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Simple changes can make the warrior great again.


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How about simple and easy changes, such as warriors being masters of weapons and melee combat?  How about making that a reality in the game by increasing versatility in their skills?


Shield Bash:

  • Block attacks while the charge lasts. (add)
  • Range: 600.

Shield Instance:

  • Second stage, "My Turn." (add)

My Turn:

  • Blocks the next attack, counterattacks by Knockback the enemy with the shield and leaving them vulnerable.
  • Unblockable
  • Knockback : 130.
  • Unblockable duration: 2 seconds.
  • 100% critical hit chance: 2 seconds.
  • Number of targets: 3.



  • Trade quickness for three stacks of might.
  • Second stage, "Charge Leader." (add)

Charge Leader:

  • Self-resistance: 3 seconds.
  • Self-super speed: 2 seconds.


Flame Breaker:

  • Blindness: 6 seconds. (add)

War Flames:

  • Apply fear when the field expires and explodes. (add)
  • Fear: 2 seconds. (add)
  • Number of targets: 5.


Hundred Blades:

  • Taunt: 1 second. (add)
  • Cripple: 3 seconds. (add)


  • Second stage, "Second Wind." (add)

Second Wind:

  • Super speed: 2 seconds.
  • Resistance: 3 seconds.


Hammer Bash:

  • Blindness: 2 seconds. (add)

Hammer Smash:

  • Weakness: 3 seconds. (add)

Hammer Shock:

  • Knockdown enemies within range: 130. (add)
  • Knockdown: 130. (add)
  • Knockdown: 01 second. (add)

Staggering Blow:

  • Knockback : 130.
  • Second stage, "Stand and Fight." (add)

Stand and Fight:

  • Mocks fallen enemies to make them fight like true warriors.
  • Range: 250.
  • Taunt: 2 seconds.
  • Disabled enemies taunt: 3 seconds.


Throw Axe:

  • Swiftness upon hitting the target. (add)
  • Swiftness : 5 seconds. (add)



  • Grants super speed when you knock down an enemy. (add)
  • Super speed: 2 seconds. (add)



  • Knockback nearby enemies. (add)
  • Knockback: 130. (add)
  • Range: 130. (add)

"To the Limit!":

  • Activation time: instant.

Defiant Stance:

  • Taunt: 3 seconds. (add)
  • Range: 250. (add)


  • The warrior receives a benefit that works similarly to the banner; they don't need to be close to the banner. (add)
  • Banners have a condition application interval on enemies according to the benefit/condition conversion table based on the banner. (add)

Physical Skills


  • Knockback: 130.


  • Initial resistance: 1 second. (add)
  • Resistance on hit: 1 second per target. (add)
  • Launch is replaced by Knockback.
  • Knockback: 130.



  • Cooldown: 30 seconds.

Utility Skill

Endure Pain:

  • You don't take damage. You are still susceptible to conditions and control effects.

Downed State


  • If you fail to recover, you gain an additional 10 seconds of duration. If you finish off another enemy and still can't recover, you receive an extra five seconds of duration. (add)
  • Percentage: 50%.



  • Resistance: 3 seconds (add)

Wild Blow:

  • Knockdown is replaced by Launch
  • Launch: 400
  • Super speed: 2 seconds (add)
  • Thanks 1
  • Confused 1
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33 minutes ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

That's a lot of changes... That's like 2 balance patchs worth of warrior tweaks.

The warrior urgently needs improvements as you can see. Anyone who plays warrior in wvw needs to either face someone with high ping or make the enemy spend everything they have running after you or face someone who is not used to pvp.

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2 hours ago, Janggernaut.2304 said:

The warrior urgently needs improvements as you can see.

Your thread label those changes as "simple". Very few of those changes are simple... I mean, for example, you litterally add a hard CC on a healing skill.

Furthermore, I doubt what you suggest is really what the warrior urgently "need".

1 hour ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

If Rangers can get such a large pet patch, any other profession can get an equally large balance patch.

I'm all for a whole rework/balance of the warrior's various burst skills and even it's core burst mechanism as a whole. That's not what the OP suggest, thought.

Also, they did tweak a lot of the ranger's pet skills but didn't add to them nearly as much thing as the OP is trying to add to the warrior's skills (to be fair they even nerfed a whole share of those pet skills).

Objectively, what the warrior need isn't "more" effects on skills or additional skills, what it really urgently need is "quality of life" in the use of it's existing skills and bug fix.

  • Warrior is one of the only profession that still have melee skills that root him in place for the whole channel time. (I mean, just take axe#5 animation and movement liberty and give it to hundred blades and flurry...) -> QoL!
  • The pathing of some of of the warrior's movement skills need to be worked on. -> Bug fix and QoL!
  • The animations and after cast on physical skills break the flow when using those skills that do almost no damage in competitive. Using them is like punishing oneself, masochism is a necromancer's thematic thing not a warrior's thing. -> QoL!
  • The arms traitline still lack appeal to strike damage builds despite housing the coveted critical hit chance and it's purely due to a poor choice of minor traits effects (wanna fix the traitline? Just make deep strike increased critical hit chance against vulnerable foes instead of bleeding foes and swap bloodlust with sundering burst). -> QoL!
  • Many "bursts" don't feel like they burst anyhting and, on top of that, their exagerated animation often make them a dps loss (which is a strange irony for something called a "burst"). -> QoL!
  • Some traits need to be seriously looked at. a few examples: Shield master work on some skill it shouldn't and manage to not work on skills it should, Dual wielding somehow still exist as a GM trait that have a single effect that's overriden by a boon that has become pretty common. -> Bug fix and savvy!
  • ... etc.

