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Future of Aurene

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Dear Guild Wars Team,

I hope this message finds you well. I’m reaching out today with a heartfelt request that has been weighing on my mind. Aurene has always held a special place in my heart—not just as a character, but as a symbol of hope and growth. Over the years, I’ve collected various pieces of Aurene-themed merchandise—a hoodie, t-shirts, and more—because she means so much to me. Her journey has been ours, and we’ve shared in every step of her evolution.

However, something has been troubling me deeply. After all the moments we've spent raising, nurturing, and protecting Aurene, it feels like we’ve been left without the opportunity to stay connected with her. The cave that once felt like a sanctuary for both her and us is no longer accessible. It’s disheartening, and honestly, a bit lonely to think that after everything, we can’t even visit her anymore.

My request is simple, but it carries a lot of emotion: could we have the opportunity to reconnect with Aurene? Perhaps there could be a way for players to return to the cave, to sit with her, to engage in small, meaningful quests—maybe bringing her food, talking to her, or just being in her presence again. Aurene’s story is such a significant part of our journey, and it feels unfinished without the ability to spend time with her after everything we’ve been through together.

 She’s not just a dragon to me; she’s a cherished part of the Guild Wars world that I—and I believe many others—miss deeply.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I truly appreciate all the work and passion you continue to put into this incredible world.

With sincere gratitude,
Aurene’s Biggest Fan
Lexie 😍

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Nah. We need time away from her. As of now, she is so powerful that any threat in the storyline would be instantly rendered moot - just point Aurene at it. Let the story move away from the Elder Dragons as it should.

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It is unlikely that we'll encounter Aurene again, other than maybe during the final expansion of the game, whenever that is, or maybe some 'hello from the Myst!' brief interaction where she doesn't affect Tyria itself. In the last conversation she had with the Commander, she said she was leaving to rest, and it was unlikely they'd meet again, although she hoped they would. Given the other dragons had to sleep for thousands of years during the cycle, it could be she will need to as well, especially as she's taken the role of all of them together. But, she's also the prismatic dragon, and with her the cycle has ended, so...who knows, other than ANet.

So, it would be nice, but given how much she could affect any future stories, it's unlikely.

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I feel like they built Aurene too much and she's so volatile of a lore piece right now that anything she does will cause ripple effects across the world. This is why games should never upgrade characters to the point where they become a keystone character in the setting. 

Realistically, if Aurene does ANYTHING, everyone from the factions of Tyria to the denizens of other dimensions and the Mists are all paying attention. Gw2 has too much existential threats making up their story beats for too long to the point it's very tiring, another one will turn people off. 

Maybe something funny would be Aurene creating an Avatar to pilot as a mini-me because she's bored, appearing as a regular adventurer at various places in the world. I think Aurene would love to pilot a little Charr body around and make rawr rawr noises. 


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I think there's been a misunderstanding, so I just want to clarify. I'm not asking for her to have a whole new storyline or character development, or to be reintroduced into the game in a major way. What I'd really love is for her cave to be open, so we can visit, say hi, interact, and hang out with her. She was a big part of the story, and being able to visit her again would be so wonderful. You don't have to love or like her, but we grew up with her. She's already done her part, and I love her for that ❤️. I just want the chance to visit our (adopted) daughter <3.

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18 minutes ago, Rittsu.5698 said:

The story should be away from her? Yes, but, i love dragons so im Just waiting her generate her children and the cycle reborns.

She's special so her children might also be special. 

They will help mommy be little Magic filters. 

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Aurene is still part of the game but currently only available to Charr players.

She has reached a level of celebrity status where she really needs to value her time, and only the Charr carry thie level of respect needed to earn an audience.

I would suggest rerolling to Charr, not just for Aurene but because it's a better life choice anyway

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