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Corruption Traitline suggestions


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Invoke Torment:

- Activates immediately

- Pulses 3 times, inflicting Torment on each hit (3 stacks total for lesser duration than before) 

- Total strike damage reduced compared to before

Reason: The 0.75s delay it currently has severely hinders the effectiveness of Corruption's GMs, especially with Permeating Pestilence which often gets cleansed away before transferring its Conditions. Pulsing 3 times also increases Condition pressure and ensures the skill actually has better chance of landing. 


Demonic Defiance: 

- Changed to Gain Resistance when you use a Legendary Stance skill.

- Remove a Damaging Condition only when using Legendary Demon Stance skill. 

Reason: Frees up the Trait from Demon Stance exclusivity 


Demonic Resistance:

- Gain Barrier per interval for every Damaging Condition currently on you. (1s Interval) 

Reason: Barrier gain is better for the Condition Revenant to harbor Conditions for the purpose of transferring them. Extremely strong synergy with Replenishing Despair.


Fiendish Tenacity: 

- Invoke Torment grants Resistance

- When you have Resistance, incoming Strike damage is reduced 

Reason: increases immediate defensive power of the GM trait at the cost of sustain which can be obtained elsewhere. Currently Fiendish Tenacity is the weakest and least picked trait among all Corruption GMs due to how much better the other two GMs are at their respective builds. 


Permeating Pestilence:

- As with suggested change above for Invoke Torment, now transfers 1 Condition with each pulse

- Prioritized to transfer Damaging Conditions first 

- Immune to Blind and Unblockable as it currently is 


Diabolic Inferno:

- As with suggested change above for Invoke Torment, now pulses 1 Condition with each pulse

- Inflicts Burning > Poison > Bleed in this order 

- Additional effect: increases Invoke Torment's radius with each pulse (240 > 300 > 360)

Edited by Yasai.3549
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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Silesium.5623 said:

Wonder when will they re-work Replenishing Despair. This trait was made when Resistance work diffrently now is only used for bots.

Because they slowly moved Mallyx away from a Condition Juggernaut and into a Condition Conduit. 

They first removed Bolstered Anguish which was originally what made the whole "I tank a gigagillion conditions" worth while because if you get stacked tons of Conditions, you gain 3% strike damage per and could potentially swing like a truck. This was also made possible with old Resistance where you had complete immunity to negative Condition effects.

After Bolstered Anguish was removed, they probably nailed down Replenishing Despair as its one other remaining asset of the Condition Juggernaut playstyle. The new Replenishing Despair is actually not bad if you play around it. It's designed for Upkeep camping so that you can stack up Torment on yourself while DPSing then Invoke Torment to pass it onto enemies. Thing is, Replenishing Despair is actually pretty poopy in a "Test Golem" DPS setting because 10% Torment damage is straight up stronger and better, so no one really uses Replenishing Despair when Charged Mists can do the job better PLUS you get 10% Torment damage. 

It can be used in Competitive sure but why not just take Demonic Defiance instead for better survivability? 

Edited by Yasai.3549
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Even with all of that, Poison spam is such a major issue to Revenant, they really need to come up with something that players can accomplish to counter it.

Something as simple as Empowering Misery plain ignoring the effect can work but I'm not against conveluted solutions like being capable of ignoring the effect if having Resolution which adds a predictable cost to the endeavor because by default Mallyx can only get Resolution from Pain Absorption, this adds a dynamic if using Retribution too.

My biggest fantasy would be getting a 3 seconds unique buff that completely makes the user immune to conditions on Pain Absorption which would fit nicely with your suggestions but also well with the nature of everything Mallyx is supposed to by self inflicting conditions from allies back into the enemies without killing itself too quickly while Resolution and Resistance granted are just side effects for the allies or whatevever trait you benefit from it.

Seriously, PA is really risky to use in in teamfights and it deserves as much for being so close to be a self destruct button. Revenant doesn't have a Shroud that offsets and auto consumes condis when it runs out, unlike Necro which does.

However I don't like having random clearing, it adds too much RNG to the transfers, especially if I wanted to transfer the most spammed condition back at someone such as Burn, to which focusing on damaging conditions for transfers is a brilliant idea.

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3 minutes ago, Shao.7236 said:

Seriously, PA is really risky to use in in teamfights and it deserves as much for being so close to be a self destruct button. Revenant doesn't have a Shroud that offsets and auto consumes condis when it runs out, unlike Necro which does.

And if Anet doesn't like immunity, then at least give Barrier + Barrier per condition absorbed.

Same with Empowering Misery btw. Heal for base amount, gain Barrier per condition currently on you. 


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38 minutes ago, Shao.7236 said:

Even with all of that, Poison spam is such a major issue to Revenant, they really need to come up with something that players can accomplish to counter it.

Something as simple as Empowering Misery plain ignoring the effect can work but I'm not against conveluted solutions like being capable of ignoring the effect if having Resolution which adds a predictable cost to the endeavor because by default Mallyx can only get Resolution from Pain Absorption, this adds a dynamic if using Retribution too.

My biggest fantasy would be getting a 3 seconds unique buff that completely makes the user immune to conditions on Pain Absorption which would fit nicely with your suggestions but also well with the nature of everything Mallyx is supposed to by self inflicting conditions from allies back into the enemies without killing itself too quickly while Resolution and Resistance granted are just side effects for the allies or whatevever trait you benefit from it.

Seriously, PA is really risky to use in in teamfights and it deserves as much for being so close to be a self destruct button. Revenant doesn't have a Shroud that offsets and auto consumes condis when it runs out, unlike Necro which does.

However I don't like having random clearing, it adds too much RNG to the transfers, especially if I wanted to transfer the most spammed condition back at someone such as Burn, to which focusing on damaging conditions for transfers is a brilliant idea.

The resistance was already doing this a few years ago before it changed its appearance. That's because players have ralers that have added resolution to this skill "Pain Absorption".

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Just now, Angesombre.4630 said:

The resistance was already doing this a few years ago before it changed its appearance. That's because players have ralers that have added resolution to this skill "Pain Absorption".

Oh believe me I know. Here's a shameless plug, I miss it very much. Especially at timestamp 9:50

While people were obsessing with condi spam, some of us were playing hot potato with it.

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Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, Vekaiel.8493 said:

Just make a grandmaster trait that change the current resistance into the old one and you fix mallyx

That'll be a dream. Old Resistance negating any and all Conditions was really ridiculous all things considered. 

Resolution should be buffed instead. 

And no, they really shouldn't try and use Traitlines to "fix" anything. If anything, traitlines need to be more independent from the Legend and vice versa since we cannot just switch out utilities as we wish. When we pick a Legend, it's a huge commitment. Forcing a traitline choice ontop of this commitment to "fix" something is so frustratingly bad.

It's already extremely bad that we only have ONE Condition supporting Traitline and it's not even super good. If you want further Condition support, you only have Renegade as a choice, and Renegade's Condition traits only really affect Shortbow because no other Revenant weapon naturally applies Bleeding. 


Edited by Yasai.3549
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