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October 8 Balance Update Preview


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I would rather they take transfusion teleport and put it into Signet of Undeath.

Signet of Undeath: Pulls in downed allies, instantly reviving them. Give it a long cooldown like 5mins or so.
Transfusion: Makes your well of blood (and lesser well of blood) cleanse a condition on you per pulse, also makes your wells transfer conditions from allies to you.

While I agree that transfusion is too strong a support trait, it doesn't need to be removed.
Just make it so you can still salvage a run ONCE IN A WHILE instead of ALL THE TIME.
Also give Necros a more reliable source of stability, please.

I like the Thief Staff changes though. The forced movement on staff is cringe especially since other weapons don't lock you in an animation (D/D thief 3 still kinda does but that has an evade at least.)

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  • Soul Eater: The healing from this trait can now heal the player while they are using Reaper Shroud. Healing while in shroud has reduced effectiveness in PvE.

    so does this mean Specter can now have Larcenous Torment heal us in shroud base health and or allow us to generate shroud while in shroud while we torment?

    fair is fair
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