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PVP Has a Bigotry Problem

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16 hours ago, Delta Dawn.4970 said:

but there's a fair share of unprompted hate flung around at black/arab/asian people, women, muslims, gay people, and of course anyone with a disability too.) 

What about latinos and white people? 

I get HotM chat in general is slightly more degen than LA chat in June, but you are aware that anyone can be discriminated against? 

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16 hours ago, Delta Dawn.4970 said:

Look, I know that this is true of every PVP game and it's literally nothing compared to the CoD lobbies of yore, but it's absolutely insane that despite blocking every person I see who says this stuff, not a day goes by that I don't see at least one instance of blatant racism, sexism, homophobia, or transphobia in PVP map chats. (The transphobia is the worst, since it's the current focus of right-wingers around the world - I invite anyone who doubts me to go into HotM and type something like "I think trans people should have human rights" in map chat and see the response, because the one time I said that in a conversation I got a deranged person telling me to kill myself and calling me slurs through in-game mail afterward - but there's a fair share of unprompted hate flung around at black/arab/asian people, women, muslims, gay people, and of course anyone with a disability too.) I know PVP will always be toxic and there's no way to prevent people sharing their opinions short of extreme censorship, but it's kinda a problem that this one game mode is such a hostile environment for sizeable chunks of the community. I don't really have an answer for how to feasibly fix it, but I also know that ignoring the problem won't fix it either. It's a shame for a game as inclusive in other modes as GW2 to also somehow play host to this kind of hate, and with enough prevalence that even literally 6 years of blocking people in an already low-population game mode is still not enough to not see it.

Yes folks who hide anonymously behind keyboards will basically just troll any statement.  Whether they are actually bigots and believe it or not.   You'll also get similar responses if you write in some religious ideology.  Sometimes interesting conversation does come from it, that wouldn't have if people hadn't been giving troll responses.  I actually learn some things.

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15 hours ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

I too have a bad habit of publicly sharing my views on the hot-button political topics of the day.  You wouldn't believe the audacity of these people who disagree with me.  They start saying things I don't like and far be it from me to back down and let them have the last word.  Any ideas on how I can say what I want without other people saying what they want? I'm at my wit's end here, guys.


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