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I really want to like this game but it is terrible for new players...

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20 hours ago, Futeko.9405 said:

You need to spam that key. Imagine you're pulling on the chain each time you hit that key - it's what's actually happening: each key press is CC damage.

Hold the key down and it'll automatically do it.

20 hours ago, Futeko.9405 said:

When the CC bar breaks, shoot the boss with the tank (spam 1). Make sure you have full ammo before the burn phase so you don't run out. You might need 2-3 phases to bring the boss down.

If you buff the tank (might+fury+quickness; everyone can do quickness with the tonic) before breaking it, you'll likely kill it in 1 round. Immediately fire the gun (hold 1) after breaking it, then switch to grenades when it lowers its head. Range it between portals for a bit of extra damage if needed.

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I felt the same way when I started playing this game, I died so many times I rage quitted a few times then I went to YouTube and started watching how each thing was done before I spent hours and days trying to figure it out on my own and man that really is the way to go. So many things that seemed so hard but really are not once you understand how to kill them. Now I have soloed all that stuff numerous times on different character's it's pretty easy now. So, I suggest try something one time if you want but if you fail and it is hard to you just YouTube whatever you are doing and watch how it is done then do it.  I recommend watching videos done by AyinMaiden she has videos covering pretty much everything in game and hers are easy to understand unlike some.

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i'm going to give you the best bit of advice you'll ever receive..join a guild. it not only makes everything alot easier when you're doing your personal story, but also open world meta events, expansion hero and mastery points, and allows you to transition into instanced content like dungeons and fractals much more easily.


i feel like the game isn't called guild wars for no reason,..even though some players will argue its just a lore piece.

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It sounds like a bad mix of slotting the wrong stuff, perhaps gear, perhaps also personal skill or understanding what the situation asks of you. Add a generally lacking system of conveying clear information on objectives and clear guidance towards them, by ANet... And I suspect you get the situation you're describing.

You can try to change what you can though, which should account for about 70-80% of the issue you're having. Builds are easy to find, so are other resources including full walk through guides on YouTube and on the Wiki.

As for bringing others in your Story instance to help, it generally makes things extremely easy but there are certain points where it's clear a 2nd(Or more) player wasn't something ANet planned for, too well.

Edited by Kunavi.2407
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Don't get frustrated, try to understand it's mechanics or watch some youtube videos on how to deal with it. After Ls2 is where the game really shines in terms of story questline and map depth, you won't regret it.

You should try on pvp golems the specializations of your class (there you can try every spec if you have unlocked the expansions without the need of unlocking it with hero points) and aim for a balanced build with some defense, carrion exotic gear with the addition of proper cheap runes will make things easier.

Which class are you playing? so we can help with this

Edited by Sifolstour.3210
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