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I have a couple questions

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How come Tempest Fire Overload still only gives might in a 180 radius, while Herald does 25 might at 600 range (1200 radius) while they're still grabbing food from the kitchen?

Do you also find it really engaging gameplay to check every 2 seconds to make sure you're standing inside the 180 radius Firebrand mantra's have?

(WvW) If Support Tempest can sort-of do comparable healing to a Heal Vindicator while in their Water rotation, why do they then have 20 seconds of downtime where their healing & cleasing goes down to 10% of what it is in Water while the Vindicator swaps stance and gets refueled instead?

(WvW) How come we take the (by far) worst performing secondary support in the game and give it a very slight buff and a slight nerf and call that a good 3 months of work?

How do you wake up one morning and come across the idea that the mandatory kit, that has been mandatory since launch, should be just a little bit more mandatory now?

(WvW) How come Holosmith does 2x more damage than every other DPS?

(WvW) Is Dragonhunter a viable DPS spec or are we just stuck on guardian because there's a queue?

(WvW) Do you think it's by design that the zerg meta is 4 supports and 1 dps per party?

Since we practically had no changes to any Guardian specilizations outside PvE, does that mean they're perfectly balanced?

(PvP) Aren't you also happy that we're buffing Condition Mirage in PvP?

Does anyone know if Anet buffing Infinite Forge means they've realized that it's probably not healthy for the power build on a spec to be using the condition traits?

(PvE) How come when you look at Condition Virtuoso it's an easy to play, ranged, high damage, lifestealing, high CC monster of a DPS build that also scales insanely well with more enemies, as well as having access to the best invulnerability in the game, in addition to easily being able to bring the insane Mesmer utilities; and with this information we decide that the only change we're going make to this build is: Buff it so it's a little bit easier to play? nvm I love it actually, seems fair to me.

(PvE) Does anyone know what a Mirage is? I heard they're the same color as Virtuoso but I can't be sure

(PvE) How come half of the Alacrity builds can provide me with much loved alacrity while we're standing still waiting for a boss to do something, while the other half complains that they have no target and we're all sad together?

Does anyone know why normal food gives me +170 stats while Celestial food gives me +405?

Will there ever be a day that Mesmer illusions are less confused by thieves than thieves are by illusions?

(PvP/WvW) Was it really necessary to tie Unblockable on Virtuoso to a grandmaster trait just in-case one of them got any ideas of build diversity/experiementation?

(WvW) Did someone tell ArenaNet that "Firebrand" and "Primary Support" aren't actually synonyms?

Do you think it should be made illegal to make traits like Firebrand's Liberator's Vow without implementing some kind of visual effect and/or timer?

How come you can dodge every phantasm, clone and immobilize swap by having auto-run turned on while you're in the kitchen?

Does anyone actually know what's in Revenant's Retribution trait-line?

If we had a super-computer and a powerful future AI, do you think it could decipher why Soulbeast's Tail Swipe and Wing Buffet are on the balance priority list and not something else?

(WvW) Any Ranger main more happy about Tail Swipe rather than being viable outside of druid in GvG, Zergs or Blobs?

When MightyTeapot says that the coming balance patch is: "... a little bit underwhelming if I'm being perfectly honest" how charitable would you rate that on a scale from 1-10?

What changed now, and not at any point in the last 8 years, that we're allowing MUTLIPLE Condition Thieves in a party?

(PvP/WvW) When is Warrior going to recover from CC not doing damage anymore?

Does anyone know if the Bladesworn player thinks their specilization is in a good spot? Since it hasn't received any tweaks in the last 6+ months it must be, right?

(Raids) Are bosses supposed to have mechanics? They're dying so quickly it's hard to tell sometimes

Do you think Fractal players are actually good at Fractals or are they just killing everything in the spawn animation?

Isn't it weird that there was a massive bug that made NPCs stuck and frozen if you hit them too fast after they spawned? Wasn't it a thing in fractals and instead of fixing the bug they just made the bosses invulnerable for a short period of time - but didn't do this to NPCs in Core Tyria and the Personal Story?

Is there an Illuminati Cult of Evil Casuals plotting the downfall of people that take video games too seriously?

Have you ever taken a look at the wiki page for Known Bugs? (PS: I take no responsibility for damaged scroll wheels).

(PvE) Is it odd that Power Soulbeast and Power Untamed spike over 80k DPS in their opener while the 2nd closest raid power build spikes about 50k?

Do you think we're still balancing PvE around this?

Have you played Mesmer with the new rifle, seen a great oppurtunity to use the Skill 5 portal and someone's actually used it? (Doesn't count if you cheat with voice coms) I bet someone's at least accidentally clicked on it once.

Does anyone still think it's fun playing with Weave Self and not having a timer for the effects, so you have to mouse over the tiny icon, just in time to realize you're too late and it falls off?

Is it time to touch some grass?

Serious answers only /s

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