4:25 AM, Last Crab.6054 said:

Don't encourage AFKs, encourage trying until the end, because you never know what can happen in the game.

BUT, the free loot needs to be removed.

Reward effort, sure, but real effort, not just entering a match.

No rewards for the losing team UNLESS the losing team is within 100pts of the winning team.


EDIT: If the matchmaker puts together a close match, the score should be close...otherwise, wtf is the point of rating?


This will just lead to hell alot more wintrades in ranked, and this is the main issue. Then you have bots, then you have people that simply dont wanna try playing the game mode and just intentionally ruining the match with odd behaviour types, blaming it on a guy just to inflate arguing and on the first sharper word they put reports to that guy to get banned, casual trolling. You might be the main horse power doing 60% of the entire team kills and 70% of the entire team damage and still to be blamed for not being good enough and being the main reason for the loss. The mentality of some of the players that join spvp is just awful, the exact same attitude I see in fractals, but usually there people are alot more straightforward and simply put the requirement in the chat that you should be carrying the entire team on your shoulders no matter what and regardless of how bad the people perform, you must single handedly kill the entire fractal solo.

I love very much doing both modes, but sometimes its really hard to enjoy playing them and truly enjoying the game.

Edited by Monarch.7241
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