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Are Achievements from Living World of previous years unavailable to new players?

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Things like the Southsun Cove achievements (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Secret_of_Southsun) seem to not unlock for me.If they don't, why are things like the Diving Goggles (which only serve an achievement that fails to unlock) still there on the map? And why are these achievements disabled in the first place, seems unnecessary unfair to newer players?

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The crab toss is still available, fromout Lion's Arch on some days. We did also get some AP rewarded (I believe) from just accepting living world 1 story and while its not live no more you can still read through it and get its rewards (ap and mastery point, cant check as not in game atm and I can't remember fully). I am a new player too but its no point to delete this from world. The game has a lot of repeatable activities granting AP (atm dailies and wintersday event), so anyone that played earlier than you had an advantage on AP just coz of their play time.

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