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Chill chest collector

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So i was waiting for some chak meta event, and while waiting roaming the map and found a lot of this crystalize chests, and it was quite cool and chill gameplay, as it was just open world roam, and there was so many chest, there is probably some pachinko mechanism in play. Anyway the question is...

Is There other map with like large amount of chest in open world to collect in chill open world roaming?

There are winterfrost berries, you can collect berries, and then do chest run, and maybe even get some events and champions.

Airship cargo in Verdant brink is in large numbers, and are even useful, as you can collect armour set from that.

Generally in Pinata event there is decent amount of houses chests, and also coins, so there is that, but probably not that many.

Are there are some other maps with large number of chest?

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Successful completion of Auric Basin's meta event unlocks a ton of chests underneath the city. Dragon Stand has chests that spawn as the meta progresses. Really, pretty much any expansion or living world map will have some kind of loot phase/chest run after the main meta is done.

And there are hidden chests all over the place in most maps.

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Pretty much what RoseofGilead said.

Most maps have some kinda of chest or loot to chase, be it after the map meta phase or after certain events are completed. The ones in tangled depths I believe spawn after each phase of the pre-meta event chains.

It is worth noting though, that you need vials of Chak acid to open them, which are earned by completing events. So you can't just farm the chests without also completing the map meta and events. The same goes for Auric Basin, Verdant Brink, and Dragon's Stand, they each have their own keys earned from activities in the maps. The other living story and expansion maps are similar with various mechanics preventing you from just farming the chests non-stop without also engaging in the other map content.

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EoD Dragons has jade chests - you just need some jade battery cherge to open. They are otherwise scattered around for roamers to find.

PoF has trade caches scattered around and buried treasure you can use a tool to track and trace

Silverwastes has buried treasure chests (need keys and shovels though)

Dry Top has buried treasure chests that appear around the ma during the sandstorm.

SoTo has Arcane chests - lesser and greater - to find

Drizzlewood has lost supply drops you can find with the homing tool

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