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ANET can you please add class NPCs to the Special Forces Training Arena?

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Profession NPCs as an option alongside the golems would be great so that we can test builds and playstyles on targets that can move independently, fight back, use abilities, able to be CC'd around, ect all in an adjustable, private area.

Currently, I go to the PvP lobby to test in a consistent environment and the issue comes from other players all trying to test, interfere, troll, ect with the NPCs. Even accidently or unintentionally interfering because everything is so close together and there is no solo area for this.

Many times especially recently we've had to deal with trolls dragging the NPC's off platform and out of attack range so they can't be tested on at all:


Having the class NPCs in a private instance with settings and controls on the test would be perfect. Please consider this update thank you.

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I would like that. Enemies that can put a little fight. You could set their hp and condis like golem's and since I main thief, I would love to be able to pick their stolen skill. Plus it would be nice to be able to spawn some basic friendly npc's that You could share poisons with. ^^

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I'd like that. I never use the training area currently because when I'm making my own builds I'm not interested in hypothetical benchmarks against a target that never moves or reacts, I want to know how the build will perform in a real fight. Of course there are still limitations to the the training area and the only way to get a real test is to actually use it in the field, but targets that can move and use their own abilities would still be a vast improvement over a static target.

15 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

You'd also need some kind of "mode switch" there because pve values or even efects are different from pvp ones.

I think the OP is wanting to test PvE builds and only using the PvP lobby because it's the only option available. A lot of players do that for the same reason - for example it's often used to try out elite specs to decide which one to use, I think most people are aware that it won't be entirely accurate to PvE, but it can at least give you an idea of how things work and currently there's no PvE equivalent.

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2 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

I think the OP is wanting to test PvE builds and only using the PvP lobby because it's the only option available. A lot of players do that for the same reason - for example it's often used to try out elite specs to decide which one to use, I think most people are aware that it won't be entirely accurate to PvE, but it can at least give you an idea of how things work and currently there's no PvE equivalent.

Oh, in that case can't he just do that on mobs? Pick some hydra, giant, bounty, champion, dungeon or fractal of chosen tier and test a build.

I'm still fine with adding things like that in training area, I'd just say that imo testing pve builds on pvp npcs isn't the best idea currently available.

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