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Remove the blue'ish outline around players in screenshot mode - ty


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When I take group photos (like today in the PoF story), I often have at least one player with an outline around his frame. Sometimes I can get rid of it by moving the camera a bit, but today that didn't work.

Whatever reason there is for something like this, I think in "screenshot mode" (when you disable the GUI = ctrl +h) it's not necessary. It kind of ruins some of my screenshots with other players.

Example:  https://i.postimg.cc/DwkqLbsF/gw248.jpg (the Asura)

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It'll be because your mouse is still highlighting selectable characters even with no UI visible. Moving your mouse around can also help. Agree it would probably be better if it was also removed along with the other UI elements as I don't know why you'd want to select something with UI hidden, as you can't see the selection anyway.

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Setting "postprocessing" to "low" or "none" gets rid of character outlines  - but also affects other graphic settings. Personally i prefer how the game looks with "low" postprocessing anyway (less bright and glowy), but ofc that's subjective, so you'll have to test, if it's a suitable option for your screenshots.

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2 hours ago, Remus Darkblight.1673 said:

It'll be because your mouse is still highlighting selectable characters even with no UI visible. Moving your mouse around can also help. Agree it would probably be better if it was also removed along with the other UI elements as I don't know why you'd want to select something with UI hidden, as you can't see the selection anyway.

Had nothing to do with selection or mouse pointer.


image with ui and mouse pointer in the left upper corner: https://i.postimg.cc/gjnGHjPy/gw155.jpg
same but without the ui: https://i.postimg.cc/sXfj1K6N/gw191.jpg (spoiler: outline still there)
same but with mouse pointer on the character: https://i.postimg.cc/cJS4GdQZ/gw211.jpg (character get highlighted)
image with the character selected: https://i.postimg.cc/xCs0mHBT/gw212.jpg (surprisingly the outline disappeared)
image with post-processing disabled: https://i.postimg.cc/SKfQyHr9/gw216.jpg (wow, everything looks better... less over saturated)

Edited by Lucy.3728
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14 minutes ago, Lucy.3728 said:

Had nothing to do with selection or mouse pointer.

That's what the outline is though, it's showing you which target is selected. It might not be one you've deliberately selected, if you haven't selected anything else it can default to whatever the mouse is over or the camera is pointing at. That can be useful in combat, so you can fire off skills without manually selecting a target first, but it also means you can end up unintentionally having someone highlighted when you don't want it.

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