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There is a serious issue in pvp (sounds familiar)

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Rather than just he common rant "The game mode design / match making has serious issue". I want to be constructive as to how to help and improve the overall game play.

1. The rework on how points are gain / lost.

  • We all want to do well and get promoted, however there are people who slack / afk / dual box.
    Why should the person who give their 110% loose points for a match that was lost when it is not even their fault? They had top stats in healing, cap etc. When you are putting all the effort in and still getting punished seems unfair right?
  • Loosing over a certain amount of points vs your apponent lets say more than 50% give the apponent 2x points as a bonus. Help to promote fair and more competition.

How the AFK system works;

  • If in a match more than 4 people reported that you are afk, you take a time out.

The readiness check

  • This helps everyone to reduce their queues, how often do people sit there afking? The rewards isn't there. How about give something meaningful.


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The majority of your points you made would lead to abuse, namely the afk reporting. Although I would like to see extra rank points (like 100) for prematch ready. At the moment it only gives 1/2000th of a rank level which doesn't incentivize anyone to use it.

Edited by vcxxx.3159
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1 hour ago, Zulu.6143 said:

How the AFK system works;

  • If in a match more than 4 people reported that you are afk, you take a time out.

Brother anyone who played anything offmeta or was perceived as the bad player on the team would be timed out constantly.
Or just someone randomly because it'd be "funny" or whatever else.

That is NOT the fix you think it is lol

They really do need to police their own game and I think the rating distribution could be redone considering like, 1 person gets Legendary on NA every season, but the way to fix those things has to be an actual improvement.

Oh also put boxes in unranked cause who cares at this point, let people earn ascended shards through that too now that Obsidian Armor exists. If that means ranked dies more then whatever.

Edited by Shagie.7612
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6 minutes ago, Shagie.7612 said:

Brother anyone who played anything offmeta or was perceived as the bad player on the team would be timed out constantly.
Or just someone randomly because it'd be "funny" or whatever else.

That is NOT the fix you think it is lol

This would be abused to quickly by the current wintraders, its actually so broken its comedic to think about.

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12 hours ago, Pyriel.4370 said:

Personally I reckon less of a rank loss if you get top performance stats because you can perform really well but then just fall down the ranks if you keep getting iffy players against meta spamming teams.

The top stats are one of the worst things to happen to this game.  We used to have raw stats shown but Anet saw how ppl used that information to flame people who underperformed.  The solution was the top stats that we know now. The theory was that it was purely meant to give ppl who did well a pat on the back while being neutral to the rest of the team.

The reality is that a lot of toxic players  will say i had top stat X Y Z....the other players did nothing in that area. 

So you can have 2 players who performed similarly during a game. One doing for example 499k dmg...and one doing 500k. The 500k dmg guy can claim the 499k dmg guy did no damage at all. And when you look at you suggestion the 499k gets more rank loss than the 500k dmg guy?

Makes no sense to me.

Edited by Locuz.2651
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49 minutes ago, Locuz.2651 said:

The top stats are one of the worst things to happen to this game.  We used to have raw stats shown but Anet saw how ppl used that information to flame people who underperformed.  The solution was the top stats that we know now. The theory was that it was purely meant to give ppl who did well a pat on the back while being neutral to the rest of the team.

The reality is that a lot of toxic players  will say i had top stat X Y Z....the other players did nothing in that area. 

So you can have 2 players who performed similarly during a game. One doing for example 499k dmg...and one doing 500k. The 500k dmg guy can claim the 499k dmg guy did no damage at all. And when you look at you suggestion the 499k gets more rank loss than the 500k dmg guy?

Makes no sense to me.

Indeed that's true and I will show with the best possible outlyer, even though my team did really well across the map and other guys helping/fighting with me and a few that probably also came close according to some of these top stats in the match. So by chance Just a little bit more then them give a weird view of having top stats. Also the amount I did is an outlyer too which isn't my average.


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3 hours ago, Locuz.2651 said:

So you can have 2 players who performed similarly during a game. One doing for example 499k dmg...and one doing 500k. The 500k dmg guy can claim the 499k dmg guy did no damage at all. And when you look at you suggestion the 499k gets more rank loss than the 500k dmg guy?

Makes no sense to me.