Those are the kind of things that "urgently need" to be looked at and fixed.

Edited by Dadnir.5038
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6 minutes ago, Dadnir.5038 said:
  • Warrior is one of the only profession that still have melee skills that root him in place for the whole channel time. (I mean, just take axe#5 animation and movement liberty and give it to hundred blades and flurry...)

Agreed on Hundred Blades, Flurry has had this since June.

7 minutes ago, Dadnir.5038 said:
  • The arms traitline still lack appeal to strike damage builds despite housing the coveted critical hit chance and it's purely due to a poor choice of minor traits effects (wanna fix the traitline? Just make deep strike increased critical hit chance against vulnerable foes instead of bleeding foes and swap bloodlust with sundering burst).

I like the idea of reworking Arms, someone actually posted some good suggestions on this one where most of the condi elements were moved onto the major traits instead of minor ones, so you don't end up with totally pointless expertise and bleed application.

9 minutes ago, Dadnir.5038 said:
  • Some traits need to be seriously looked at. a few examples: Shield master work on some skill it shouldn't and manage to not work on skills it should, Dual wielding somehow still exist as a GM trait that have a single effect that's overriden by a boon that has become pretty common. 

Yes, since Dual Wielding doesn't stack with anything e.g. quickness, it is a trait stuck in the stone age in the context of the boon heavy meta we have now. Shield Master also still needs addressing with that interaction with aegis, either fix it or confirm that it is the intended functionality.

11 minutes ago, Dadnir.5038 said:
  • Many "bursts" don't feel like they burst anyhting and, on top of that, their exagerated animation often make them a dps loss (which is a strange irony for something called a "burst").

Yea, Axe burst, aka slapping your foe with a wet fish with a comically huge wind up, it sounds powerful but is always disappointing, much like my day job.

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23 minutes ago, Remus Darkblight.1673 said:

Shield Master also still needs addressing with that interaction with aegis, either fix it or confirm that it is the intended functionality.

I'm not even talking about the issue with aegis, curiously enough, there are warrior skills that "block" that currently genuinely don't work with this trait (flurry, electric fence...) while Full counter which absorb damage like endure pain proc the trait...

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56 minutes ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

Objectively, what the warrior need isn't "more" effects on skills or additional skills, what it really urgently need is "quality of life" in the use of it's existing skills and bug fix.

  • Warrior is one of the only profession that still have melee skills that root him in place for the whole channel time. (I mean, just take axe#5 animation and movement liberty and give it to hundred blades and flurry...) -> QoL!
  • The pathing of some of of the warrior's movement skills need to be worked on. -> Bug fix and QoL!
  • The animations and after cast on physical skills break the flow when using those skills that do almost no damage in competitive. Using them is like punishing oneself, masochism is a necromancer's thematic thing not a warrior's thing. -> QoL!
  • The arms traitline still lack appeal to strike damage builds despite housing the coveted critical hit chance and it's purely due to a poor choice of minor traits effects (wanna fix the traitline? Just make deep strike increased critical hit chance against vulnerable foes instead of bleeding foes and swap bloodlust with sundering burst). -> QoL!
  • Many "bursts" don't feel like they burst anyhting and, on top of that, their exagerated animation often make them a dps loss (which is a strange irony for something called a "burst"). -> QoL!
  • Some traits need to be seriously looked at. a few examples: Shield master work on some skill it shouldn't and manage to not work on skills it should, Dual wielding somehow still exist as a GM trait that have a single effect that's overriden by a boon that has become pretty common. -> Bug fix and savvy!
  • ... etc.

Those are the kind of things that "urgently need" to be looked at and fixed.

Oh, I'm in agreement with you 100%. Warrior's ability to deliver damage is severely hampered by some bad design and bad animations. Those all should certainly be fixed, but fixing all of those would still be a large balance patch for warrior.

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On 1/9/2024 at 11:57 AM, Dadnir.5038 said:

Your thread label those changes as "simple". Very few of those changes are simple... I mean, for example, you litterally add a hard CC on a healing skill.

Furthermore, I doubt what you suggest is really what the warrior urgently "need".

Not a hard cc, a knockback isnt a hard cc thief heals and hide, Guardian heals and block, engis heals and denie a lethal blow, so warriors, the real fighters, can't have a good skill?

We warriors who face professions that attack from afar, teleport, jump away, become invisible, make clones, are immune to damage, block our attacks and much more, shouldn't we have some advantages in Melee combat? The warrior is so nerfed that skills such as bull rush and charge are used to move away from enemies instead of attacking them, warriors need to run away from the enemy so that the enemy spends their skills running after the warrior, so they can then face the enemy no skills available, as facing the enemy head on is disadvantageous.

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On 1/9/2024 at 8:25 AM, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

If Rangers can get such a large pet patch, any other profession can get an equally large balance patch.

You know the funny part is, that I believe that they stated there's more to come for rangers on the next class update. TMK, from what I've been told.

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