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On 7/21/2024 at 2:40 AM, Chaba.5410 said:

...That defense is dead.  Tonight we in TLC had a lot of fun defending against twice our numbers (2:1 is the proper defender's advantage ratio).  About 12 vs. 36 plus whatever pugs show up to help.  Maybe more like 20 vs 40..  We lost the tower, but that didn't matter because we were having a lot of fun doing stupid new things with the recent changes, especially trebs and trying new strategies.  Defense lasted about 15-20 minutes.  Tied up the other group so they were not simply ktraining.

So how Did it go with 1 of you and 11 pugs? Was it the same? How did that go?

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Showing up with 12 defenders versus gathering 12 defenders as you go, is not the same thing. Having defenses already in place is not the same thing. Being together versus all showing up separate is not the same thing. It is still much easier to choose when to attack versus choose to defend or more groups would choose to defend. 

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1 hour ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

I don't know, had been asked a number of times last week to stop defending and stop attacking, it was kind of sad since not even in an Alliance when doing said activities. Kind of messed up that. Welcomed all DoT members to join Forum Wars 2 to share what was what and discuss.

I get them tho. Because DoT realized they were gonna face Magbags on Rall's Rest and decided to tank.

I'm on Lasagne Krall and similar calls were made but one ppt ktrain comm ignored the calls. Won DoT by a small bit and now we stuck against magbags for our last week. The reset flame train was not pretty.

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12 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

Showing up with 12 defenders versus gathering 12 defenders as you go, is not the same thing. Having defenses already in place is not the same thing. Being together versus all showing up separate is not the same thing. It is still much easier to choose when to attack versus choose to defend or more groups would choose to defend. 

Well there's defenders, and there's bystanders that get tossed into the thing.

Defending, as in real life, relies on prevention, more than galaxy brain tactics and twitch combat reflexes (which is cool but often not applicable in most scenarios). So the defenders you see doing their job are the ones that are preplacing siege and more importantly know where the enemy is and often thwart attacks as soon as they happen.

Of course nobody sees this, and thus most don't appreciate it.  I could be guilty of this. I go into a tower, use whatever siege was there, call it out and then gank whoever didn't get the memo. But am I really the "defender" here?  Partially, but to the untrained eye it makes it look like I did all the work. I wasn't the one that built the siege, nor was I the one to keep track of the enemy's movements.  I wasn't around the last time the tower was under attack. Nor would I function as a speedbump to trap the enemy supply.  Heck, most of the time I only tell my team where enemies are because they killed me. Just because one comes in guns blazing to finish the job does not mean they deserve all the glory-- it is a team effort after all. And a lot of the more egotistical types will claim they "carried" everyone despite only performing the last step. I mean sure, you had fun, but someone had to usually set it up so you could.

Many an alliance not only stacked their time zone,  but only stacked people that only play in a zerg, thus those alliances don't do anything besides help themselves, and then they get mad that the best scout report they get is [Sunnyhill} about 5 seconds before actually flips and all the content runs away. Oh btw if you're scouting please tell the blobs where the content is and kindly gtfo the map so we can get our full map queue on.

Some may learn their lesson and diversify their alliance a bit, but Gw2 players aren't exactly very good at being accountable for their own actions so it may take a while. Most are still blaming Anet for getting pulled off a wall or being spawn camp by the ghosts of Mag (apparently the spirits forcefully take control of their character to send it outside of spawn)

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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