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Most Hated Class Tier List

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53 minutes ago, Frequency.6407 said:

Pre-EoD there was this barrier scrapper build which only bots played. Sometimes you had 2 or even 3 bots in a single game. The cool thing was that these bots were unkillable and would camp far. They had some funny lines and were better supports than actual players.

i miss those days where bots would routinely get into top 250

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OG trap DH had both spammable stealth and superspeed with no ICD.  No contest there. Public enemy #1.

Now though it's definitely DE. They can mess up their opening and it's no big deal because they're always halfway across the map and stealthed again to retry in 15 secs or so.  There is absolutely zero fun to be had fighting a DE because of how they play. They can infinitely stall out a 1v1 until they "win."

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On 2/15/2024 at 2:16 PM, Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

SS: Deadeye

S : Teef

A : Mes, Ranger

B : Rev, Ele, Engi

C : Necro, War, Guard

My personal list:

1. Druid. The sustain is ridiculous and I'd consider it the best duelist/bunker spec rn. Thank god it's gonna get nerfed.

2. DH. Still annoying to fight. Tether velocity should come down to make it easier to dodge or nerf traps slightly again. I'd prefer just making tether speed come down.

3. Mesmer. Invul spam will never look good for balance idc what people say or where it is in the meta. It's a lame mechanic that always makes me roll my eyes when it's used this much. Add on top of that a million npc clones and you basically have a pve mini raidboss fight. Never feels like skill is truly involved to counter it either, just what build and/or spec your using.

4. DE. Still a super great pick even after the nerfs. Annoying to pin down.

5. Bladesworn. The sustain is too high, and in my opinion, damage to low. Makes it an annoying cockroach build. (I'm maining this rn and even I want the sustain to go down cuz I hate fighting mirror bladesworns. Just make Dragon Slash do more damage cuz it hits like a wet noodle, and slightly nerf barrier again.)


Just for fun I'll do top five of what I wish got more love/buffed.

I'm obviously biased so just take this all with grains of salt.

1. Core Warrior. It's super fun but just not up to date yet. I have a prediction though that core staff support warrior will be very good if not meta.

2. Harbinger. It's not awful but still gets wrecked too quickly. I personally wish worm was easier to summon for more mobility or had a slightly lower cd. Now that necros aren't unstoppable bunkers anymore this might be fun.

3. Spellbreaker. It's actually not too bad but I miss strength spb, and rn defense is mandatory for resistance. Buffing might makes right would go a long way.

4. Core necro. I know people hated core necro for a long time but giving worm a small buff instead of making it more tanky would allow core necro to shine a bit more.

5. Power Zerker. It's about to get buffed but I think it'll need more love after that. There's many ways they could do it but I'd go to the Strength line to allow Strength zerkers to be a thing without just being a meme.


Edited by gmmg.9210
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As a warrior main Spellbreaker's very existence offends me.
It monopolizes both boon hate and the chain butchering build diversity.

Have fun running hammer without this e-spec.
The moment someone pops stab you can pack your bags and go home.
And no, buying a whole xpac for one weapon with a single boon hate skill is not what I call a solution.

Edited by StraightPath.3972
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