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WVW –Comander Tags

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Scouting, Havok Groups, Zergs, Blobs, XP farmers are the five groups we can encounter in WvW. There are many different commanders in the game who use in-game chat and discord. We have two types of commander tags and they are only distinguished by different colors. I think different commander tags should be added to the game to understand what a player is doing in wvw. Commander tags are also used as prestige indicators. The players want to show off that they have cat commander tags. When players use this as a prestige indicator, it can cause a lot of confusion. From time to time, 6 commanders can be tagged on the same map.

We must ensure that the players receive different commander tags according to their roles in the game.

1-Let's say I am a scout and the fact that I am a scout must be seen by both commanders, other players and enemy players. When I get the scout commander tag, I should be able to form a party of maximum  2 people, and when I use the in-game chat, it should be stated that I am a scout, and what I write should appear on the game screen, except for the in-game chat. I should have markings that are appropriate for a scout, and accordingly, for other players who will follow the information I give. should provide convenience. Players under the scout commander tag and command must have a buff that allows them to move 20% faster than all other players.

2-When Zerk and Blobs commanders reach a certain number of players, they should be displayed briefly and understandably to other players, and the commanders' abilities should increase. Let's say there are 40 players under my command, and every player looking at the map should be able to see this, and at the same time, these commanders should be able to talk to those under their command in the game by pressing a button. Other players should not be able to respond, but the commander should be able to talk. If a commander commands more than 40 players, the commander tag should grow and change, and enemy players should be able to see these commanders. This commander should also be able to make markings using drawings and writing on the main map, visible to all friendly players. These advanced command abilities can only be used when commanding a certain number of players.

3-Havok Gropus and XP farming players must be marked with the same commander tags and be limited to a maximum of 15 players. They must not have any special commander abilities that other commanders have, but unlike all other commanders, they must have the ability to teleport their entire group alongside another commander. This ability should have a certain time limit and will have a strategic importance in gathering all friendly players in a certain area when necessary. If a player enters the WvW, he should be automatically included in a group with the commander tag of the Havok group. If the number of players is below 15 by limiting this commander tag, the game should automatically include the player who enters the game without being under the control of the commander or the players in the group. If the number of players in the group reaches 15, the commander tag must automatically replace the zerg commander tag and the commander must have the ability to select or invite players to join the group.

4-This commander tag should be designed to be used by guilds. Only the guild leader or guild commanders should have the authority to use this tag. The design of the commander tag should be designed to show the guild logo and the maximum number of players should be 20 and non-guild members should not be able to enter. They should not have any special abilities that other commanders have, and the command tag should be obtained through guild missions. This commander and those under his command should automatically receive all guild buffs, even if they do not have the abilities that other commanders have.

5-Commander tags under the commander tag. If a scout joins a large group, for example a zerg group, there must be a special commander tag that shows which commander's group he is in and that he is a scout. This commander tag should be visible when havok groups unite or among all players under the control of a single commander. The game should automatically set this.

6-Builders and bombardier command tag. Players using this commander tag and those under their command should receive a 15% decrease in their normal attack abilities, but a 15% increase in speed and damage to their ability to use construction and siege weapons. Players in this group must also have the ability to carry more resources than all other players.

These different commander tags should not be purchasable in-game in any way. They must be unlockable through Achivement.


In summary, the commander tag system should be renewed and the system that excludes new players should be changed.Giving special abilities will encourage other players to join parties.I just opened the commander tag and captured a few tower, castles and a camp, including SM..When I want to join any commander without opening the commander tag, it is usually impossible.Old players in the game ignore 1-2 year old players like me or new players and often make fun of them.Many new players are subjected to various insults, including myself. A commander who captures SM is not accepted into the party for taking a simple tower.Many insults were thrown at me, such as PVE loser, stupid, it can't be built here, if you don't know how to play, go back to PVE.This must change and the only way to do this is through commander tags. Yesterday and today I captured hundreds of camps on my own. Despite this, I cannot find a place in the game because old players are holding the doors. At times, I was even told not to leave because there was a queue in WvW. There were even messages saying "Die bot commander while commanding." is being written.Just before writing this article, I wanted to join a commander and I was not accepted. Then I wanted to join another commander on a different map and I was not accepted again. I don't know how to play according to the oldplayers  and I will never have a place among them because I haven't been playing for 12 years.Even in the in-game chat, where game rules apply, there are many toxic players, and in discord groups, this can disrupt the psychological balance of many young players and even lead them to suicide.What is written here will both make our lives easier and reduce the exclusion of new players and the number of toxic players. I am not a game designer, of course it can be adjusted in a better way. Also, I do not like toxic and mocking players in the forum. Although humiliating and mocking other people seems like fun, it is not.

Edited by eriniy.8607
mssing world
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Glad you're back, hope you had a great vacation.

