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PVP weapons

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I just bought the EOD expansion and when I Equip pistol and Torch on my Reaper, It would not let me. 
So do I have to get the Elite and equip it? or I have to buy SOTO go through the story for weapon master training to have it?


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Posted (edited)
37 minutes ago, Supersteel.9468 said:


I just bought the EOD expansion and when I Equip pistol and Torch on my Reaper, It would not let me. 
So do I have to get the Elite and equip it? or I have to buy SOTO go through the story for weapon master training to have it?


In order to use elite spec weapons you need to:

1. Unlock the weapon via training it in the appropriate elite spec on that character (aka Torch gets unlocked via training scourge on necromancer, which is available if players who own PoF)

2. In order to use the elite spec weapon on any build, you need the weapon mastery unlocked on your account, which is available to players owning SotO

So for this specific case you need to:

A. unlock Reaper via owning HoT

B. unlock Torch for necromancer via training it in scourge, which you get with owning PoF

C. unlock Pistol for necromancer via training it in harbinger, which you get with owning EoD

D. unlock weapon mastery for your account which becomes available with owning SotO

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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To sum up: Without SotO and Weapon Master training you can only use elite spec weapons with that elite spec equipped on the build tab, which also means you can only use 1 at a time - a necromancer would not be able to use pistol and torch because they're for different elite specs.

With SotO and Weapon Master training you can equip any weapons the profession can use, even without the relevant elite spec equipped, but you have to own the expansion and complete the achievement (either through the story or via the WvW vendor). Importantly it's an achievement, not a mastery so it doesn't need training up and doesn't require any mastery points.

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