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Simple shield buffs


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I don't think we need a lot of changes to make something for a Warrior good tbh. I like the whole "purity of purpose" approach we have here, but we could also make it better.

Shield 4 could be an ammo charge skill? With reduced cooldown and stuff.

Shield 5 could just be a normal block like that, but each block reduces its recharge or recharge of other weapon skills by say, 1/4 or 1/2 seconds.

What do you think?

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Personally feel that the current version of shield has cooldowns that are ridiculous.

Ammo for Shield 4 should be a good idea, gives more cc synergy.

Shield 5 should be some sort of channel with a stamina bar that recharges when not used. Allows you to hold the shield up for 3 seconds max but allows you to snipe blocks exactly when you need it.
Could recharge fully over 15 seconds ish.
Just a concept.

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On 7/26/2024 at 12:48 AM, Guy.9207 said:

I don't think we need a lot of changes to make something for a Warrior good tbh. I like the whole "purity of purpose" approach we have here, but we could also make it better.

Shield 4 could be an ammo charge skill? With reduced cooldown and stuff.

Shield 5 could just be a normal block like that, but each block reduces its recharge or recharge of other weapon skills by say, 1/4 or 1/2 seconds.

What do you think?

I think shield is being replaced by other offhands in most game modes. I'd start by increasing the range of Shield Bash by a small amount, from 450 to 600. This would basically turn it more into a mini Bull's Charge and would help when playing mace mainhand or axe which doesn't have too many gap closers. It could also let players who use sword or dagger or weapons with mobility attached to maybe not feel as strong a need to take Bull's Charge, or at least let them feel more comfortable experimenting with the idea.

Tbh other offhands need even more help than Shield. Torch still feels lackluster, as does Mace. Even offhand Axe needs some help.

Torch could use another ammo charge, so it would have at least 3.

Mace offhand's Tremor should have a rework imo. If you just sped up the animation or made the shock wave larger it could get oppressive, especially considering the telegraph isn't super noticeable in the heat of combat. Having an orange thin line extending 1200 as the animation casts to foreworn opponents and then once activated having anyone in said line being cc'd would be cool. That way it activates the cc immediately after touching the ground, but still gives time for opponents to react as the animation is playing.

If I took it a step further, I would make Tremor have a knock forward effect. This would allow cool combos into the heavy hitting Crushing Blow skill. But it wouldn't be as useful as something like Snap Pull because it would suck getting lots of people pulled forward and then comboed into a ton of damage with Crushing Blow, people would think that's a bit busted lol. So at the tail end of the 1200 range, Tremor would only knock forward a little bit. Medium range would knock them forward a bit more, but the user would still have to move like 1-2 steps forward to get in range of the combo. And at closer range it would knock forward enough to bring the target in melee range entirely. This would allow offhand mace users to combo into their own weapon's skills  (Hercules has a skill similar to this by the way in Smite) instead of having to go chase the knocked down person if they're further away.


Offhand Axe's 5 skill should just give Superspeed.


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On 7/26/2024 at 1:48 AM, Guy.9207 said:

I don't think we need a lot of changes to make something for a Warrior good tbh. I like the whole "purity of purpose" approach we have here, but we could also make it better.

Shield 4 could be an ammo charge skill? With reduced cooldown and stuff.

Shield 5 could just be a normal block like that, but each block reduces its recharge or recharge of other weapon skills by say, 1/4 or 1/2 seconds.

What do you think?

You're right shield needs something... I would approach changes like what they did with ele pistol. 

Stun with Shield Bash and gain Irate for 20 seconds.  If you have Irate, Shield Bash consumes Irate and knocks back enemies around your target. 

Block with Shield Stance and gain Irate for 20 seconds.  If you have Irate, Shield Stance consumes Irate and taunts foes around you.

Edited by nopoet.2960
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/5/2024 at 9:36 PM, Myror.7521 said:

What If you buff shield in terms of Blocks .. means everytime you block something you cleans a condition ^^

Honestly, I think that could work well. In my pvp experience, I often would hopelessly use shield 5, not realizing that the condition stacks are the things that kill me and not physical damage. Having it cleanse condition every, say, 1.5 seconds would have prevented such embarrassment and brings another reason to use shield aside from "can't hit me lel".

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Imo making Shieald 5 into ammo skill, that depletes ammunition gradually as you channel it would be the best way to handle it.

Ofc it'd need solid rebalancing, not to turn somenone *cough* spellbreaker *cough* immortal, but it'd fix the issue of shieald being a litteral liability for most of the fight.

skill 4 haveing ammo though, I'm very sceptical about. Its a CC skill after all, and CC having ammo, is a recipe to make a class into even more of a stability test, than it already is.

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