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Tarragon leaves disappear when crafting Bowl of Tarragon Cream Sauce.

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I have all 8 crafters at max and have played the game for 10 years.   I thought I'd seen it all, but.....

Today I am running up a Master Chef on an alt account, at the point where I'm doing the Gourmet Training, the last achievement before  I'm done.

I have all 4 ingredients in my inventory,  conveniently in the first 4 positions.    I switch to the cooking screen, select the discover method,  and the tarragon has DISAPPEARED.    Nada.  Can't put it into the cook pot.   The other 3 items are there, and of course the umpteen dozen other possible food choices for the discovery are there.   The place where the tarragon should have been was filled with the next item down the inventory page.

I switch back to inventory-only screen, and there sits the tarragon. 

I log out completely, shut down the computer, and log back in.    Same situation.   Tarragon visible in the inventory,  not visible in the inventory when on the cooking screen.

I have my main account send tarragon to the poor waif who is trying to become a Master Chef.    She tries it,  same situation.

She buys fresh market tarragon,  same situation.

I go back to my main Master Chef (On a different computer altogether),  open the screen,  select Discover, and try to put tarragon up.   He DOES'NT see the tarragon either.     Of course he sees it in his inventory, just not on the cooking screen.

Two computers,  4 different sources of the tarragon,  always visible in inventory but not visible on the cooking screen.    Can't make the item.   Stuck.

What now?



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As was already mentioned, you may have already discovered all of the recipes (pretty sure there's only one that's Discoverable) for that ingredient. And since learning a recipe unlocks it for your entire account, that means it won't be a useable Discovery tab ingredient for any of your characters. Try searching in the Production tab for the component you need to make.

Edit: Ignore that scratched out part. I had a brain fart as I was typing it.

Edited by RoseofGilead.8907
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Some digging. Bowl of Tarragon Cream Sauce is automatically given to you at the appropriate level. You do not need to discover it, it’s just there. 

This is according to wiki, so may or may not be correct, but a search of you recipes will confirm it

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All of you are correct.  

Just a brain spasm,  which is why I asked publicly.    One can keep spasming and may eventually break through, but asking online gets expert answers quickly . that save half a day of struggle at the risk of being called stupid.     Incupaltus cedo here too!   It was the Computer Demons that made me do it, not me.

I was following a prudent plan  (follow the Wiki exactly, step by step) while being intertupted by hourly phone calls from my sister 700 miles away about problems with her bees.    She raises hives for the honey.   Ack...can't I just play my game?       Anyway,  the recipe I was making was AUTOMATIC,  but I  was sure I was on the last rstep ecipe, with is Discovery and I certainly had never done it on that account.   However that final recipe is a multi-side trip recipe to make several components, and I my set up tray was for oneof  those and my guidance screen was looking at the last one.    

Anyway,  thanks to several folks who all got me moving.   I finished the first 4 of the 5 visits the final quest requires,  and will be totally done in a few minutes. 

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