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Split birthday gifts between account age and character age

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16 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

Arent there already separate account wide and character specific rewards though? 

There are. The point raised is that the account rewards are still being tied to character, not account age. The per-character gifts are (as they should) tied to each specific character age, but the account reward is tied to non-specific, but still character age (the first character that hits that age threshold).

IMO, if anet wants to stay with per-character age limitations, they should also stick to per-character rewards. but if they want to transition to per-account rewards (as they started to do few years ago, when they moved, for example, birthday dye pack into the per-account gifts and removed it from per character ones), those would be better tied to the account age. It would give the whole system more clarity.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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Just now, Bladestrom.6425 said:

There are indeed things in the game i want to have, i want wvw legendry gear and am 5 years away from getting it

But the limiting factor is your willingness to play the content, not a forced time gate. And if you don't see the difference between these things, you really can't be helped.

1 minute ago, Bladestrom.6425 said:

I want something i want when i want it and cant have

I'm saying I am willing to do whatever it takes to get it as long as I'm not forced to just wait for a significant portion of my remaining lifetime with no other recourse. But of course you will strawman that, that's basically the entire argument against it.

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3 minutes ago, Sindust.7059 said:

But the limiting factor is your willingness to play the content, not a forced time gate. And if you don't see the difference between these things, you really can't be helped.

And in this case the limiting factor is your willingness to use any other food and stopping pretending that the cake somehow gives the players "advantage".

Edited by Sobx.1758
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Just now, Sindust.7059 said:

But the limiting factor is your willingness to play the content, not a forced time gate. And if you don't see the difference between these things, you really can't be helped.

I'm saying I am willing to do whatever it takes to get it as long as I'm not forced to just wait for a significant portion of my remaining lifetime with no other recourse. But of course you will strawman that, that's basically the entire argument against it.

you may want to call it a 'timegate' in your head but its not.  is your birthday in real life in 5 years a  'timegate' ? is the presents you get from family and friends in 5 years 'timegated'

no, and same applies to your characters age. It is what it is.

I could equally say its ridiculous that Anet will not let me do what i want to do to get my legendary gear in less than 5 years by doing x.

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Just now, Sobx.1758 said:

And in this case it's the limiting factor is your willingness to use any other food and stopping pretending that the cake somehow gives the players "advantage".

Other food is not the cake. Why do people buy copper fed salvage-o-matics when there are perfectly functional salvage kits that you can buy? Do you even listen to yourself?

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Just now, Sindust.7059 said:

Other food is not the cake. Why do people buy copper fed salvage-o-matics when there are perfectly functional salvage kits that you can buy? Do you even listen to yourself?

Taht's right, other food is not cake, because... other food is better. Considering you were concerned about "player advantage" and said "you're ready to do anything", get better food instead.

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Just now, Sindust.7059 said:

Other food is not the cake. Why do people buy copper fed salvage-o-matics when there are perfectly functional salvage kits that you can buy? Do you even listen to yourself?

your the one not listening to yourself.  let me paraphrase what you are saying


I want the 10 year birthday gift even though my char is not 10 years..because i think its valuable.  I dont care i can make better ascended food, i want it and heres how i think Anet should change the entire game to suit my need.....

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3 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Taht's right, other food is not cake, because... other food is better. Considering you were concerned about "player advantage" and said "you're ready to do anything", get better food instead.

It's better according to your standards. Other salvage kits are also better than the copper fed salvage-o-matic. But people spend IRL money to get those... Hm... why would they do it if it's worse? Could it maybe be that things other than raw stats also matter? Shocker, I know!

Seriously, read what you're replying to and think about what is actually being said, and don't be that guy.

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1 minute ago, Sindust.7059 said:

It's better according to your standards.

No, it's objectively better and gives the actual player advantage over people who use, for example, cake. That's what you were concerned about, that's what the solution here is.
I like how you keep trying to come up with new irrelevant strawman attempts though. Shows you're unable to address what is being said because you know it's true.

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3 minutes ago, Bladestrom.6425 said:

Exactly, go buy ascended food if you cant be bothered getting it or waiting for it..  

I can't buy ascended food once that won't ever run out. Hence ascended food is not a substitute in every way that is relevant.

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Just now, Sobx.1758 said:

No, it's objectively better and gives the actual player advantage over people who use, for example, cake. That's what you were concerned about, that's what the solution here is.

