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Latest Update on Rifle Mesmer


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Source: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/new-weapon-proficiencies-beta-feedback-update/



Rifle gives builds like support chronomancer the tools to be a potent healer in addition to their unique tools. We were happy to see positive feedback around the weapon, but—as with everything—there were tweaks we could do to make the weapon feel better to use.

Journey is seeing a reduction in its casting time and its time from casting to impact, and it can now properly be re-aimed with the instant casting setting. Additionally, the delay in the explosion on Abstraction is being removed. These two changes together will help your support be snappier and more responsive.

We also saw common feedback that Phantasmal Sharpshooter felt like a weak point in the kit. We’ll be enhancing them by having the phantasm fire faster and strike in an area on impact. We’ll also give this skill two charges in PvE to allow more liberal use. Lastly, we realize that the portal functionality of Singularity Shot can be harder to utilize in non-organized play. We added a flash effect when the portal is opened to catch other players’ attention and hopefully alert them to take it!



As someone who was testing out Rifle in PvP. I feel like all of these changes are going to be beneficial. Rifle 2 being able to retarget with instant cast is a MASSIVE QoL. Rifle 3 being faster is also going to be significant in its own way.


I'm a little concerned that if the phantasm will AoE stun or not, that could be a bit strong and end up getting the skill nerfed more than in its original state.


Rifle 5 skill feels awkward to me, I kind of wish it gave the Mesmer themselves some sort of value. Perhaps being able to set the start and end point like a Portal Lite kind of thing.

Edited by Vinny.7260
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Absolutely agree with the fact that rifle 5 needs to have a personal use as well. I feel like the portal should always pulse its boons on cast and open as well. Recasting the skill should swap places with the portal and yourself and give the cooldown increase. Maybe give a little bit more time for people to react to the portal too.


If the whole mimic of the weapon is to revolve around the portal make it fun and the thing to focus on, the main part of the kit, the reason to take it compared to other weapons. I'm excited to see how this will feel really. 

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