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Can anyone provide me a good reason why Hundred Blades shouldn't do the same damage as Whirling Axes (PvP/WvW)?


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@Cal Cohen.2358, as the title says.

The Warrior community knows that Hundred Blades is in desperate need of updates. It occurred to me, why should Hundred Blades do less damage than Whirling Axes in PvP/WvW?

Yes, Whirling Axes is on a longer cooldown. However, not only can you move while using the skill, it actually increases your movespeed. Additionally, it has more strikes (better adrenaline gain) and can hit up to 5 targets. Those benefits alone are massive and justify the longer coodlown.

Hundred Blades requires your target to be stationary for over 3 seconds (without quickness) in order for the skill to land! In a game like 2024 GW2 with tons of stuns breaks, teleports, and movement, there needs to be a substantial pay-off for landing it.

So why should Hundred Blades do so much less damage than Whirling Axes? Whirling Axes has all the aforementioned benefits, yet is far from a broken skill.

Hundred Blades needs either its cast time reduced to about 2.75s or its power coefficients increased so that it does similar damage to Whirling Axes (PvP/WvW).

As a side note, Hundred Blades also needs buffs for PvE, but it probably shouldn't do as much damage as Whirling Axes in that game mode.

I don't think you should fear buffing Hundred Blades. Most classes have more than enough stunbreaking to never be hit by it if they play well. At least let Warriors have a decent pay-off if we are able to land it. You could even move it to the 4th spot and put it on a 15s cooldown or so if you are worried it would be OP.

Please give this considerstion. We have been begging for meaningful updates to Hundred Blades for years. After so many recent nerfs, this would be a much needed olive branch to the Warrior community.

Thank you for reading.

Edited by Grith.9534
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45 minutes ago, Grith.9534 said:

So why should Hundred Blades do so much less damage than Whirling Axes

I add a little bit of salt to that.

Hundred blades takes 3.5 sec to fully cast, in the same time greatsword can preform 7 autoattacks.
In PvP 7 Autoattacks, on average do around 7-10% more damage than fully cast HB. And thats AFTER March 19th buffs to HB damage.

Hundred blades STILL does less damage than autoattack chain in the same timeframe, with and withaout quickness, and only since March that compairson is even close.
Not to mention, becouse of the last hit holding the brunt of its damage, HB's damage output is very backloaded, meaning - more likely to miss its largest chunk of damage, in compairson to Autoattack where largest hits are 3rd and 6th in this compairson.

Only advantge HB has over the damned GS autos is no. of hits, meaning blindnes/aegis comming at the start/ in the middle of your attack will eat less damage.
But considering the amount of classes that can blind you/aegis themselves on demand while CC'd is rather small this is a niche advantage, that is nowere near compensating for lack of movement.

[Hundred Blades] remaining a self-rooting mele range skill with no defensive portion, that does less dmg than greatsword auto chain, while Guardian's [Zealot's Defense] - a ranged skill that blocks projectiles from front, and does its fair chunk of damage in half a second, had its self-root removed in the same bloody patch that failed to make [Hundred Blades] deal same damage as auto chain, is the prime reason why many of the warrior mains are convincer devs genuenly hate warrior with burning passion for some bloody reason.

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53 minutes ago, Captain Crapface.7528 said:

Hundred blades takes 3.5 sec to fully cast, in the same time greatsword can preform 7 autoattacks.
In PvP 7 Autoattacks, on average do around 7-10% more damage than fully cast HB. And thats AFTER March 19th buffs to HB damage.

I don't think it's quite that bad.

From my testing, it takes about 2.4 seconds to complete the GS auto-attack chain. In that time, 100B will do roughly 7 hits. 

In WvW, thats 7 x 0.35 = 2.45 power coefficient

The GS auto-attack has a 1.943 power coefficient.

So, even without the last hit or quickness, 100B is about a 26% DPS increase over auto-attacking.

Obviously, quickness amplifies this difference because Hundred Blades has no aftercast between strikes.

Even still, I think we agree that the pay-off for landing Hundred Blades needs to be significantly increased.

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3 hours ago, Captain Crapface.7528 said:

# f-ing what?
how do 3 autos with cast times of 0.5 sec each gave you 2.4 seconds?


It's 2.4s for the whole chain, aftercasts on each strike, with a longer aftercast on the last strike. Roughly 1.9 total coefficient delivered in that time.

You'll do about 1.5 chains in the span of 1 hundred blades channel, for about 2.3 or 2.9 coefficient delivered depending on if the second hit in the second chain connects in that time. The first 8 hits of WvW 100B is a 2.8 modifier total, 3.2 in PvP. 

Of course, I haven't taken into account any aftercasts on 100B. Generally speaking you need the eighth strike and all ones prior to connect to break even versus AA hits, and even then those don't even all hit. The ninth and final strike is too back loaded honestly, they need to revert that nerf.

Edited by Lan Deathrider.5910
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7 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:


It's 2.4s for the whole chain, aftercasts on each strike, with a longer aftercast on the last strike. Roughly 1.9 total coefficient delivered in that time.

You'll do about 1.5 chains in the span of 1 hundred blades channel, for about 2.3 or 2.9 coefficient delivered depending on if the second hit in the second chain connects in that time. The first 8 hits of WvW 100B is a 2.8 modifier total, 3.2 in PvP. 

Of course, I haven't taken into account any aftercasts on 100B. Generally speaking you need the eighth strike and all ones prior to connect to break even versus AA hits, and even then those don't even all hit. The ninth and final strike is too back loaded honestly, they need to revert that nerf.

Lan is right, aftercasts are the bane of most Warrior weapons in general.

Try playing dual swords and look for aftercast issues, you'll never be able to unsee it again.

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