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Super upset that Leggy Starter Kit is locked behind expansion purchase

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Not a behavior I like to see from ANET.
Even if there is a legendary spear in it, doesn't mean jack for anyone that doesn't have JW.
Moreover with the rotation of leggies, it means that with the spear inside the kit for the next 3 rotations at least, the Kit will not be available for 1 year to people that don't buy the expansion.

Please revert/fix it. Since when I pay for the game or some expansions and I'm locked out from content? What is this EA?

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18 minutes ago, pixelg.1962 said:

Not a behavior I like to see from ANET.
Even if there is a legendary spear in it, doesn't mean jack for anyone that doesn't have JW.
Moreover with the rotation of leggies, it means that with the spear inside the kit for the next 3 rotations at least, the Kit will not be available for 1 year to people that don't buy the expansion.

Please revert/fix it. Since when I pay for the game or some expansions and I'm locked out from content? What is this EA?

self entitled nonsense.  If the legendary is desirable for you, buy the expansion and support the game. You are after all playing this game for free with no Sub.  

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3 minutes ago, Flacke.4831 said:

i am sad too but, remember all the previous leg kit was locked behind soto

Exactly.   Its no different  to any other game where you add new content with an expansion to a persistent world.  The correct way to visualise this is that the persistent world doesn't force players to buy the expansion, they can do everything they did before without it.  If they want the new stuff then its there to be bought.

Edited by Bladestrom.6425
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Just now, Bladestrom.6425 said:

Exactly.   Its no different  to any other game where you add new content with an expansion to a persistent world.

not really in this case. you are locking out people on previously existing old content because the new expansion adds a feature that allow a minimal part of that content to be played differently. namely spears can be used on land.

15 minutes ago, Bladestrom.6425 said:

self entitled nonsense.  If the legendary is desirable for you, buy the expansion and support the game. You are after all playing this game for free with no Sub.  

do you really need to start a conversation like this? fine I'll bite.

been playing since closed beta.

I have 2 accounts that are fully bought with expansions this is a third that doesn't have all the expansions yet

been supporting anet buying from the gem store multiple times

supporting the company with money is not the issue

now that we have clarified that, can you please tell me why is my point invalid?

also please, without offending people or calling on self entitlement. we can all do that easily.

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WTF   OP thats like buying the cheapest car at the car dealership and EXPECTING to drive away in the top most expensive car on the lot !

  FYI too OP you DON'T need to own Janthir Wilds to be able to acquire ALL of the Legendary that are available in the "starter kits"

Edited by Bowdidly.7401
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5 minutes ago, pixelg.1962 said:

not really in this case. you are locking out people on previously existing old content because the new expansion adds a feature that allow a minimal part of that content to be played differently. namely spears can be used on land.

Which is a JW upgrade. If you never intend to buy the expansion, then you have no change in game play?

If you are waiting for this expansion to go on sale, well then you might lose out on some of the Wizard Vault benefits.

While I get that 25 dollars/Euro are a different amount to many players, I'm sorry to say these developers are not being payed in some obscure currency which trades terribly. The price of JW is about the cost of 1-2 pizzas or going to the movies for 1 person, or getting a nice lunch.

The legendary Gen1 spear is NOT JW locked. The legendary start kit is, and even without access to it you are getting the benefit of the price for the spear dropping on the TP.

Your point about this being locked is moot.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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Why would you care about leggy spear if you don't have JW to use landspears? Big fan of underwater?

edit: ah, misread the mention of spear in the first post. The kit isn't expansion locked cause it has spear in it. The leggy kit is always locked by the newest expansion, was the same in SotO.

Edited by Chyro.1462
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6 minutes ago, Chyro.1462 said:

Why would you care about leggy spear if you don't have JW to use landspears? Big fan of underwater?

I don't care about the spear, but come on! what kind of point is this? the kit doesn't have only spears.

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3 minutes ago, pixelg.1962 said:

I don't care about the spear, but come on! what kind of point is this? the kit doesn't have only spears.

YOU don't need Janthir Wilds to Obtain ANY Legendary available in the starter kits, the "stater kits" are ONLY a short cut to get them for people who have actually paid for the expansion that the Wizards Vault item actually contains

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Posted (edited)
20 minutes ago, Bowdidly.7401 said:

WTF   OP thats like buying the cheapest car at the car dealership and EXPECTING to drive away in the top most expensive car on the lot !

  FTY too OP you DON'T need to own Janthir Wilds to be able to acquire ALL of the Legendary that are available in the "starter kits"


20 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

Which is a JW upgrade. If you never intend to buy the expansion, then you have no change in game play?

