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Too little too late yet again

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10 hours ago, Melumi.6432 said:


  • Ranked and unranked need merging together

Absolutely not. The "log in for rewards" type of system needs to remain in Unranked while long-term rewards should stay in Ranked... IMO.. There's too many silver players that only play Ranked queue just for specific rank rewards, which is ludicrous. Ranked is meant to be competitive. Why force noncompetitive players to play with tryhards? I've always disagreed with Dailies (and the likes) in Rank pvp because it attracts afk's and newbies who don't even care about competitive try-hard Rank games.


11 hours ago, Melumi.6432 said:


  • Rank and rewards should be determined by individual performance ONLY - skilled and engaged play.

There's no way to add a system that calculates "individual performamce".  This has been looked into multiple times over in the past 9 years. 

11 hours ago, Melumi.6432 said:


  • Tournaments should have a random team mode alongside the 5v5 mode.

We had this once before and it was a crappy system. You had these Plat2+ players waiting for 10minutes (or longer) just to get a game where these top players were steamrolling Golds or Silvers. The matches were rarely balanced. It's why they changed it to DuoQ while these 5man tryhard teams can enter AT for a more competitive experience.

11 hours ago, Melumi.6432 said:


  • Duo Q Gold+ needs to be stopped, or just stop Duo Q altogether. It manipulates the algorithm too much.
  • Stop character swapping, and lock the players build when queueing, as this can be used to manipulate the algorithm and overall match.

I don't disagree. A lot of players including myself wants a Lone Wolf soloQ like how we had when the game launched.

A lot of match-manipulation shenanigans stems in the mmr algorithm. If you look in your guild tab, there's a section called PvP Guild Team. When you create a team, you can have a higher chance going against another PvP Guild Team (50%). When you duoQ with the same class, say, Engineer, matchmaking is set so that it Will Not place another set of duoQ engineers on the same team.

So picture this. Four players of the same class, in their own seperate Guild Team and sync queueing, will nearly guarantee that they're going to be in the same game as each other. Especially true when it's afterhours and no other players are queueing. Sure removing duoQ will help but it will just be a band-aid fix. Dual class sync-queueing will still be an issue if they don't fix the pvp algorithm.

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1 hour ago, Grimjack.8130 said:

Double Thief has been a very high tier comp for awhile now and has only been getting more popular-on EU mainly mind you because NA is bad I guess. Especially on a map like Coli its almost certainly meta. Ah the classic uncompetitive player talking about competitive games, never gets old.

The dude you've just responded would be part of the small group of people Anet could possibly target to become  "competitive" players attracted by the supposed carrot of AT rewards, as he's already a regular ranked player hovering g3/p1/p2. Or is it some other group we're thinking of that should be attracted to getting dominated by the few dozens of already organized players (and apparently talked down for no reason on top of it)? Why address the example but not whether RMT is a thing at all? Again, several things Anet could do outside of ATs have been suggested already, and Anet probably knows a lot of what could be done to begin with if they really listen to players. Their focus on AT updates this time in lieu of other things is not very justified at all, and the utter lack of communication updates, not even in the forums, about their instance on cheating in general doesn't help.

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14 minutes ago, Kitty.4806 said:

PvP game modes attract the most vile scum of players. I want it gone, personally. ,

No, they just need to be moderated. I suggest a crack team of strict Scottish grannies. I give it a week before every one is polite.

Source, had a strict Scottish grannie 

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8 hours ago, Grimjack.8130 said:

Double Thief has been a very high tier comp for awhile now and has only been getting more popular-on EU mainly mind you because NA is bad I guess. Especially on a map like Coli its almost certainly meta. Ah the classic uncompetitive player talking about competitive games, never gets old.

Ah, color me surprised as double thief is typically a death sentence in climbing / non-comp'd games.

Here it didn't work too well either, I don't know enough about if that's an NA problem or whatever, just saw the blowout and went 'welp'.  

Pretty sure I've q'd with you a few times, btw.  

Edited by Gotejjeken.1267
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Ive played against and dueled some top 50 players and the skill gap is astronomical. Even if I took the best players I knew on friends list, and we made a team, dedicated some time to meta team builds, we would still get our kitten handed to us. It is simply a matter of who is willing to dedicate the most time to it, which I am not, so will never win an AT at that skill level. So why would I bother playing games just to get desotryed, even if we dedicated the time we had to improving?


On the other hand, if you had a personal rank, which locked you to a certain AT rank level (with adjusted rewards to stop rank sandbagging) then I would play ATs, becuase I would play vs players of similar dedication, and we all have a chance. Anet run this game like unbridled capitalism, it only favours the players who sink the most time in, they take all. Problem is, everybody below that ends up quiting, which is so obvious and backed up by the fact you can now get top 250 for being in g2/3.. the pop is dead.. plats in same games as silvers has been going on for months now, ANet do kitten all about it. Anet are noobs basically.. they don't even ban me anymore, and tbh I need to be banned, toxic af. 


You know what it is? Its like Gw2 pvp was started by the father, put in a great shift, then he died and the noob sons took over, clueless, visionaless, spineless, and kitten all over his legacy.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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On 7/11/2024 at 4:08 AM, Sahne.6950 said:


I wanted to write pretty much this exact message... and then thought:    "you know what... i dont even care anymore"

Then i started Diablo 4.


The ponnacle of PvP gameplay, of course.


I'm so pumped anet is going th direction they are. Once they lowered costs of ascended hear AND increased ranked rewards?? Hell yeah they cookin again!!

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play other games, pvp in this game is dead, the players hate pvp, the game is going in a different direction, there is no financial incentive for pvp.

you should try dota2, hots, or maybe play gw1, not this game, you will see borderline perfection and an entire cess pit of people who want nothing more than to drool on themselves and do daily chores or people who have an inflated sense of self who want to tear you down slowly, the game is full of twitter and reddit users.

when they canceled their contract with esl, people on the gw2 reddit were glad, you can understand people not liking a thing and not caring, but actively praising something's downfall... when it has absolutely no bearing on you directly or in your vicinity thats kittening weird, its really strange, would you want to surround yourself with people who actively witch hunt and cannot for the life of them stop trying to get employees from anet fired, isnt weird how thats like the go to strategy for some people, let alone in a community? and that same community cries constantly about the lack of communication.

cool ppl play this game i love u guys you are homies but if you want to know why the game is the way it is, just look at the vast majority of its players then look at how the company responded over the years. dont blame anet fully, blame its players too.

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