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You cannot tell me that matchmaking is working as intended

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it happens sometimes, when it happens to me it's always when i should have stopped playing a while back. That's 9 games in a single day, even if I had won 7 and lost 2 i'd be tilted AF, just quit after losing 2 games, take at least 1 hour break. After all this years playing i lose 2 and call it a day, sometimes even if I win 2 very onesided, that makes me not wanting to play anymore.


Edited by Khalisto.5780
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17 hours ago, Bramble.3128 said:

This is actually ridiculous. Matchmaking clearly isn't working. 

It seems you are just finishing up the games after your placement matches. You're rating is super volatile at the start so you'll win big, but also lose big. What rating did you land after you finished up placements? I'm willing to bet it was either G3 or higher.

It also looks like your rating loss volatility is starting to normalize. I take it you are currently around G2, entering Gold1?

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Also have to add this also happens because they put major changes/balance patches in at the middle/end of seasons instead of waiting.  I went from ~1430 with I think 135 games played to ~1280 with 150 games played after the patch, because those last 15 were pretty much all losses due to people testing builds in ranked and not all spears being equal.

Considering your entire screenshot streak was played on the 25th right after the Janthir Wilds patch (on the 20th), I would blame that more than anything.  Would either just ride it out, and if you are in g2, you probably will bottom in mid-g1 before going back up and bouncing bteween 1250 and 1350, or wait unti the next season for things to somewhat normalize again. 

Until like October when they introduce another major balance patch in the middle of the season...

Edited by Gotejjeken.1267
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This is the result of prioritising quick games over matching for skill levels. It has a domino effect on spec representation, and is why roam/duelist specs are the most represented, while support specs are the least represented. The mode plays its part, but things were nowhere near this roam heavy 2 year ago, and supports are next to non-existant now, outside of some newbs still trying. I raise this concern many times, becuase alienating/making supports unplayable locks out a lot of spec diversity, and further makes roam/duelists more impactful than they should be, which are roles that also begin to lean on selfish playstyles, creating a selfish by nature playerbase, the "I go far all game, no matter what" type.


Every game where the losing team has under 150 points is basically a steamroll in my eyes. That is due to skill gap on the dps, and a support with lower skilled dps than enemy, makes it worse, not better, supports don't carry bad dps vs good. Being a skilled support when your team has the best DPS, you can basically go afk as the support and still likely win, the dps gaps are that large (ive done it countless times). In-fact I have went AFK on wining team as DPS countless times, becuase we so heavily dominated it was not fun, we still win 4v5.


When ever games are close, it normally means that people are not playing together at all, on both teams, and the game is complete chaos of continualy roaming/back capping. This makes the game look close on points, nothing more. An actual close game becuase of good team work on both teams, with closer matched skill levels is 1 in 100 games if you are lucky.


These are sad records, but ANet don't seem to feel any shame at all, and still choose to prioritise duo/quick games over matching closer for skill levels. It is very clear that equally skilled solo support/dps, say p1, will have a much better chance dealing with a duo p1. In the current game, you can have a "true skill" p2 support, with a g2 dps, vs a p1 duo. Its not going to happen.. its a win for the duo.. be it out rotation or coordinated gank. Becuase of this kind of MMR reality, the game is what it deserves to be.. no team work, selfish roamers looking for easy +1s (fk stomping, thats for peasents), and duelists desperately trying to stroke their own ego by getting into 1v2s, which normally means they hold the enemys newbs, while the plats are on the other side of the map, destroying us.





Edited by Flowki.7194
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