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On 8/28/2024 at 2:24 PM, swgs.6195 said:

I don't really understand what do you mean by creating this topic. You should be rather happy that expansion HAS a narrative and well writen story introduction, rather than pushing you straight onto new map. Farming and grinding is not only main focus of Guild Wars 2.

I don't know how to explain that to you, but there are two types of MMO if you count narration:

1. Those which has well writen personal story that players can interract and are integral part of. For those we can count both GW2/GW1 (another example is SWTOR and ESO);

2. Those which has overarching world story but each player is integral part of it on personal level and it could go the same way even without them (WoW and Final Fantasy XIV are currently mainly accused of this);

If you look a button to -> SKIP STORY, I must dissapoint you. It will never be added, because entire gameplay, entire idea of Guild Wars 2 is centered on player interraction with the story and stepping into role of Commander/Wayfinder.

If you want to skip story, then no problem just use portal in your Homestead, but what's the point of playin MMORPG if you want to skip RPG part. You could as well be playing any Hero Shooter, where there is story but it's not important for gameplay.

But there isn't any player interaction with the story. We are just a passive audience in that respect. The character that the player plays might provide us with a POV, and be integral to the story (sometimes), but that doesn't mean that the story is interactive. It hasn't been interactive in a long time. In fact, I would say that GW2 is no longer an RPgame (though you can RP in it on your own time). You (the player) are basically just witnessing the story of the commander/wayfinder unfold, but you aren't determining their story (at least not in the last few expacs), and you aren't acting out the role of the commander. The role is acted out without any real input from the player besides moving them around, and taking them to various objectives. GW2 is really more of an action adventure MMO.

I guess I should add that we shouldn't confuse getting invested in a character like the commander with roleplaying the commander. For example, think back to a moment when it has been a part of the game for you to have to ponder how to play (read: act as) the commander.

Edited by Logos.5603
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5 hours ago, Logos.5603 said:

 basically just witnessing the story of the commander/wayfinder unfold, but you aren't determining their story

Indeed. My sylvari guardian wanted to punch Isgarren in the face when he said to her:


"I'll deal with you later."

No option to do that. No option to tell him to kiss her tossed salad butt. She was also very upset with the decision that was forced upon her at the end of this chapter of JW:


POKEY WAS RIGHT!  See also: "Evacuate? In our moment of triumph? I think you overestimate their chances."

Not to mention all the times in previous chapters when the path she had to take to move things along was the OPPOSITE of what she wanted to do, all the way back to the Riannoc/Waine thing early in the Personal Story. Guard rails. Guard rails, everywhere. Invisible walls not just throughout the maps, but throughout the story as well. But that's an old, threadbare pet peeve of mine, so to get back to the pertinent point here:

/e sting

Too much exposition

Running through  my brain

Too much exposition

Driving me insane


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4 hours ago, Tachenon.5270 said:


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POKEY WAS RIGHT!  See also: "Evacuate? In our moment of triumph? I think you overestimate their chances."


Yup. You know, I would've preferred if we just chased the baddies down and suffered a terrible lost barely escaping with our lives and suffering some casualties rather than have a deus ex machina moment preventing us from doing that. ANet needs to do more "show" and less "telling."

I think that the new maps should've included the actual corruption of the land unfolding as a result events not being completed or failed. For instance, the presence of more creatures, or more lethal monsters, or environment.

I guess I want a more interactive world.

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yeah.. well.. I was on the fence about the story of JW and was living in some oddly fond memories of story up to these new expacs. But now as im doing the Seasons of Dragons for the Legendary Amulet.

My GOOOOOOOSH, the story is a DRAAAAAAAAG. It is nothing new. Im in the Episode 2, and the delivery is so bad. Shame on us who thought that JW was just a slip by the devs. No, the story  development is just meeeh. I can't even think of a game with duller story instances than GW2.

Also just killed Mordrem Tergriff in 'Tracking the Aspect Masters'. How slow can you make a boss fight. I literally stood in the corner for a minute and waited for that steroid filled plant griffin calms down for 15 secs. Rinse and repeat. There is just soo much filler that it becomes incredibly boring.

Edited by RagiNagi.1802
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