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Bladesworn actually very viable.

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Let me be clear, bladesworn is NOT overpowered. it is still very susceptible to high amounts of CC and condition spam. Also it is not easy to use, so not recommended for beginners.

Bladesworn has very high sustain while also being able to dish out large but reasonable damage without using a glass build.

Vigorous shouts trait IS A MUST for bladesworn you'll have a difficult time surviving without it as movement and skill telegraphs are rather clunky as of the moment.

Once you fill out your tactics traitline you can pretty much use every other traitlines as you like without having to worry about a build.

I use ,tactics,strength and of course bladesworn.

For tactics: Soldier's comfort,warrior's cunning and Vigorous shouts.

Soldier's comfort is the best t1 trait for me as it gives me more healing than i already do with shouts.

Warrior's cunning makes my initial burst Deal more damage, shrug it off is also a good trait to pick, but since i already have so much stability with this build it's not that important.

Of course Vigorous shouts is absolutely my favorite for the heals. it also doubles the healing the more power i have.

For strength:Brave Stride,great fortitude and Berserker's power

Brave Stride is a must for me since once you get Crowd Controlled it is very hard to get out of a difficult situation.

Great Fortitude makes me deal more damage also for the extra health the more ferocity you have.

Berserker's strength is the best t3 trait for this build, you'll know why later.

For Bladesworn trait: River's flow,Fierce as Fire or Unshakable mountain and Daring Dragon.

River's Flow of course gives me more healing that includes Soldier's comfort as well as vigorous shouts.

Fierce as Fire for additional Damage of course or unshakable Mountain for more sustain.

Daring Dragon, Perhaps the trait i was rather hesitant at the start to use but it more useful for me than Unyielding Dragon which Anet has removed it's stun.

I liked daring dragon better because of the alacrity it gives but also the damage it deals per charge.

For weapons: i use the Axe/shield, honestly i understand axe/pistol is very popular as pistol can deal more damage but i decided to use shield instead because my gun saber is basically my damage dealing weapon of choice. I only use axe/shield because it gives me more survivability.

For Amulet, Relic and Runes: Demolisher/Berserker amulet, antitoxin or leadership and traveler rune/eagle rune.

Demolisher for more sustain and toughness or the berserker amulet as you already have so much healing.

Antitoxin because in this build you don't really have a lot of  condition cleanses so you're either going to take antitoxin or avoid condition spam opponents, leadership rune is also viable as not only converts 3 conditions into boons, each boon you have increases your damage because of the t2 minor trait from tactics "empowered".

Traveler if you simply want more movement speed without relying on swiftness or use eagle rune for increased chance of critical hits as well as more damage.

for utilities:Combat stimulant,on my mark shout,for great justice shout,balanced stance or stomp and tactical reload.

Combat stimulant of course maybe the best warrior healing utility.

On my mark shout not only does this give me healing, but also gives enemies vulnerability and reveals opponents, pretty great against dead eyes class.

For great justice For healing as well as giving increased critical chance and damage.

Balanced stance for the pulsing stability which is highly needed, but stomp is also good if you want some more crowd control against opponents while also obtaining stability.

Tactical Reload because the more you shoot the better. ( Tactical Reload DOES NOT AFFECT SHOUTS AMMUNITION  for i have so far observed)

Overall this build is really good for  dishing out damage while having reliable sustain.

But it is highly recommended that you avoid condition spam opponents, although even so you still have chances to win against them if they are Unlucky or not skilled enough.






Edited by JinONplay.8905
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I don't know man. It just is a too Spam friendly e-spec to me. Before the nerf to tha CC traitline it was pretty mutch what Druid is now. A "you 1v1 me, your death now" spec without real options to kill it in an actuall 1v1. 

How ever with this nerf it is now a more fair matchub in most 1v1s. Buuut does this mean its now harder to play? Nahhh maybe just abit. It still is one of the best 1v1 specs around where you do not rly need to know how to Play it. 

