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Remove that axe-throwing, bleed-stacking, teleporting bleeder with no CC bars whatsoever from Convergences.

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20 minutes ago, Firebeard.1746 said:

Well good players will have fewer reasons to do them in Janthir with them upping the difficulty lol. They're counting on us using the power creep and doubling down on it. Sure make a game with 40 different stat combinations but only make the glass cannon builds viable (with some sprinkled support here and there). What could go wrong? Heaven help you if you love soldier's gear. 

Gear is not the issue of players doing 5k or less dps with full boons.

Celestial alone is more than capable of outputting 4 times that amount on a proper build.

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22 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

Gear is not the issue of players doing 5k or less dps with full boons.

Celestial alone is more than capable of outputting 4 times that amount on a proper build.

I personally use celestial and durable glass cannon builds these days in OW and I don't believe that people are going to care enough to do that. This is going to be DE meta all over again.  

Edited by Firebeard.1746
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/16/2024 at 6:29 PM, Cyninja.2954 said:

If memory servers me right, I ended my 100th convergence (at 102 now, haven't touched this content in months) with around 9 fails, around 15 private convergences, 85 public, all 5 CMs done gold.

After completing the version 2 obsidian armor I had 0 reason to continue doing convergences (that and I had around 25k T1 essence left over anyway).

That said, here is what I learned in those months running the content:

1. enter convergences early, later ones more often than not where the critical ones

2. bring a proper build ideally a boon support build yourself with as much cc as possible depending on the boss, otherwise bring condi cleanse

3. the majority of players in this content are typical open world players (in short: absolutely incompetent on horrible builds with the attention span and reflexes of dead cats). I'm pretty sure this has not improved by now with many veteran players eventually phasing out of the content or simply going for private squads

Umbriel Halberd of House Aurkus is a perfectly doable fight IF at least a few players bring support skills and the majority of players pay attention and MOVE out of big obvious numbered circle, so in essence not doable by many public groups.

Looking forward to open world raids. I'm sure those will fare far better when experienced veteran players run this content as raids which will deprive the open world version of even more carrying players.😏


If you want to reduce stress with convergences, join private squads and stop running the lowest effort public versions.

So figured I'd give an update on how convergences have went for me since I decided to do weekly 3 convergences for the past few weeks.

Total convergences run: 9

Of those public: 8

Bosses encountered in publics:

Dreadwing 4

Umbriel 2

Demon Knight 1

Sorrow 1

Success rate: 100%

Build run: support scourge

Of these encounters, 2-3 non Umbriel ones were lacking boons SEVERELY and had the rng rolled Umbrriel on those squads, it would have been a guaranteed fail. We are talking 45+ players and not 1 quickness support and no or barely any alacrity supports (excluding myself). Overall performance on most fights was decent, especially where players would bring boon supports builds and spread to islands equally. The last Dreadwing was even a 15 minute fight, good for a public.

This puts my total amount of convergences cleared at: 112 (Convergence Conqueror done, 12 into Continuous Convergence Conqueror) and grand total to around 16 private convergences, 95 public and still only around 9 fails.

So I am going to repeat the 2 suggestions I gave:



1. enter convergences early, later ones more often than not where the critical ones

2. bring a proper build ideally a boon support build yourself with as much cc as possible depending on the boss, otherwise bring condi cleanse


With bring a proper build I mean bring ideally a boon support build (offensive or defensive, either is fine but make sure to give boons so others which lack them do more damage). During those 2 Umbriel fights I got close to triple digit resurrections from transfusing and resurrecting downed players (running Ritual of Life as well as Well of Blood helped with mass resurrecting) and yes, I decided specifically on support scourge only for that boss.

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