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Meatless Boars in South East Janthir Syntri

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While I appreciate the attempt to go for a plant-based meat alternative, I would highly appreciate if these boars would behave like the animals in all other food gathering events and drop meat at a higher rate than 1 in every 5 to 10 boars or so.

Event: "Help the kodan gather foraged plants and animal meat."

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A different odditiy I noticed (did not pay attention for all the foraging events though):  You can still turn in cabbage after the box is full (small timer running). And the cabbage can be interacted with even after the bar disappears (after the timer). The vegetable stuff (achievement to do 100) seem to progress slower cause for other events than the one with the boars as soon as the bar for vegetables is filled you can't interact with them anymore. (Only turning in what you already carry.)

This should be changed to be the same for all events of this type.

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