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Changing earrings etc


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Better click on slot while you re on equipment tab, and then all available gear will show up on left.Don't right click on item cause you may swap it with the same one. Drag and drop may miss the spot and ask you if you want to destroy it.So better just click on slots one by one and select the specific gear from gear list on left side. It will show up only specific items ex for rings only rings, weapons only weapons etc.

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@Khisanth.2948 said:Sounds like you are trying to equip things while in the wardrobe ...

That's solved it - on the Hero menu I needed to select the 'Equipment' list rather than the 'Wardrobe' list.

I've been playing computer games for over 30 years, but the complexities of the GW2 interface and its capacity to make me look a flipping idiot (or abandon the game) never ceases to frustrate me.

Thanks for the advice, at least this forum is functional!

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