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It's time for second Legendary PvE Ring.

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I don't really see anything "legendary" coming with Janthir Wilds — spears probably, because currently we have one 1 legendary spear (and we can craft only 1 precursor per account).

But new raid should mean something special to work on, like a piece of legendary equipment. The only thing missing in Legendary Armory is a Ring. It's time to fill this gap.

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Anet already announced a legendary spear and backpack. Maybe you want to read up on a new expansion before making assumptions?

Also you can buy precursors from the TP so you can make multiple ones just the same. 

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With Wing 8 coming, I definitely think it was a missed opportunity, even if the ring was an open world collection. If the stacking effects created a new effect, people may have been inspired to complete the other trinket collections, including coalescence.

Edited by firedragon.8953
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I got 2x conflux in like 3 months? Dont know exactly, I didnt measure it, just tried to go for weeklies plus semi idle pip farm for diamong on 2nd monitor. So from that point of view ee dont really need it. But sure if enough people would want it, why not. Having options is great.

Edited by PetrLivingLife.8516
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4 hours ago, Kitty.4806 said:

Just do wvw. I'm a raider and I've been doing wvw for 5 hours a week for like 2 months and I almost have conflux. Is ezpz

I got conflux in 2 weeks during the wvw restructuring beta event with the 100% reward track boost, all the boosters imaginable in addition to that, and unlocking the guildrider warclaw reward track that gives you a huge amount of skirmish tickets half way through. It was the dumbest and least fun grind that I ever did in any MMO ever, so waiting for an event and stacking all boosters was the only way I would even consider attempting it. If it was an option, I would have very much preferred a 6 months PvE grind over this.

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6 hours ago, Sindust.7059 said:

I got conflux in 2 weeks during the wvw restructuring beta event with the 100% reward track boost, all the boosters imaginable in addition to that, and unlocking the guildrider warclaw reward track that gives you a huge amount of skirmish tickets half way through. It was the dumbest and least fun grind that I ever did in any MMO ever, so waiting for an event and stacking all boosters was the only way I would even consider attempting it. If it was an option, I would have very much preferred a 6 months PvE grind over this.

then don't do the legendary? lmfao?

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