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Free Kryptis Essence - new adventure - glitches

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Posted (edited)

When i do this adventure i keep collecting essence and it shows up on the right side of my screen 16/19 then when the adventure is over the score board keeps saying 0 ??? Did it twice, same result. Just too early i guess, just 40mins after patch day  😄

First broken thing i found, do i win anything!

1st pic

2nd pic

edit: something weird just happened i'm in story now and i paused to come make this bug report and when i went back to game my chests finally arrived 13 mins later(12:53pm).  I didn't get them  at all initially from the adventure. Makes me wonder if when i go back to the adventure, my score will show up now? guess i'll find out when i'm done with this story instance.

double edit: nope nothing shows up on score board, still empty but i got silver chests 😞

3rd pic - shows chests and no score

just did a 3rd time too- no score. I hope there aren't any achievements tied to this.

Edited by Kelly.7019
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Additionally, could you add the ability to disable NPC chat bubbles? 
Really annoying to be heading for an essence and then the NPC wants to chat and the bubble blocks your view of your target.
Not insurmountable, but not nice either.

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42 minutes ago, Weru.5203 said:

Additionally, could you add the ability to disable NPC chat bubbles? 
Really annoying to be heading for an essence and then the NPC wants to chat and the bubble blocks your view of your target.
Not insurmountable, but not nice either.

The coms device chat bubble is incredibly annoying. 

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