And so is the cake. It saves gold, just like the copper fed salvage-o-matic, and it saves trips to the vendor. It's the exact same situation.

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Just now, Sindust.7059 said:

And so is the cake. It saves gold, just like the copper fed salvage-o-matic, and it saves trips to the vendor. It's the exact same situation.

Use blaster then, it equally saves gold.

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Just now, Sindust.7059 said:

I can't buy ascended food once that won't ever run out. Hence ascended food is not a substitute in every way that is relevant.

strange i have stacks in my bag, i never run out.

With that viewpoint you are fundamentally stuck, you want something you cant have, end of story i'm afraid, you will just have to wait until your 10th birthday with your chars like everyone else and either be happy or be annoyed by other people having things you want.

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2 minutes ago, Bladestrom.6425 said:

strange i have stacks in my bag, i never run out.

With that viewpoint you are fundamentally stuck, you want something you cant have, end of story i'm afraid, you will just have to wait until your 10th birthday with your chars like everyone else and either be happy or be annoyed by other people having things you want.

With that attitude we'd still be living in mud huts and eating dirt. This thread is about a way to improve the system. If you have no rational reason to oppose the change other than "that's the way it has always been", you're in the wrong thread.

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Just now, Sindust.7059 said:

With that attitude we'd still be living in mud huts and eating dirt. This thread is about a way to improve the system. If you have no rational reason to oppose the change other than "that's the way it has always been", you're in the wrong thread.

its not an improvement, it dilutes the 10 year birthday present.  It also has nothing to do with improvements, you just want it early.

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Just now, Bladestrom.6425 said:

its not an improvement, it dilutes the 10 year birthday present.  It also has nothing to do with improvements, you just want it early.

No, you want me to get it later, because I unwittingly reset the timer when I couldn't have known that there was one in the first place. If what OP suggested was implemented, that would just give everyone who has played equally long equal access to the items that rely on nothing but a time gate. I wouldn't be getting it early, I would be getting it after 10 years, I just wouldn't be punished for doing things that nobody, not even ANet at the time, knew were wrong.

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Just now, Sindust.7059 said:

No, you want me to get it later, because I unwittingly reset the timer when I couldn't have known that there was one in the first place. If what OP suggested was implemented, that would just give everyone who has played equally long equal access to the items that rely on nothing but a time gate. I wouldn't be getting it early, I would be getting it after 10 years, I just wouldn't be punished for doing things that nobody, not even ANet at the time, knew were wrong.

i dont want anything from you.  the fix to you making a mistake with your char is raising a ticket, not changing the game.

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13 minutes ago, Sindust.7059 said:

With that attitude we'd still be living in mud huts and eating dirt. This thread is about a way to improve the system. If you have no rational reason to oppose the change other than "that's the way it has always been", you're in the wrong thread.

Nothing here has anything to do with "improvement", everything here is about "you wanting a random reward and making up bad justification to get it, until you get those answered and then you revert to insulting people".

6 minutes ago, Sindust.7059 said:

And mine are?

Yes, you're trying to build argumentation about the cake and when that is answered, you have nothing to say other than talking about legendaries or gemstore items which have nothing to do with what is being talked about here.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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Just now, Bladestrom.6425 said:

i dont want anything from you.  the fix to you making a mistake with your char is raising a ticket, not changing the game.

I doubt that it will change anything, because it was deleted at least 4, maybe 5 years ago, but I have a free char slot, and I could use another char to park at some farming spot... I'll make the ticket to settle this. But if that doesn't solve it, the problem is systematic, and it has to be addressed systematically.

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Just now, Sindust.7059 said:

I doubt that it will change anything, because it was deleted at least 4, maybe 5 years ago, but I have a free char slot, and I could use another char to park at some farming spot... I'll make the ticket to settle this. But if that doesn't solve it, the problem is systematic, and it has to be addressed systematically.

when you deleted your character you get asked to confirm, there is no systematic issue (you were perfectly aware of the birthday rewards at the time)

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Just now, Bladestrom.6425 said:

when you deleted your character you get asked to confirm, there is no systematic issue (you were perfectly aware of the birthday rewards at the time)

No, I was not aware that a birthday reward could actually be an item I care about, because the cake did not exist back then.

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