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Free GW ONE minis - for Hall of Monuments

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I sorted out all my characters inventories and my bank in GW1 for the first time in, well, years, and I'm finally admitting I'm not going to get around to selling all the birthday minis I've collected because I cannot be bothered with standing in town spamming chat and hoping the right person happens to see it.

I currently have 4 gold and 18 purple minis, all undedicated so they can go into the Hall of Monuments. Each player can only use 1 of each, so there's enough for multiple people.

Flame Djinn x3
Water Djinn x1

Elf x6
Burning Titan x5
Ooze x2
Freezie x1
Jora x1
Koss x1
Nian x1
Palawa Joko x1

Here's the original list (mainly kept in the post for my info).


M.O.X x2

Flame Djinn x5
Water Djinn x3
Shiro x2
White Rabbit x2
Black Beast of Aaaarrrrrggghhh x1
Dagnar Stonepate x1
King Adelbern x1
Lich x1
Zhu Hanuku x1

Elf x8
Burning Titan x7
Ooze x4
Freezie x3
Jora x3
Koss x3
Nian x3
Palawa Joko x3
Candysmith Marley x2
Flowstone Elemental x2
Kirin x2
Nornbear x2
Charr Sharman x1
Oola x1

Desert Griffon x1
Harpy Ranger x1
Ophil Nahualli x1

If you want any of them let me know and we can arrange a time and place to meet up. I'm in the UK so I can normally be online between about 9am and midnight GMT, although exact times and days vary, but I'm sure we can work something out.

Edited by Danikat.8537
Updating the list
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I've been working through GW1 for the HoM and don't have any of the minis. I am also in the UK so should be easy to setup times. 


Edit: Probably easiest to contact me in game as I rarely use the forums for posting 😛

Edited by Kipp.8452
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Hello, my character name is "Se Rin", if you can send me as much as you can 😄 I would be so grateful!! I tried gw1 so much, but there are many things to do... I could make only 3 points for hall of monuments, thank you so much

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hi .. I kinda started gw1 recently.. idk if i can use your minis in hall of monuments yet... just reached "sanctum kay" in prophecies .. if u do have any spare minis after giving it out to others, throw a few on my way X).... character name "Asase Hibiki".. my guild leader  gave me "palawa joko" and "Dagnar stonepate".. so I don't want those. i just want the minis that are needed to unlock the ranger pets in gw2(delinquent moa, black widow, white raven).. other minis, I don't want em... and tqtqtq in advance

Edited by Crystal Paladin.3871
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Thanks a lot for the offer Danikat! I started to play GW for the title, but I'm still too poor to afford a mini. Anything that remains that other players didn't claim, would be appreciated 🙂 (GMT+1 here, but I log-in after work, 5-6 pm)

I actually don't even know what minis I need, I'm quite lost with GW1 tbh (I'm trying to get the ascalonian defender title without dying, but I'm not even sure that it's a good idea or if it's better to just level up fast to 20 and then take the exp by turning books all at once).

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If you're not sure what you need for the HoM I strongly recommend looking at the official Reward Calculator, and the Wiki guides:

None of the rewards come from specific monuments or items, it's purely a points system. The good news is that means you can focus on whichever objectives you think are easiest, the bad news is you can't skip rewards you don't want to get the ones you do. The other important thing to know if you only need 30 points to get all the items from the Hall, the last 20 points only get you another 4 titles.

The Devotion monument gets you 8 points in total but like all of them there's diminishing returns past a certain point. You get 1 for the first mini you add, 1 point for a rare (gold) mini and 1 for a unique (green) mini, then a further 2 points for having 20 in total. After that you get 1 point for every 10 you add, up to a maximum of 50.

So to get all 8 points you'll need 50 minis, including 1 gold and 1 green. But unless you're aiming for all 50 points it might be better to stop at 20. Unless of course you like minis and want to collect them anyway, although then it's worth remembering dedicated ones are often much cheaper and easier to find and if you add more than 50 you'll get absolutely nothing for it. (Says the person who added 78, but that was before the calculator existed, no one knew what you'd get for any of the monuments.)

The easiest/cheapest green minis to find will be the Bone Dragon, Gwen, Mad King Thorn, Eye of Janthir and M.O.X. because they come from birthday gifts.

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9 hours ago, omgnoob.7860 said:

i got a ton of minis i can give away too in gw1. and weapons. if you need anything or help hit me up and i'll do what i can

What is your username in GW1? The miniature section of the Hall of the Monuments is my biggest concern. I'm really enjoying the game and don't mind grinding weapons, but the miniatures seem to be locked behind birthdays. My wife and I both play the game together, so we're happy to take duplicates if you have them. My username is Ren Voidwalker.

On 2/27/2024 at 7:59 AM, Danikat.8537 said:

I've sent you a message in GW2. I tried to add you as a contact in GW1 as well but I'd need to know your character name. (In case it helps mine is Danielle Aurorel, same as in GW2.)

I've added you on GW1 if you still have any miniatures left. My username is Ren Voidwalker and I'll happily sign in whatever time suits you best. Thanks!

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