- Tags giving special bonuses is a terrible idea. What would prevent people from using a "Scouting Tag" while moving, then a "Builder Tag" while building, then switching to a "Regular" or no tag at all for fighting. Every system that can be exploited will be exploited, never count on the honor of people.
- Making "Zerg Tags" visible to the enemy team may play to your special idea on how the game mode should be played but I can assure you that you are in the minority. What you are looking for is called GvG. There are guilds for it, because it is calleded GvG. Giving away your position is a huge disadvantage in regular WvW and also makes scouts kinda pointless.
- The "Scouting Tags" are a good idea. However, on most servers scouts announce that they are scouting and then they will be invited into the squad and will be given participation, so most of the special treatment you propose isn't necessary.
- I don't get the "players getting included and excluded automatically" stuff around squad sizes. Let comms make their own squads. Let people who want to join join and people who don't want to join not join. Also haven't you been harping on about comms not letting people join freely for quite some time now and wouldn't this sort of exclusivity work against that?
- Having an option to port the entire squad would be nice as long as it's only to free waypoints of course.
- Having more variety in tags would be nice, especially guild tags would be cool.
- I doubt that tags are a big thing of pride and prestige these days. Usually it's people who have recently aquired theirs that run around with it 24/7 for two days but then tag down when the find out that some sort of responsibility comes with it.

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I don't really agree with adding bonuses to tags.

I do think we could use some more different tag icons to specify roles, like the apple one in pve. Like the regular commander icon is used for open public squad tags, then switches to  catmander when it's a closed squad tag, then switches to a kodan icon when only one guild name is present in the squad, and maybe a squirrel tag for scouts, and a dog tag for havoc squad 15 players and under. 🤷‍♂️

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It was only one line in a recent patch, but worth noting that your squad message now appears as mouseover text when you are showing your tag. That's a means to communicate with other groups about what the function of you and your squad is. For example, if you are scouting, you can change your squad message to "enemy group on me" while you follow them around.

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6 minutes ago, Sheff.4851 said:

It was only one line in a recent patch, but worth noting that your squad message now appears as mouseover text when you are showing your tag. That's a means to communicate with other groups about what the function of you and your squad is. For example, if you are scouting, you can change your squad message to "enemy group on me" while you follow them around.

That was a rather good change and agree, that solves the issue that many had of what type of tag are you without going and seeing. Would recommend all tags use the feature if they want to help players decide if they want to join it. For the comms, mind your typing else they will let you know lol. Thank you spell checkers!

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1 hour ago, Omega.6801 said:

Glad you're back, hope you had a great vacation.

- Tags giving special bonuses is a terrible idea. What would prevent people from using a "Scouting Tag" while moving, then a "Builder Tag" while building, then switching to a "Regular" or no tag at all for fighting. Every system that can be exploited will be exploited, never count on the honor of people.
- Making "Zerg Tags" visible to the enemy team may play to your special idea on how the game mode should be played but I can assure you that you are in the minority. What you are looking for is called GvG. There are guilds for it, because it is calleded GvG. Giving away your position is a huge disadvantage in regular WvW and also makes scouts kinda pointless.
- The "Scouting Tags" are a good idea. However, on most servers scouts announce that they are scouting and then they will be invited into the squad and will be given participation, so most of the special treatment you propose isn't necessary.
- I don't get the "players getting included and excluded automatically" stuff around squad sizes. Let comms make their own squads. Let people who want to join join and people who don't want to join not join. Also haven't you been harping on about comms not letting people join freely for quite some time now and wouldn't this sort of exclusivity work against that?
- Having an option to port the entire squad would be nice as long as it's only to free waypoints of course.
- Having more variety in tags would be nice, especially guild tags would be cool.
- I doubt that tags are a big thing of pride and prestige these days. Usually it's people who have recently aquired theirs that run around with it 24/7 for two days but then tag down when the find out that some sort of responsibility comes with it.

Actually, I can't say that I came back. I said that I started working and would play different games.I encountered a huge problem at work. I was told that I would be involved in a tax evasion method that had been going on for years and that I would earn 3-4 times my salary in this way, and I refused.I learned that it was a pretty big illegal business, involving police officers and even preparing fake accident reports and billing clerks, and I reported it to the police.Later, I learned that according to law, 10% of the evaded tax would be paid to me.Even though this will make me very rich, this is a very dangerous situation and requires me to be careful.For this reason, it can be said that I do not leave the house much. I am waiting for the legal process to be concluded.

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1 hour ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

That was a rather good change and agree, that solves the issue that many had of what type of tag are you without going and seeing. Would recommend all tags use the feature if they want to help players decide if they want to join it. For the comms, mind your typing else they will let you know lol. Thank you spell checkers!

Been using this to advertise discord while being semi-private allowing only people that link builds that can join. Some think they are being smart by just joining Dis and bypassing the build check but little do they know =D

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That's how a lot of commanders got started. They didn't like the way that other people were doing things, so they did it themselves and got results that way. Joining any squad is optional so if it's not a successful approach, you'll notice, because nobody joins your squads.

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1 hour ago, eriniy.8607 said:

Actually, I can't say that I came back. I said that I started working and would play different games.I encountered a huge problem at work. I was told that I would be involved in a tax evasion method that had been going on for years and that I would earn 3-4 times my salary in this way, and I refused.I learned that it was a pretty big illegal business, involving police officers and even preparing fake accident reports and billing clerks, and I reported it to the police.Later, I learned that according to law, 10% of the evaded tax would be paid to me.Even though this will make me very rich, this is a very dangerous situation and requires me to be careful.For this reason, it can be said that I do not leave the house much. I am waiting for the legal process to be concluded.

That doesn't sound good. Let's just hope taking the moral high ground won't cost you more than money in that case.

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