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​☠️​​☠️​WHAT the kitten is Mesmer SPEAR ???? NUKE IT from orbit​☠️​​☠️​ I ran the numbers. !


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you are right what you wrote about me , but doasent change the facts that your broken kitten spear got nerfed and now you are bitching on the mesmer forum , i hope aNerf will see that the warrior survival ability and the staff needs to be ''adjusted'' as well for the current gameplay in spvp, so i can see your tantrum again beacouse aNerf took your candy away huehue

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On 9/22/2024 at 4:56 PM, BadxDog.1584 said:

 I am not running a  (Mesmer Mains emotional support anonymous ) .    😂
I only base my comments off pure statistical FACT derived from analyzing information data on Gw2Wiki that is provided and supported by arenanet paired with their data that's accurate and coherent as possible.

@Triptaminas.4789 @Deth.4109@madafakasuperretek.8357 Unlike me, I'm not an emotional devolved primate when looking at everyone's comments here evolution goes backwards😂.😂

To much crying not enough backing up your claim. 🤠


Here is some real facts not ,no opinions no fantasy fairy tales, you all like to tell yourself 😂 :

 Warrior :

Spearmarshal's Support :   (7x)644 (1.75  coefficient) Post Nerf   (15 Sec Cooldown)  1/2  of a second animation frames.


critical_damage: 5266.90 +644(7x)plus 25 might = 9774.9
average_damage: 3828.35 +644 plus 25 might(7x) = 8336.35

 PRENERF Golden days - Spearmarshal's Support :   Damage (7x) 840 (1.75  coefficient)  Pre-Nerf   Added back the  0.4 coefficient nerf from .25 to the power damage. = 644+240 (thenerf) = 840 Back to the prime.


critical_damage: 5266.90 + 840(7x) plus 25 might = 11,146.9
average_damage: 3828.35 + 840(7x) plus 25 might = 9,708.35

This is the TRUE facts no feelings or no opinions no fantasy fairy tales like you all like to do.😂



Mesmer :

Mind the Gap    Skill 2     :  (1.54 coefficient)    Can be Casted 2x  (twice)  6 SEC (Cooldown)  1/2  of a second animation frames.     From Skill 5 :  Mental Collapse skill reset           ( disclaimer Didn't add the 20% additional dmg from Outer-Edge Damage Increase )        - THIS IS THE SKILL THAT GIVES (Clarity Buff  to empower other skills ) 



critical_damage: 5126.40
average_damage: 3726.23

Total Potential damage :   Casted 2x (twice)

  1. From Critital Damage - 10,252.8    
  2. Average Damage  - 7452.46

Not only is Mind Gap Closer to the Prenerf Golden days Spearmarshal's Support, It's  6 SEC (Cooldown) compared to Spearmarshal's Support (15 Sec Cooldown)

With the same 1/2  of a second animation frames. Interesting isn't it .  ON TOP OF THAT I Didn't add the 20% additional dmg from Outer-Edge Damage Increase ) Crazy🙃.

AND IT CAN BE CASTED 2x (Twice) .  With skill 5: Mental Collapse   <--- This is the skill you all have typing to me with no evidence-based data ALL of yall  don't have 2 feet to stand on.



@Triptaminas.4789 Quoting you ( Stop the cope, touch grass. ) ,   I would love to go outside and touch grass but your brain roting comments don't allow me to so i have to stay here and type : c .

Meanwhile i am done  :D!  yall can't even back up your claims instead typing out comments that a 4 year old is capable of doing. In fact a 4 Year old are more capable of an intellectual discussion then everyone here so far. 😂🤠


@Triptaminas.4789 Lay off the starts with hen---  ends with bowwww---tia   anime bud you are can't lose more neurons in that big but empty head of yours.💖



NOW THEN LETS GET BACK ON TOPIC  🤠   <----------------------



You calculate this without taking in account class specific traitlines, inherited power, and damage modifiers. And then talking about intelligent discussion? 

I'm not even sure you post right numbers at this point. 

If I respond the way I want I just get banned again

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"Lies, (structure for holding back water) lies, and statistics" is an aphorism for a reason. Numbers might not lie, but they can absolutely be used in a misleading fashion, particularly when important context is ignored.

Warrior spear got nerfed because the 3v3 tournament had a lot of teams that were two spellbreakers and a support. I think they missed the mark and nerfed (probably overnerfed) the wrong thing, but there is evidence at a high level of play that spellbreaker is overperforming to a degree that it didn't seem to be prior to spear's introduction. It would probably be a fairer assessment to say that spellbreaker was the real problem and it just needed warrior to get a decent power ranged weapon to break out rather than spear itself being the problem (something predicted by, for example, Captain Crabface - replace that b with a p if you want to search him on Youtube), but apparently the balance team didn't look that deeply into it.

If we have a tournament where more than half of the players in high-performing teams are playing mesmers, I'm sure we'll see a similar process of nerfing everything except the actual problem before they finally identify the real problem, nerf it, and fail to consider whether they should revert the other nerfs they made along the way. It's happened before. It will probably happen again.

Edited by draxynnic.3719
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