Only difference to the Meta before is .....  Druid is more broken rn and DH pretty mutch counters Bladesworn with its traps doing hard dmg on Point ^^.


All in all its still a ways too easy to Play e-spec. I probably will never touch it again cause i do not like its "shouts and Selfhealing plus Aegis skills Spam" gameplay. I gues some like this thing but yea. In my opinion something like this would be unhealthy for PvP if its too good. In other words its good that it is nerfed xd.

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11 hours ago, Myror.7521 said:

I don't know man. It just is a too Spam friendly e-spec to me. Before the nerf to tha CC traitline it was pretty mutch what Druid is now. A "you 1v1 me, your death now" spec without real options to kill it in an actuall 1v1. 

How ever with this nerf it is now a more fair matchub in most 1v1s. Buuut does this mean its now harder to play? Nahhh maybe just abit. It still is one of the best 1v1 specs around where you do not rly need to know how to Play it. 

Only difference to the Meta before is .....  Druid is more broken rn and DH pretty mutch counters Bladesworn with its traps doing hard dmg on Point ^^.


All in all its still a ways too easy to Play e-spec. I probably will never touch it again cause i do not like its "shouts and Selfhealing plus Aegis skills Spam" gameplay. I gues some like this thing but yea. In my opinion something like this would be unhealthy for PvP if its too good. In other words its good that it is nerfed xd.

Someone has been complaining about nerf threads, yet there are so many people calling out druids and dh’s. They’re bound to be nerfed , therefore the nerf threads actually matter.

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you don't really do  damage as a bunker esque tanky bladesworn if you're not hitting  a decently charged burst, and the burst is very easy to dodge because you can clearly see an explosion before the slash not only that, but charging the burst leaves you very open.

its fine if you're fighting against thieves or something that aren't built to take 1v1s, but the moment you deal with high sustain survivable duelist like say a catalyst that has the brain capacity to dodge your burst then you will lose

Edited by BonggangKikay.9576
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13 hours ago, Myror.7521 said:

I don't know man. It just is a too Spam friendly e-spec to me. Before the nerf to tha CC traitline it was pretty mutch what Druid is now. A "you 1v1 me, your death now" spec without real options to kill it in an actuall 1v1. 

Sbp, Reaper, and Weaver can all kill Druid pretty easily.  

As for BS, it is probably still very viable, just overshadowed by spellbreaker atm.  

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7 hours ago, Deadmoose.6594 said:

Someone has been complaining about nerf threads, yet there are so many people calling out druids and dh’s. They’re bound to be nerfed , therefore the nerf threads actually matter.

Wanna make a bet moose?


You get banned before druids get a nerf 😂

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On 2/3/2024 at 9:57 PM, JinONplay.8905 said:

Let me be clear, bladesworn is NOT overpowered. it is still very susceptible to high amounts of CC and condition spam. Also it is not easy to use, so not recommended for beginners.

Bladesworn has very high sustain while also being able to dish out large but reasonable damage without using a glass build.

Many specs suffer to high amounts of CC/condition damage, but they don't get massive sustain from just spamming DPS keys, which leads to easy high sustain and "large but reasonable damage". Why is that reasonable?


If you enjoy the spec, play it, just stop trying to convince yourself, and others, that it earns its sustain/dmg. Its becoming a catch phrase now, but if you disagree, go try hammer cata.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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17 hours ago, Deadmoose.6594 said:

I won’t take that bet, my ban is coming as soon as the forum mods wake up

hey man I bust your chops, but hope your know I'm just f   king with ya. I totally get the frustration. Gw2 pvp is the best Ive played in any mmo and Ive played them all. And yet...this is how they treat it. Pretty kitten

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1 hour ago, EnderzShadow.2506 said:

hey man I bust your chops, but hope your know I'm just f   king with ya. I totally get the frustration. Gw2 pvp is the best Ive played in any mmo and Ive played them all. And yet...this is how they treat it. Pretty kitten

It’s a love/hate relationship for me, and probably for a lot of people. Only pvp that remotely compares to it for me was wow pvp at times.

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