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Im losing like 70% of my games in PvP.


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Im having issues with warrior in SPVP, I just seem to lose the vast majority of my games, 

I've played 30 Games, with only 12 wins, I've dropped from Gold 1 to Silver 2, I'm the common denominator and well we know, if your consistently seeing losses its Likely the common denominator, So realistically im going to assume the issue is lying with me beleiving the game hates me and intentionally puts me on bad players teams seems alot less logical. 

I've been playing as a Duellist, with Defensive condizerker, the build from Metabattle. I win the 1v1s, i hold off well vs outnumbered situations, but every time i look at the map. every node has been lost followed by seeing multitudes pouring onto the Node vs me every time, Its reached Points I've seen 2x players Roaming nodes, while my team is still dying in the mid fight 3v5.

am i just not joining team fights Enough?, I seem to be able to handle the fights... but its as if I'm just in the wrong place every time without fail, because Nodes are continuously lost, 

I've just returned to the game after a long break, It was during EoD i quit the game, i think during the banner reworks I got fed up of waiting for something to happen regarding the class.

What builds are poeple running in SPVP these days? and are there any videos which go over the warriors role reliably in SPVP with trustworthy information. 

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It's quite simple - it's Sunday. Weekends are full of bad players joining spvp, where you can't count on your team doing their job while you do yours.
That and game does like you to put into streaks of bad teams and then streaks of good teams.

From your end you should focus on two things:

1. Objectives. For example soloing a beast and maybe enemy beast if you know team sucks and joining mid won't change anything.
2. Being realistic - running to the bell in revenge of capricorn is pointless if there are 4 enemies there while your team just runs around map or is dead.

I personally find most success as support warrior (core, strangely enough).
There are too many "Yasuo mains" who'd rather die 10 times over than accept team comp needs a support.
Playing 5 dps vs enemy who has one (or even worse - two) supports is nearly guaranteed loss.

Edited by StraightPath.3972
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1 hour ago, StraightPath.3972 said:

It's quite simple - it's Sunday. Weekends are full of bad players joining spvp, where you can't count on your team doing their job while you do yours.
That and game does like you to put into streaks of bad teams and then streaks of good teams.

cant really be the cause, as one team has to win, even if 10 players are all bad One team has to equate to being better,  its physically impossible for every game to just be bad, everytime you the game will simply decrease the enemy players ranking, hence why after 5 losses u suddenly get a win worth only +11, Because the enemy players are lower rank then urselves. the problem can only really be me. 

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6 minutes ago, Puck.3697 said:

cant really be the cause, as one team has to win, even if 10 players are all bad One team has to equate to being better,  its physically impossible for every game to just be bad, everytime you the game will simply decrease the enemy players ranking, hence why after 5 losses u suddenly get a win worth only +11, Because the enemy players are lower rank then urselves. the problem can only really be me. 

Welp just look at the names then. I for one noticed the game loved to put me with some guys over and over again, almost never matching them up against me.
Depending on their performance that was either a disaster or a easy ride to higher rank.

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Tips for playing PvP:

- AoE CC and AoE damage wins games. So make an AoE build if you find yourself losing too much.

- The Wars Utility is getting Rezzes and Stomps with Banner. You can literally change the match with one Elite Banner stomp when 3 of your teammates are down and one of theirs is down. Literally a game winning ability.

Err... that's all for now.

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