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What is the reason most GW2 PvPrs are such kittenheads?

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That is pretty much unavoidable if your gonna play a game-mode which is centered around players interacting with other players directly.

Its a personality thing. there is no point in pondering/torturing yourself over the why other players would do this. ( i don't say MOST cause that's just impossible to check factually)

Each Human has a range of behaviors/attitudes/habits, their own strengths and weaknesses. Some like bullying/pester, Some are grumpy, Some like to fool around. Some are overzealous serious. Some are very impatient. Some are cold heart calculated. Some are self centered. And some just wanna play the game. 

But in the end its really about what you wanna do; there might be serious annoyance, but that wont change even if you start a topic on how other players are supposedly ****-ups . Its pretty much a clash of human behaviors in game-modes such a pvp. Most important part is you personally arm yourself with a thick hide mentality and don't let it get to you, but stay constructive yourself .

This of course can be difficult cause pvp is centered around human conflict. Its the very reason people enjoy this game mode in the 1st place. they like the excitement of conflict versus other human players. But because of that your also bound to run into people seeking conflict in a very negative way too.

It is also possible that because pvp creates alot of tense situations it elevates the heart rate/ adrenaline pumping/ release of endorfines? That last bit is pure speculation but i can image the responses in such "elevated state" can be much more... explosive/zealous if things go haywire after an all-time high(winning streak)..

But then again i only PVE; just saying how i would personally deal with it. Thick hide armor! Well, good luck sir. o7

Edited by Noidea Incognito.9607
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14 hours ago, Eurantien.4632 said:

GW2 PvP is one of the least toxic PvP environments imo. It has gotten worse overtime due to a raised skill floor caused by things like an increase in specializations and weapons which makes it harder to have an effective build and to know how to fight effective builds. The duo queue format of ranked and the small population do nothing to foster positive connections in games. Way back in the Free Tournament days you'd queue up (1-5 players) get on a team, then if you won you stayed together for the next match. If someone left, you just got someone new. Then if you won again you went to the next match. If you won that 3rd match you got better rewards which you could use to enter into Paid Tournaments that were more competitive and had better rewards. This system actively encouraged participation and fostered connection because you wanted to play with the better people because more wins = more rewards. With the current system its all just one offs. Win or lose your rating is affected and that is all that matters. I have little reason to interact with my teammates because next round they might not even be on the same team let alone in the same game.

With the population as small as it is, it is highly likely that the team mates you played with will be in the next game if they queue. I've had over 5 games streaks played with at least 6 of the same people from previous rounds. I'd be more surprised if I didn't run into them again the next round. It's also why people abuse queueing as certain classes. They know that x person is queuing at that time and that x person loses the match up against them. 

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  • Forum Moderator.3419 changed the title to What is the reason most GW2 PvPrs are such kittenheads?
On 6/28/2024 at 12:55 PM, coro.3176 said:

Specifically competitive online team games have the same problems.

Human psychology always wants to blame someone else. It's easier to say "my team sucks" than "I suck". 

You never see the same toxicity in 1v1 games like fighting games, RTS, TCG, etc. If you lose, it's a clear and humbling experience. You have no one to blame but yourself.

I agree and disagree. There are outliers. TF2 is still very popular and on many servers the player base doesn't take themselves so seriously.

Ever watched street fighter or tekken competitions? There are some real a-holes who run their mouth enough to pick a fight.
And then super smash bros competitions, seems like every single player is respectful if not meek in nature.

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