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Is warrior an unfun class? (warrior content creators)


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So, i just wanna know if warrior has some "limit" in its fun, because i've seen less and less warrior players since a while (except when it has some broken 'new' exploitable thing)

Ajax: he just quit, i think he was just the most active warrior streamer, many reasons could've made him quit.

Boyce: he rerolled to ranger, and very rarely plays warrior, and has been playing warrior less and less, i guess ranger just provides more  fun.

Vaanss: his last video was like almost 2 years ago, he probably just quit because it's just harder to solo roam in WvW as warrior now, cele an trailblazer stats making roam unfun or permastealth thieves making the roam experience really unfun since years like it's okay, like nothing happens and devs just ignores it.

Agriope: her edits were pretty cool, playing axe spellbreaker or axe core warrior, but she just quit making content almost right after 2020 february patch and warrior wasn't in a good spot for a while, her reasons to quit were probably the same as i mentioned on Vaanss.

But there's 1 that i still see that still plays warrior, Tramadex, he's a good multiclasser player and plays some good offmeta builds, specially on warrior.

What do you think? do people just quit and it has nothing related to warrior or... something else?

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old core warrior was a master piece, most fun to play and play against.

reason why many people like boyce had warrior as their favorite class, while maining ranger.

and yes, you are right, warrior never sticks, either you quit or you change,

often times warrior becomes the secondary class, no one mains it.

less so about fun (even tho it's part of it) more so about how warrior is played in ranked.

warrior lacks any team fight capability or roamer spike to shine in ranked, you will dominate in lower end, but the higher you climb, the more you are limited, the more you have to carry harder and harder by killing faster and faster (wouldn't need to if matched with people of all similar high rating, but now you are matched with people 2 tiers below), which warrior does not have any build that does the carry, which only comes from fast damage spike that can stick to enemy.

also due to the fundamental disadvantage of side noders, warrior may shine in competitive, but some random gold meme condi build will completely destroy it, but as a roamer or team fighter, it wouldn't matter if you meet a hard counter, you can just kit and still spike damage and kill enemies and carry your team. but as a side noder, if you are matched with a meme hard counter build that doesn't work everywhere else but gold and still destroy you, you basically becomes useless and has nothing to do with your skill level..

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40 minutes ago, Lighter.5631 said:

old core warrior was a master piece, most fun to play and play against.

reason why many people like boyce had warrior as their favorite class, while maining ranger.

and yes, you are right, warrior never sticks, either you quit or you change,

often times warrior becomes the secondary class, no one mains it.

less so about fun (even tho it's part of it) more so about how warrior is played in ranked.

warrior lacks any team fight capability or roamer spike to shine in ranked, you will dominate in lower end, but the higher you climb, the more you are limited, the more you have to carry harder and harder by killing faster and faster (wouldn't need to if matched with people of all similar high rating, but now you are matched with people 2 tiers below), which warrior does not have any build that does the carry, which only comes from fast damage spike that can stick to enemy.

also due to the fundamental disadvantage of side noders, warrior may shine in competitive, but some random gold meme condi build will completely destroy it, but as a roamer or team fighter, it wouldn't matter if you meet a hard counter, you can just kit and still spike damage and kill enemies and carry your team. but as a side noder, if you are matched with a meme hard counter build that doesn't work everywhere else but gold and still destroy you, you basically becomes useless and has nothing to do with your skill level..

The older the game has gotten, and the more things that have been added, I think it has just continually exacerbated the issues with Warrior's profession mechanic not standing the test of time like those of other classes. It just doesn't fit in with how things have developed over the years with game balance and mechanics that have been introduced.

At the end of the day the Adrenaline mechanic just takes too much time to build, does not maintain between fights, and does not pay off well enough compared to the vast majority of classes simply being able to press 2 to 3 buttons and do what Warrior needs 10+ actions to accomplish and even then it still doesn't measure up well enough.

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i mean now definitely feels a lot better, you almost never get meme'ed now

not sure it's due to the power gap between meta builds and low tier meme builds due to power creep, or CMC trashed a lot of the low tier meme builds.

which is why i was able to soloq to rank 10 at one point, finished at rank 25, without getting hard gock blocked by some low gold players with meme builds, which is what usually happens for the past idk so many years.

definitely not the same 2+ years ago, which lasted since release of the game.

Edited by Lighter.5631
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