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Matchmaking never been this bad


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I was climbing up in the new push gamemode and almost reached 1500+ because I wanted to try to get the new title.

From there I dropped down to 1250 like over 20 games loss, constantly matched with core rangers thieves with healing signet, people with random pve build who joined pvp for the first time, while the enemy was always perma double support and most of the times double willbender as well. Why this idiotic bad luck on my part? Obviously even if played a meta support or anything it's impossible to carry those kind of players.

And before you attack me, I am not a crazy pvp monthly at winner or something, but at least I run proper builds when I play and I know what I am doing.

I got matched even against Zan and we won, after that the lose streak happened and seems scripted, the enemy comp is full meta, I get pve pugs who click skills with random builds. And this was supposed to save pvp ok...

Tell me if you are experiencing the same please.

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Yeah, if you were near 1500+ your best bet was to decay dodge.  Playing into a 20+ loss streak is the downfall of many (including myself).

I had opposite happened though, started with a 60% winrate in gold 1 lol, so just quit from there as no point--title isn't worth it anyway with the abbreviated time period leading to the same manipulation shenanigans we always see.  

In my whopping 12 games I am seeing patterns of all support throw teams, double support 'insta win teams', and 'we just came from fighting Tequatl' teams.  Really is a wild west and all the problems of PvP made 10x worse as you are correct, you simply cannot carry a game with the way the mode works.  Once that point moves past a certain threshold, there is no way to push it equal distance--so you either stall pointlessly for 5 min or ggwp to next.  

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4 hours ago, gyravi.9632 said:

I was climbing up in the new push gamemode and almost reached 1500+ because I wanted to try to get the new title.

From there I dropped down to 1250 like over 20 games loss, constantly matched with core rangers thieves with healing signet, people with random pve build who joined pvp for the first time, while the enemy was always perma double support and most of the times double willbender as well. Why this idiotic bad luck on my part? Obviously even if played a meta support or anything it's impossible to carry those kind of players.

And before you attack me, I am not a crazy pvp monthly at winner or something, but at least I run proper builds when I play and I know what I am doing.

I got matched even against Zan and we won, after that the lose streak happened and seems scripted, the enemy comp is full meta, I get pve pugs who click skills with random builds. And this was supposed to save pvp ok...

Tell me if you are experiencing the same please.

duo queue both as hybrid damage supports.

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