This is where the % of team comes in. If the 500k guy got 20.1% of team, then the rest of the team didn't do zero damage. The only thing you don't know is how that remaining 79.9% was split between the other 4 players. In a vacuum where all roles are equal you'd expect to get 20% of a given stat for the team and 10% of the match. Of course this changes when you factor in supports and DPS, but you know you're doing well if you're over this average in multiple areas e.g. if you're doing 25%+ of the team damage on a support, something is up with the DPS players. What I'm getting at here is the stats tell you more about your team and the match than just who got top stats and your own raw numbers.

2 hours ago, arazoth.7290 said:

Case in point here, arazoth is responsible for almost one third of the teams damage and over half of the healing. Although the team vs. enemy for damage and healing was fairly well matched overall, arazoth was also responsible for nearly two players worth of the damage and healing overall. This clearly tells me that they were not only the strongest player on their team by a fair margin, they also performed markedly better than the whole lobby. 9 players in this match were fairly evenly matched (on average), with one outlier on blue carrying the whole game.

What this says to me is an example of the low population matchmaking. I reckon the game has found 9 players for a match and is struggling to find a 10th player in the same skill bracket, so has expanded the search and found one a tier or two higher than is ideal.

Bonus analysis, the offense and defence tells me that the game was won, I suspect, by the enemy trickling in players and losing fights to arazoth one after the other, probably after losing the initial mid fight. The stats show the enemy team was more aggressive, but didn't convert that into caps because arazoth was very strong on the defence and probably denied multiple capture attempts. In doing so they also pushed in to contest enemy points between defences, leading to having that top offense stat too. I'd also hazard a guess that arazoth's own team were roaming more than contesting too, or getting caught up in large fights off point. Of course, I could be wrong, I'm just stating what I think was most likely to have happened.

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On 8/14/2024 at 8:21 AM, Zulu.6143 said:

If in a match more than 4 people reported that you are afk, you take a time out.

I'd rather the game just used a heat map data over time to determine how inactive a player generally is and just bundle those together away from normal PvP rather than relying on reporting from people that may not care or could false report.

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45 minutes ago, Remus Darkblight.1673 said:

This is where the % of team comes in. If the 500k guy got 20.1% of team, then the rest of the team didn't do zero damage. The only thing you don't know is how that remaining 79.9% was split between the other 4 players. In a vacuum where all roles are equal you'd expect to get 20% of a given stat for the team and 10% of the match. Of course this changes when you factor in supports and DPS, but you know you're doing well if you're over this average in multiple areas e.g. if you're doing 25%+ of the team damage on a support, something is up with the DPS players. What I'm getting at here is the stats tell you more about your team and the match than just who got top stats and your own raw numbers.

Case in point here, arazoth is responsible for almost one third of the teams damage and over half of the healing. Although the team vs. enemy for damage and healing was fairly well matched overall, arazoth was also responsible for nearly two players worth of the damage and healing overall. This clearly tells me that they were not only the strongest player on their team by a fair margin, they also performed markedly better than the whole lobby. 9 players in this match were fairly evenly matched (on average), with one outlier on blue carrying the whole game.

What this says to me is an example of the low population matchmaking. I reckon the game has found 9 players for a match and is struggling to find a 10th player in the same skill bracket, so has expanded the search and found one a tier or two higher than is ideal.

Bonus analysis, the offense and defence tells me that the game was won, I suspect, by the enemy trickling in players and losing fights to arazoth one after the other, probably after losing the initial mid fight. The stats show the enemy team was more aggressive, but didn't convert that into caps because arazoth was very strong on the defence and probably denied multiple capture attempts. In doing so they also pushed in to contest enemy points between defences, leading to having that top offense stat too. I'd also hazard a guess that arazoth's own team were roaming more than contesting too, or getting caught up in large fights off point. Of course, I could be wrong, I'm just stating what I think was most likely to have happened.

Well if my team didn't do their role well like they luckily did and the enemy team figured less out how to break this rotation ect, I wouldn't be able mine like that neither (which was duelist + teamfight when there was an opportunity)

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17 hours ago, Pyriel.4370 said:

Personally I reckon less of a rank loss if you get top performance stats because you can perform really well but then just fall down the ranks if you keep getting iffy players against meta spamming teams.

This strategy is suitable and would potentially even cut down on afking since idling will basically ensure you take the maximum rating loss and might not even end the game faster if the other 4 players are trying to preserve their rating.

If not this specifically, a tailored variant of this would do wonders for ranked morale.

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