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Anet youre losing sight of the intention for PUSH


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"The Push game mode was designed to create a more accessible and enjoyable PvP experience without sacrificing competition.

"We noticed that players who are new to PvP found Conquest mode overwhelming, with its multiple objectives and need for precise map awareness."



1. We have not had enough time in the mode to see counter boon strip specs, but there are a number of them, which will help in stripping aegis, stab, crit, resolotion etc. I suggest this becuase of your knee jerk reaction in adding the new de-buff system, which ontop of boon strip dps specs, may hard counter supports>bunkers, so that runing all DPS is better <minus role diversity>


2. The debuff mechanic is not a casual/new player friendly mechanic. It is enough to expect newer players to get to, and stay near the objective, let along alternate on and off it, which requires knowledge of the mechanics, and communication with other team mates. The debuff mechanics,  in conjunction with side buffs, rivals or may actually be more difficult than conquest. That would be a complete failure of your original intent.


3. The side buffs are going to create nothing but issues, they are a double edge sword. If they are not very impactful, then they are a distraction to newer players who go for them, costing the game for others. If you make them more impactful, and games can be won/lost by them, then you reverse the issues for other platers. Less experianced players on a team won't have the coordination to commit the right amount of players on appropriate specs at the right time to take/block a match deciding side buff, while leaving behind the appropriate specs to defend main push. That is high level decision making.


4. Personally I think you should remove that debuff mechanic, and if it must be done, actually deal with boon spam mechanically. The side buffs are just bad, either way, and should not exist. Instead, it would be FAR better to add somethig like a gate near each spawn, on the track. At the gate, the players have to do go up top and do X to open it, then the push can proceed. This is a easy way to add more objectives that are very clear, and do not break group cohesion.


I think we should try to remember how fast paced, and how punishing group fighting in this game actually is. It is really enough just to get 5 people to stay somehwat close to each other, stay within range of the main objective, and use there abilitys as to not melt in under 3 seconds. 1v1 in this game is brutal enough, but a group fight is even more brutal when you go from not primary, to primary target. Most of us have played the game long enough and take this for granted.


Edited by Flowki.7194
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I think you're idea is great, but for a different push map.

I'd like to see more push maps with different kinds of weird side objectives.

Havening an actual console/panel thing that changes environmental obstacles is a cool idea for a push map.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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12 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

I think you're idea is great, but for a different push map.

I'd like to see more push maps with different kinds of weird side objectives.

Havening an actual console/panel thing that changes environmental obstacles is a cool idea for a push map.

I apreciate the comment, but in either case the current map is failing to be "simple and accessible", as it currently has situational side buffs and push mechanics that rival or are more difficult than conquest, defeating the object of the mode. It should be so simple that a loading screen of "push the thing to the thing" sufices in understanding what to do.


Right now it is, Get close to the push zone, get on the push, ok get off the push, ok get on the push, ok there is a buff but we don't need it, get on the push, get off the push, ok there is a buff and we need it, but we need 3 on push, 2 go get it, get back now we are losing the push, get off the push. You know?

Edited by Flowki.7194
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31 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

I dunno about that though. The 20% damage buffs are pretty serious business. The middle buff though, it should last longer than 10s to be meaningful. Maybe a 20s duration for the middle buff would be good.

Yeah the damage buff fair enough, on support in conquest I often got the sword becuase no dps went for it with timer, as to stop enemy dps stomping the next group fight with it. But thats partly the point, it was far from uncommon having to take the sword on specs that I shoudn't be, becuase the players on specs that should, were not. I can't see push being much different like that, at-least around mid/low level to which it is aparently designed for.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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Where does Anet get their info from? "We noticed conquest is overwhelming" no it's not just boring after 12  years, most games update their competitive mode with regular updates, maps and diff game modes, not 1 every 8 years lol.

not to mention the balance is just atrocious and not paid attention anymore. They have not kept up with other games and mmos that do regular balance updates for their competitive modes. Conquest is not some hard complicated game mode in 2024 lol....

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6 hours ago, Dreamonology.8362 said:

Where does Anet get their info from? "We noticed conquest is overwhelming" no it's not just boring after 12  years, most games update their competitive mode with regular updates, maps and diff game modes, not 1 every 8 years lol.

not to mention the balance is just atrocious and not paid attention anymore. They have not kept up with other games and mmos that do regular balance updates for their competitive modes. Conquest is not some hard complicated game mode in 2024 lol....

The cherry on top is that the Mortal Contest healing debuff makes Push potentially even more complex than Conquest, since it's an additional layer of teamplay required during the already notoriously chaotic GW2 team combat. Now you're no longer a support sweating around kite points and trying to prevent a cap at mid while your roamers abandon you, you're a support sweating around without kite points while gankers abandon you to the spawn point and everytime you prevent movement you get a stacking healing debuff! I can't see anything but the top duos and a 5v5 premade actually being able to properly kite around in this new type of boon ball mode. 

Definitely yeah, updating Conquest should have been a thing regardless of new game modes, this is what would have kept the population in 200%.

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15 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

I think you're idea is great, but for a different push map.

I'd like to see more push maps with different kinds of weird side objectives.

Havening an actual console/panel thing that changes environmental obstacles is a cool idea for a push map.

I prefere if they can fix the small things that's lacking it atm like I said myself in other posts.

And that CMC thinks more of stronghold to make it better. He said it himself that he is still thinking for improving it, so they didn't put it off the side of never happening. So if they in general also would put little bit more focus on that part, it would be nice

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16 hours ago, Dreamonology.8362 said:

Where does Anet get their info from? "We noticed conquest is overwhelming" no it's not just boring after 12  years, most games update their competitive mode with regular updates, maps and diff game modes, not 1 every 8 years lol.

not to mention the balance is just atrocious and not paid attention anymore. They have not kept up with other games and mmos that do regular balance updates for their competitive modes. Conquest is not some hard complicated game mode in 2024 lol....

I dont get that either. I was playing wow for many years. The casual pvp mode there were battlegrounds and imo they were huge success. Ive lvled  alt characters through bgs and even at lower lvls people played them.

And BGs were  just as if not more  complex than conquest.

Yeah there is depth at highly competitive  lvl but  that is true for all games.

As for  Push. Most games I've joined devolved into team dm until someone decided to win.

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