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My character has 1.9k toughness and how can the enemy in front of me deal 4k damage to me? Trapper dh. Why is toughness useless in this game? Can't I make a tank class character? Also, remove the logic of killing the enemy with one hit. Because of you, the wars are very short and have no meaning anymore, and there is excessive ridiculous damage. In short, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, BRING A PROPER SYSTEM!

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I mean, toughness does not exist in a vacuum.

Damage mods exist. Armor weights exist. Vuln exists. Protection exists. Might exists. Skill coefficients exist. Crits exist.


What skill is hitting you for 4k that you're upset about?


Edited by vilesoldier.9826
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54 minutes ago, Marduk.1380 said:

My character has 1.9k toughness and how can the enemy in front of me deal 4k damage to me? Trapper dh. Why is toughness useless in this game? Can't I make a tank class character? Also, remove the logic of killing the enemy with one hit. Because of you, the wars are very short and have no meaning anymore, and there is excessive ridiculous damage. In short, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, BRING A PROPER SYSTEM!

Just dodge

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1 hour ago, Marduk.1380 said:

My character has 1.9k toughness and how can the enemy in front of me deal 4k damage to me? Trapper dh. Why is toughness useless in this game? Can't I make a tank class character? Also, remove the logic of killing the enemy with one hit. Because of you, the wars are very short and have no meaning anymore, and there is excessive ridiculous damage. In short, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, BRING A PROPER SYSTEM!

Without that, it would have been 7,3k damage, so you negated some nice amount from a glass build. 

If you now add protection boon for your own defense or some other strike damage reduction, you will face tank enough.

Owyea, weakness conditions help ontop of this too

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It might help to consider a little more context.

While toughness (contributing to armor rating) does mitigate incoming damage, it doesn't do so in the same way that AR did in GW1. There are some good reasons for that. First, and as @vilesoldier.9826 notes, it's not just about raw damage vs. armor in this game: you have loads of offensive and defensive modifiers that either additively or multiplicatively influence the end strike damage of a calculation. It's a complicated ecosystem, so to speak, and it's a composite whole, meaning toughness and overall AR have to share that space with the other modifiers.

The upshot is that, from a design perspective, toughness/AR/base damage mitigation needs to have their effects limited. Why? If too much weight is given to something like toughness, then you don't just become harder to kill, you become kitten near impossible to kill. This was feasible in a game like GW1 (https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Armor_calculation) due to having fewer mechanics in play and simpler PvE/PvP splits. Due to its complexity, however, GW2 needs to adopt a different damage calculation model that, in part, requires AR to take on a somewhat different function/niche in the damage ecosystem. If this weren't the case, then we'd end up with truly unkillable builds in a game that heavily depends on defeat-oriented gameplay (e.g., point-holding, outnumbering opponents, etc.).

None of this is to say that some sources of damage aren't currently overperforming. There also might be a case for somewhat increasing the effects of base AR to influence current risk-reward ratios on certain builds. It's important to keep in mind, though, that pulling on one thread influences the whole of the tapestry (I know, I'm mixing my metaphors now). Up to this point, the devs have largely looked at adjusting numbers for damage output/upkeep and left armor calculation alone, likely because it's easier to alter the one rather than the other without greatly disrupting the game. This alone has led to many concerns about power creep and, in turn, other adjustments often have to be made (at least in PvE, re: Boss HP bars). Adjusting the role of toughness/armor would likely make things even more complicated and, as much as I'd enjoy being a bullet sponge, I don't know that changing the base calculation is viable or advisable.

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