If you are waiting for this expansion to go on sale, well then you might lose out on some of the Wizard Vault benefits.

While I get that 25 dollars/Euro are a different amount to many players, I'm sorry to say these developers are not being payed in some obscure currency which trades terribly. The price of JW is about the cost of 1-2 pizzas or going to the movies for 1 person, or getting a nice lunch.

The legendary Gen1 spear is NOT JW locked. The legendary start kit is, and even without access to it you are getting the benefit of the price for the spear dropping on the TP.

Your point about this being locked is moot.

The kit is undoubtedly a SUPER GREAT advantage when creating a Legendary. It is like 3/4 of the legendary weapon. Not taking this into account is bs.

If you look at it (if you can since you sounds more like fanboys right now than supporters) from a different angle, is: if you don't buy the latest expansion you lose the right to have this advantage. It feels veeeery close to P2W.

Also having Soto and not JW should NOT block you from having access to the Kit. I don't want the spear. I don't want to use the spear on land. I want the rest of the kit. I have Soto and that's old content. Why should I buy the latest expansion?

If you don't see this, and gang up on me only because I see it differently, then there is no conversation.

Also... you people suck at conversations.

Edited by pixelg.1962
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2 minutes ago, pixelg.1962 said:


The kit is undoubtedly a SUPER GREAT advantage when creating a Legendary. It is like 3/4 of the legendary weapon. Not taking this into account is bs.

If you look at it (if you can since you sounds more like fanboys right now than supporters) from a different angle, is: if you don't buy the latest expansion you lose the right to have this advantage. It feels veeeery close to P2W.

Also having Soto and now JW should NOT block you from having access to the Kit. I don't want the spear. I don't want to use the spear on land. I want the rest of the kit. I have Soto and that's old content. Why should I buy the latest expansion?

If you don't see this, and gang up on me only because I see it differently, then there is no conversation.

Also... you people suck at conversations.

 You can Literally buy ALL the legendarys  from the trading post too with Gold

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6 minutes ago, pixelg.1962 said:

If you look at it (if you can since you sounds more like fanboys right now than supporters) from a different angle, is: if you don't buy the latest expansion you lose the right to have this advantage. It feels veeeery close to P2W.

Since even core accounts can craft those legendaries, there is no p2w. You can even buy it on TP. Would be p2w if its the only way of getting the item.
Anyway, idk why you are so suprised, it was obvious since soto, that some items, all of those that were locked for players without soto, will be only obtainable with NEW expansion.
Why is it that even "core" items are locked none knows but it is what it is. Same with T6 bags..

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Posted (edited)
3 minutes ago, Bowdidly.7401 said:

 You can Literally buy ALL the legendarys  from the trading post too with Gold

you are moving the goal post. You are listing other less convenient methods to get leggys.
The kit is the advantage. I have Soto that gave me access to the Kit. Why is now the kit locked out from me if I want to get the kit for the GS? OR EVEN THE SPEAR! Why? I use it underwater. Why do I need JW to renew the access to something that I had before?

Edited by pixelg.1962
again typo
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Just now, pixelg.1962 said:

The kit is undoubtedly a SUPER GREAT advantage when creating a Legendary. It is like 3/4 of the legendary weapon. Not taking this into account is bs.

If you look at it (if you can since you sounds more like fanboys right now than supporters) from a different angle, is: if you don't buy the latest expansion you lose the right to have this advantage. It feels veeeery close to P2W.

Pay to get something cheaper, which is not even fully accurate since as mentioned, the price drop affects everyone.

I have no issue with such benefits being locked behind the most recent expansion, especially when it is not mandatory items.

Here is the price drop of Twilight since the kit released:


That's an over 500g drop and it's not even floored out. 


Also having Soto and now JW should NOT block you from having access to the Kit. I don't want the spear. I don't want to use the spear on land. I want the rest of the kit. I have Soto and that's old content. Why should I buy the latest expansion?

SotO guarantees you access to all the SotO related cosmetics in the legacy part of the WV. That same way as not owning SotO locked you out of getting any of the desired high value WZ non cosmetic purchases. It was very clear they would continue this with JW, and they will continue this with the expansion after JW too.



If you don't see this, and gang up on me only because I see it differently, then there is no conversation.

Also... you people suck at conversations.


People aren't ganging up on you. They are disagreeing. You don;t get to complain that others are disagreeing and pointing out inconsistencies, then play the victim card.

Stop whining, cough up the 25 bucks or wait for a sale and live with the other passive benefits you have (like cheaper legendary gen1s which are in the kit).

