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For the longevity of this wonderful game

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Also it's interesting how you keep talking about "new players" as if new player was supposed to skip every tier of gear and just aim straight for those precursors/legendaries.

You know any new players? Because what they do is actually this. They want a legendary or nice skin BEFORE they finished the complete grind that comes with acquiring ascended for example. Because they ask themselves why should i grind for an item thats not even best in slot? For them legendaries are better even though they have the same stats as ascended. Not even mentioning skins like boots or infusions here.


For example, the mistwalker infusion is included as a rare drop from WvW lords, but an account bound version can be purchased using large amounts of wvw currency. (This infusion, BTW, is the reason I began to truly engage with the wvw game mode, so it does contribute to longevity, even if "players like me" are a negligible amount.) 

This is what we are looking for exactly. Just the price of it is ridicolously high and not okay.


Another example is the clockwork, everbloom, jotun, and possession infusions. These can drop from strike CM bosses, or account bound versions can be purchased for large amounts of strike currency. 

Same thing with the abyssal and mote of darkness infusions, can be found as a rare drop or purchased for fractal currency.

These are PERFECT examples, ANET. Why not have something like this for ALL the overpriced infusions and skin boxes, legendaries on the trading post too? Market manipulators can have their fun on the TP while players can achieve these things in other ways, which doesnt cost their whole lifetime or rng success of a lifetime. Rareness and therefore price of the Item is dicateted by how challenging the encounter is. This is perfect. Why not have it for all items and infusions and legendaries in game, especially RETROACTIVELY???


Frost legion infusion is another lesser known example, which can be obtained as a rare drop or through an incredibly grindy achievement.

This one is not a good example, cause it is way too grindy.

Edited by DragonsB.6451
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1 minute ago, DragonsB.6451 said:

You know any new players? Because what they do is actually this. They want a legendary or nice skin BEFORE they finished the complete grind that comes with acquiring ascended for example. Because they ask themselves why should i grind for an item thats not even best in slot? For them legendaries are better even though they have the same stats as ascended. Not even mentioning skins like boots or infusions here.

Yes, I do and most of them don't care (or even know) about things like cosmetic infusions, invisible boots or legendaries. They're often occupied by gear stats in general, exotic/ascended gear, builds, "what to do" and what's even worth getting from wv. They're not really preoccupied with what you're arguing about in this thread. And legendaries aren't "the best in slot" stat-wise, so if that's what your new players are worried about, you should probably inform them about it.

Funny how you completely skipped this though: No, not really, WV provides a big chunk of upfront gold every season -the "new players" never had it easier to quickly get a rather large chunk of it soon after hitting 80. (while the rest of the post was edited later, so understandable)


1 minute ago, DragonsB.6451 said:

This is what we are looking for exactly. Just the price of it is ridicolously high and not okay.

You literally wrote this in your OP: 1. Bring High Valued Items (Contracts, Infusions, Legendaries) into Laurel vendor for a price that is hilariously high

It appears you only want it to appear as hilarious high, but in reality it should be easly acquiried by completing weeklies and buying out laurels. How about, if you truly care about longevity of the game (and subsequentially longevity of its content), you understand that bounding rewards to specific currencies within specific content/maps is what provides that potential longevity. For example you complain about cosmetic infusion acquisition, but content providing those infusions is still consistently played. Trying to move rewards to the action of getting ported to the end of jp is not that.

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Yeah my first post was my opinion i had when heading into this discussion. I really like the idea of it being purchasable by laurels+map currency now after discussing, like mistwalker infusion for example or the other ones listed. It sounds perfect to me and seems to be something we all can agree on (except for the trading post players obviously).

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3 minutes ago, DragonsB.6451 said:

Yeah my first post was my opinion i had when heading into this discussion. I really like the idea of it being purchasable by laurels+map currency now after discussing, like mistwalker infusion for example or the other ones listed. It sounds perfect to me and seems to be something we all can agree on (except for the trading post players obviously).

Map currency yes. Laurels no. Laurels are an unnecessary additional gate with a finite gain cap. Since you can only gain so many, a player would be forced to wait out an arbitrary timer - and that promotes nothing positive for the game. Map currency has no cap and being a sole requirement means a given player has the choice in the pace they proceed at

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29 minutes ago, DragonsB.6451 said:

Of course the people who would get hurt by these changes will cry the loudest. It is still not the amount of time invested that should matter, but the amount of ways possible to get that thing! And currently the only thing is to buy it from the TP, where its highly price manipulated, because the ONLY other way involves RNG thats from out of this world, maybe even out of this solar system or universe.😄

-->ANET has to adress multi accounters as well. So Laurels+Map currency or Astral Acclaim+Map Currency should be the way to go. This would as well oppose the idea of a "flooded market" because u need map currencies and cannot simply get them by logging in.

How would I get hurt by this?
And "crying"? Seriously? I'm not the one making posts about how I can't afford the shinies I want but I don't want to do the work.
Regardless of how you frame it - you're lazy and you want it given to you and that's all this is. RNG has NOTHING to do with legendries; there is literally kitten all stopping you from making any of the legendries in the game starting with raw mats, but you want it all and you want it now. Infusions? Contracts? These things, or a lack of them, do not impede your ability to play and enjoy all modes of the game in any way.
Not mention ANet is a company, like many of you "gimmie, gimmie, gimmies" seem to forget, not a group of enthusiastic gaming philanthropists; they need to generate a profit to keep the game going and the gem store is a MASSIVE part of that - when you make things like bank/hairdo/merchant/crafting station contracts common, you know what happens? People stop buying pavillion passes, hair/identity kits, and other QoL items that are easy to monotize - you are sitting here trying to tell a company how to ensure the games longevity by how to generate less money over time.
Yeah, really valuable input. /eyeroll

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