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Request: Malicious Cunning Salvo & Cunning Salvo | Order of Execution Coding

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could you elaborate on the synergy you are trying to create a bit?

smoke blasts:

  • given that they are stealth attacks, they apply revealed when they hit. even if stealth runs out while the projectile is midair. so you will not be able to gain stealth from smoke blast.
  • when using skill 3, this reveal does not apply but one usually would use that skill with more than 1 axe and so for stealth one would need the cunning salvo to be the last one to hit and only 1 stealth attack in the mix.

other blasts:

  • effects like healing, applying a condition like blind, granting might before the damage will be better for the thief. be it for traits that require % hp, exposed weakness or well might is obvious, but even swiftness from lightning would get damage boost from premeditation so better to apply before the damage.


so the only benefit i see for the blast after damage is in the very niche scenario where you hit someone with a stealth attack, then do not generate any other axe while reveal is up, to then place a smoke field under the target and use skill 3 for personal stealth. i would consider that very niche. ally stealth already does apply as they do not get revealed from you dealing damage, if you want to stealth a (downed) ally that is being cleaved.

am i missing something fun/effective that would work by changing the order?

Edited by bq pd.2148
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10 hours ago, Lithril Ashwalker.6230 said:

Since both are a blast finisher, can we make it where damage occurs BEFORE blast finisher? would allow for more synergy

I scratch my head thinking of whatever synergy you're talking about but I don't think it'll matter either way if you intend to blast enemies who are currently in a field in order to inflict blast conditions on them. The only reason you may want damage first is so that it somehow aligns the timing for Stealth Blasts? But with what? Cunning Salvo in melee range in a Smoke Field? Isn't the point of Axe to range it? 

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2 hours ago, Jobber.6348 said:

I scratch my head thinking of whatever synergy you're talking about but I don't think it'll matter either way if you intend to blast enemies who are currently in a field in order to inflict blast conditions on them. The only reason you may want damage first is so that it somehow aligns the timing for Stealth Blasts? But with what? Cunning Salvo in melee range in a Smoke Field? Isn't the point of Axe to range it? 

blast condis? wut?

a/d is range melee hybrid, using it in a group fight would benefit both user and allies. if the blast occured AFTER the damage the better. if i wanted to use a wonky a/p build, hit with stealth axe, smoke field and blast it i could combo more often would synergize a bunch

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Having the blast after the damage would presumably also mean that you don't get the blast if the skill is blocked, leaving you standing there eating damage until you realise what happened. I get where you're coming from, but I'd choose to not rely on a synergy like that if it existed just because the AoE effects masking the effect and the proximity to the enemy needed to get it right leaves you wide open if it doesn't go as planned.

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8 hours ago, Jugglemonkey.8741 said:

Having the blast after the damage would presumably also mean that you don't get the blast if the skill is blocked, leaving you standing there eating damage until you realise what happened. I get where you're coming from, but I'd choose to not rely on a synergy like that if it existed just because the AoE effects masking the effect and the proximity to the enemy needed to get it right leaves you wide open if it doesn't go as planned.

It only blasts if it hits anyway, if blocked, nothing so why not have the blast trigger after?

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