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Keeping track of Orr meta events

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When I was doing some legy weapon collection, I used to wait for a long time for few Orr meta events like, gates of arah- defend and defeat risen priest, defeat eye of zhaitan , cathedral of Zephyr - defend or defeat risen priestess dwayna,...

One thing I noticed while waiting for these events is- there will be noone around the event area for the entirety of the waiting time... Usually 50 minutes for these meta to restart. But at the final minute just before the event starts, 10 to 20 players just pop out of nowhere and kill the champion boss enemies under 30-40 secs.. (except gates of arah where defend event is a fixed time like 5 minutes or something)

I asked in map chat about how these players exactly know when the event is going to spawn and how they keep track of these events since they're not even waiting for the event but pop out of nowhere at the final minute b4 the event starts. But noone responds... If this happens just for gates of arah, I'd understand coz it's a core map meta... But this happens for all the other events I listed above...

My question is... Is there some kind of website, addon, blish addon that collects data from players and update these meta timings?( Even then, if multiple instances of the Orr maps exist, one map might spawn the event based on data and other map might not spawn event...)

Any addon, website to keep track of Orr meta?

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17 hours ago, Crystal Paladin.3871 said:

When I was doing some legy weapon collection, I used to wait for a long time for few Orr meta events like, gates of arah- defend and defeat risen priest, defeat eye of zhaitan , cathedral of Zephyr - defend or defeat risen priestess dwayna,...

One thing I noticed while waiting for these events is- there will be noone around the event area for the entirety of the waiting time... Usually 50 minutes for these meta to restart. But at the final minute just before the event starts, 10 to 20 players just pop out of nowhere and kill the champion boss enemies under 30-40 secs.. (except gates of arah where defend event is a fixed time like 5 minutes or something)

I asked in map chat about how these players exactly know when the event is going to spawn and how they keep track of these events since they're not even waiting for the event but pop out of nowhere at the final minute b4 the event starts. But noone responds... If this happens just for gates of arah, I'd understand coz it's a core map meta... But this happens for all the other events I listed above...

My question is... Is there some kind of website, addon, blish addon that collects data from players and update these meta timings?( Even then, if multiple instances of the Orr maps exist, one map might spawn the event based on data and other map might not spawn event...)

Any addon, website to keep track of Orr meta?

As far as I'm aware there is not, but it is entirely possible that there's a Discord out there set up to announce such events? Or even people posting in LFG? When I used to farm those maps regularly I would routinely see map call-outs (even for temple events occurring on other maps) and commanders tagging up, so I would imagine people are communicating about the events, but unfortunately you're not a part of their particular communication chain.

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People in my guild will routinely announce any events they think might be of interest, especially ones that aren't on a timer. It's a relatively small guild, but sometimes I drop in on an event a guild member announced because I'm not doing anything else and I see 3 or 4 other people from the guild there. I imagine bigger guilds can easily get 10 or more people just by doing that.

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