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2 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

Pay to get something cheaper, which is not even fully accurate since as mentioned, the price drop affects everyone.

I have no issue with such benefits being locked behind the most recent expansion, especially when it is not mandatory items.

Here is the price drop of Twilight since the kit released:


That's an over 500g drop and it's not even floored out. 

SotO guarantees you access to all the SotO related cosmetics in the legacy part of the WV. That same way as not owning SotO locked you out of getting any of the desired high value WZ non cosmetic purchases. It was very clear they would continue this with JW, and they will continue this with the expansion after JW too.

People aren't ganging up on you. They are disagreeing. You don;t get to complain that others are disagreeing and pointing out inconsistencies, then play the victim card.

Stop whining, cough up the 25 bucks or wait for a sale and live with the other passive benefits you have (like cheaper legendary gen1s which are in the kit).

Not whining, not self entitled, not trying to buy a car... anything else? Have I offended you in any way during these posts? Come on...
So for you, I need to buy JW to get access to the kit for the GS? Or even for the spear?
JW gives me the use of the spear on land. I don't want to use land spear, just underwater spears. Can I have the kit? no? why not?

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1 minute ago, pixelg.1962 said:

Not whining, not self entitled, not trying to buy a car... anything else? Have I offended you in any way during these posts? Come on...
So for you, I need to buy JW to get access to the kit for the GS? Or even for the spear?
JW gives me the use of the spear on land. I don't want to use land spear, just underwater spears. Can I have the kit? no? why not?

Because the kits are latest expansion benefits. I did not make up that rule or decision, the developers did (and it was clear as day this would work this way).

You are in fact whining, no matter how much you decide to shift the attention to others. This entire thread is you whining about not getting something you want for free and while you have every right to that opinion, at least have the common courtesy to be honest about it.

You can have the spear and the greatsword, you can even have them cheaper than before right now: on the trading post.

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Just now, Bowdidly.7401 said:

 WTF you can get them by literally doing NOTHING how is that less convenient. 

2 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

You can have the spear and the greatsword, you can even have them cheaper than before right now: on the trading post.

I just need to cough up 2k gold instead of 300 if I pay for the expansion right?

Jeez.. good chat people.

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7 minutes ago, pixelg.1962 said:

I just need to cough up 2k gold instead of 300 if I pay for the expansion right?

Jeez.. good chat people.

Crafting it by yourself is now 1600g if you get lucky and get Gift of Might from the box, you still have to pay 820g for crafting it.

Just to fix your made up math mixed with some extra tantrum.

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23 minutes ago, Cernoch.8524 said:

Crafting it by yourself is now 1600g if you get lucky and get Gift of Might from the box, you still have to pay 820g for crafting it.

Just to fix your made up math mixed with some extra tantrum.

Clovers you do have them or gamble them. 99% of the people unless rich never spend 500+gold to risk gambling. It is easier to either Track them or exchange for different currencies once you have them.

The cost is 490gp is you are unlucky with the gift or as low as 290gp if you get the Gift of Magic from the kit.

It is really upsetting to see people doing math in a vacuum instead of taking into consideration real case scenario.

So I guess I just fixed "your" math and that ton of douchebaggery that you bring around along with those 4 sheeps following you around. (just to stay classy like you did)

Pics or didn't happen? https://imgur.com/a/gEC8naq

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16 minutes ago, pixelg.1962 said:

Clovers you do have them or gamble them. 99% of the people unless rich never spend 500+gold to risk gambling. It is easier to either Track them or exchange for different currencies once you have them.

The cost is 490gp is you are unlucky with the gift or as low as 290gp if you get the Gift of Magic from the kit.

It is really upsetting to see people doing math in a vacuum instead of taking into consideration real case scenario.

So I guess I just fixed "your" math and that ton of douchebaggery that you bring around along with those 4 sheeps following you around. (just to stay classy like you did)

Pics or didn't happen? https://imgur.com/a/gEC8naq

Why do you even mention clovers if you have to have/make them anyway? With the box or without.
Crafting twilight is 1600g, we can agree on that right? Good

So in unlucky scenario you get: Dusk 142g (only kitten insta buy stuff so no, not 210g)

                                                        Gift of Twilight 241g

                                                        Gift of Might175g 

thats total of 558g that you get from the box which means you still have to pay 1042g to finish the twilight.


In lucky scenario you get: Dusk 142g (only kitten insta buy stuff so no, not 210g)

                                                        Gift of Twilight 241g

                                                        Gift of Magic 358g 

Total of 741g which means you still have to spend additional 859g.

Any other bs you are trying to throw arround?



Edited by Cernoch.8524
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