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Idea on making pvp better place.

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Really don't understand why so many GW2 players want to delete or otherwise change unranked.
It's unnecessary.

The only thing worth possibly considering is adding Ascended Shards to it, now that the Obsidian Armor exists and GW2 is basically a game where if you play long enough in "endgame" content you'll eventually have legendary armor.

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1 hour ago, oscuro.9720 said:

I want to say I agree with what I think you’re saying in that you don’t want group-queueing in PvP. Or rather, I agree provided what you really mean is non-equivalent queue sizes.

I don’t agree with the AT argument. Sometimes I want to log in when I have 30-40 minutes, hop into a group with a group of 5 guildies, and run some PvP queues. But I can’t, and I don’t have any motivation to play PvP solo for the multitude of community issues. Unranked is just less competitive, I don’t play for dailies, and I want a competitive experience without having to be bound by tournaments. The game mode is *designed* for 5v5. Allowing 5 man queues is where it should start. Sure, restrict it to other 5 man queues, but the fact it is no an option for a ranked mode is quite silly to me, especially when 60% of pvp’s problem is having to deal with the randoms who sandbag and breathe salt.

I get you and that's it exactly
really I don't see why its such a big deal to have both ranked teams and solos
it satisfies both crowds, gets rid of the cheating, and its 2 different ways to engage
the low population argument just seems like anxiety talking. If anybody wants the pop to grow at all, more options are the answer. Mixed solo/duo; what we have now, appeals to neither side as 2 people max in teams of 5 doesn't make any sense, and then since they're mixed with solos it's always weighted in their favor and that ruins the competition
just deleting soloq and saying you can't play ranked anymore makes no sense either since it's always been the most popular, quickest, and most accessible way 2 que

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Posted (edited)
On 6/8/2024 at 7:34 AM, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

I get you and that's it exactly
really I don't see why its such a big deal to have both ranked teams and solos
it satisfies both crowds, gets rid of the cheating, and its 2 different ways to engage
the low population argument just seems like anxiety talking. If anybody wants the pop to grow at all, more options are the answer. Mixed solo/duo; what we have now, appeals to neither side as 2 people max in teams of 5 doesn't make any sense, and then since they're mixed with solos it's always weighted in their favor and that ruins the competition
just deleting soloq and saying you can't play ranked anymore makes no sense either since it's always been the most popular, quickest, and most accessible way 2 que

Ok im sorry for previous posts. But i still dont see the reason why people think title based solo que or what i called random in post is so badly recieved. You literally spice things up by quick games where winning in a row in same team is what you persue. It just makes things more fun since you loose faster with bad random groups and have choice to push for 5wins with bit better teams or just better rotations, comps etc. So it actually ends up more meaningfull and makes conversations in random groups meaningfull which ends up in much better experience for new players. As i said imagine 5wins in a row wins you 15 points while leaving team and joining again need 15 wins to negate someone full run with 5wins in a row. Ofc you wont search for best team which leads to new players feeling trained to push it with them. In same time ppl will flame them much less since they don t throw rating and its just gg go next or gg push next. This is add on special armor skins for certain ranks etc which you can t do with rating. It is just more enjoyable way of playing with randoms while still having great way to still grab top title lets say rank 15 with pure skill if you can get this full rush daily. Thats what i don t understand why ppl are so much against idea of title based since whole gw1 pvp was more competitive but title based. It just creates healthier dynamic for both new and old players. In gw1 actual random arena had no mmr its just quick search every 30sec and is actually much more balanced than what you will think of it probably. Please explain why you want rating in this death pvp i rly wonder why ppl think its something they need. 

Edited by CroTiger.7819
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Posted (edited)

The reason i say rating is only thing in team que is because in gw1 guilds had their rating and you needed atleast 5 guildies out of 8 to play as team in gvg. Individuals still was only about title but title actually started building if your guild was in top100. This was working great as you can see since imagine 100 guilds from monthly at  to monthly at reset on rating. It tells you how competitive it was and yes everything was title based except guilds had rating. Now since you can be in more guilds in Gw2 it doesn t make sense and thats only reason i say team que should be rating based here, since it suits gw2 systems better and not because i care for rating. Truth is only few ppl (around 5) for example had r15 title in gw1 Heroes Ascent and even years later they stayed the only since winning in row multiplies and still make skill come on top.

Edited by CroTiger.7819
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Add ranked 5v5

Remove duo q from solo q 5v5

Remove unranked (so bronze has meaning again)

Should solve most issues, no? 

AFAIK no one can see your rating unless you are on leaderboard (outside the hideable medal), so always wondered why more people are afraid to play ranked.  

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