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When you put something on the AH, is it Last In; First Out or First In; First Out?

Put another way, if I sell something for 28c and you come along and sell something and there are now 2 things for 28c for sale, and someone comes along and buys one of the things for 28c, does mine sell, or does yours sell?

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Now, in the scenario described by the OP, what happens when I put up additional sell listings for the same price while some of my old listings are still up? Does it automatically add those to my original listing, effectively "skipping the queue" (there used to be an option for that a few years back which got lost in one of the TP renovations) or does it create a new listing, preserving strict FiFo ordering?

As an example, I put up 2 items for 28c, then someone puts up another 3 items for the same price, then I put up 3 more items for that price. Then someone buys 5 of the listed items. Do they buy all 5 of mine, or do they buy 2 from me and the 3 from the other person?

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You will not skip the queue. Orders will be strictly executed in the order they were placed by all players. You will see this in the transaction log after all were processed successfully. In your example, they buy 2 from you and 3 from the other player. If they buy 6 in one order transaction, they will buy 2 from you, 3 from the other person and again 1 from you, which will show up as 2 transactions in your transaction log: one with 2 and one with 1.

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